
The Celestial Professor, Ch02: Classes Begin

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Beans, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore, Priapus, Malcolm Tent, Old man of the mountain

The Celestial Professor

Chapter 02: Classes Begin

– Nymphadora Tonks –

Professor Tonks.

Merlin, that sounded weird. She still wasn't even remotely used to being a figure of 'authority'; her usual interactions with professors involved getting detention for impersonating people and causing a bit of a scene.

When she'd joined the Order of the Phoenix, she'd figured it would be more fighting bad guys and less paperwork, but still, she had missed Hogwarts, and it was good to be back. It was weird to be a co-worker to the likes of McGonagall, Flitwick, and Dumbledore himself, who had insisted that she call him Albus since they were now colleagues. 

Still, if it stopped Fudge from sticking that toad of a woman, Umbridge, in the position, she'd take it, even with the paperwork. She'd only met Umbridge once, and that was one too many times for her tastes. 

Heading towards the small house on the edge of the grounds, she gave the older man currently feeding a Kneazle a grin and a wave as she strolled towards him.

"Heya. Robin, right?" Nym asked, making him straighten up as he levitated the food into several bowls—a group of kneazles scattering out towards their bowl. 

"That's right. I don't believe we've met, but you're Nymphadora, our new Defence against the Dark Arts professor, correct?" Robin said, making her scowl briefly at the mention of her first name, her hair flashing red as his eyebrow rose. Well, she'd started it by calling him by his first name.

"It's just Nym or Tonks," Nym explained, giving him a grin. "And yeah, that's me."

"I thought so; you certainly match Professor McGonagall's description, which is almost surprising for a Metamorphamagus. Is there something I can do for you?" Robin asked, making her briefly wonder what McGonagall had told him.

"Yes, actually. I was hoping to get your help with something," Nym admitted, making him tilt his head slightly, pausing to separate a pair of kneazles that were fighting since one larger one had tried to muscle its way into the other's food bowl. "You used to be a Hitwizard, right?"

"For a time, after I graduated. I was an Auror right out of Hogwarts, then a Hitwizard a couple of years later," Robin agreed, scolding the larger kneazle and separating it from the herd. "You're an Auror, right?"

"Yup, technically on 'administrative leave' for the year," Nym agreed. She'd heard of Robin, and he'd left law enforcement well over a decade before she joined the force. "See, I'm starting a duelling club for this upcoming year, given everything that's happening, and I've heard stories about you that say you're extremely talented at handling your wand," Nym teased, wiggling her eyebrows as he rolled his eyes slightly at her suggestive tone. "I was hoping that you'd be up for helping me out since Professor Flitwick is too busy, and the only other real choice is Professor Snape," Nym admitted, a slight frown on her lips. 

Professor Flitwick was a former duelling champion, but he was fairly busy this year, and Snape was… Snape. She didn't doubt that the gloomy bat had the skills, but the idea of spending more time with him was not something she looked forward to. She still held a grudge over the entirely unfair points he'd taken from her in her student days.

"Ah, I haven't had a chance to talk to him, but I take it that Severus hasn't… lightened up?" Robin asked tactfully, making her snort.

"You know him?" Nym asked, making Robin shrug.

"Somewhat. I was the fifth-year Prefect for my house when he started his first year, and then Head Boy when he was in his third year. I was forced to separate him and the 'Marauders' more times than I care to admit. I wasn't even in the same house as them, but it was still a weekly occurrence from my fifth year until I graduated," Robin admitted with a sigh as she laughed. She'd had to deal with Snape being the menacing assholish potions professor, but for Robin, he was just that annoying firstie who kept getting into trouble.

"Wait, what house were you in?" Nym asked, making him blink.

"Hufflepuff, of course," Robin said proudly, making her beam, noticing that he had a scarf on under the heavy-looking coat he was wearing. A yellow and black scarf. 

"Eyyy, Puffs for life," Nym cheered, making him chuckle.

"Not quite how I would have put it, but you aren't wrong," Robin agreed with a slight grin. "As for your request, well, it wouldn't do to leave my fellow puff stuck dealing with Severus, would it?"

She flashed him a grin as she eyed him with a discerning look. She'd heard he was one hell of a duelist, but maybe she should find out just how good he really was? 

"Care for a friendly duel? You've been out playing with animals for the past decade, after all. Figure you could use a chance to shake the rust off," Nym teased, flipping her wand with a challenging look as Robin chuckled.

She froze, seeing the unfriendly look from the giant Graphorn that had risen when she pointed her wand towards Robin, looking very much like it was considering goring her.

"Theseus, relax," Robin scolded as it started to approach, patting its side with a fond look. "Sorry, he's always been a bit protective of me."

The look in Theseus' eyes told her that that was an understatement, but with Robin soothing him, Theseus laid back down, grunting once. 

"As for your offer? Well, I don't think I need to shake the rust off, but I'd be happy to show you that those stories were true," Robin agreed, flicking his wrist as his wand appeared in his hand, a challenging smile on his lips. She was pretty sure he had the same holster that she did. 

Moving away from the animals, she stood opposite Robin and watched as he fell into a professional stance, a smile on his lips as he waited for her to make the first move.

"Whenever you're ready. Alastor says you're talented, and it takes a lot to impress that old goat," Robin said, making her pause.

"You know Mad-Eye?" Nym asked, going over her spells and the best way to start this.

"He was a few years ahead of me when I joined the force; we worked together a few times. We're on good enough terms, or as good as you can be with Moody," Robin snorted, making her giggle slightly. Yeah, that sounded about right. She liked the paranoid old man, but he wasn't exactly someone you could be friends with. "But you're delaying. Take your first move, Miss Tonks, or I will."

"Heh, Fair en- Confringo!" Nym started trying to catch him off guard, but it only made him smile as he swished his wand. A brilliant blue crystal formed around him, translucent enough for her to still be able to see him as her spell harmlessly splashed against it.

What kind of shield spell was that supposed to be?

The crystal shattered, his second spell already flying from his wand, aimed at the ground to her left. She was pretty sure that it was just a Petrificus Totalus, so she stepped to the right and tried to cast a second spell. Tried, because when his spell struck the ground, it exploded into a white pulse of light, engulfing her as she felt her body lock up, a smug grin on his lips as she fell to the ground, looking up at the sky.

What the fuck was that? The Body-Bind spell didn't explode like that.

"Finite Incantatum," Robin said, her body returning to her as he smiled down at her, offering her a hand up.

"How- what was that?" Nym asked, embarrassed at how fast she'd been put down. "Petrificus Totalus doesn't do that."

"I've learnt some tricks over the years," Robin admitted, turning his wand towards the treeline. "Stupefy."

The spell flew forward and struck a tree, once again exploding into a large pulse of red light.

"One of which is how to… overcharge simpler spells, altering their effect slightly," Robin explained, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Petrificus Totalus."

Her body locked up again as his hand let off a small pulse of light, freezing her up. Before she could fall, he caught her and undid the spell. 

"You did that wandlessly," Nym breathed, looking at him in a new light.

"Hah, it's not as impressive as it sounds. I can cast basically any simpler spell wandlessly, but at the price of reducing its range to whatever I happen to be touching," Robin explained, giving her a small smile. Not impressive, her backside.

"Why the hell aren't you teaching Defence?" Nym asked, making him chuckle. "You could teach me, let alone the students."

"Defence is my gift, but Magizoology is my passion," Robin explained with a calm look. "I take it you are convinced that my skills haven't become rusty over the years?"

"Wait, let's go again," Nym said, making him chuckle again. Her wounded pride needed her to at least cast more than a single fucking spell. 

"As you wish," Robin agreed, moving away as he once again waited for her to start.

She didn't hold back, starting with a borderline dark cutting curse, an old Black special her mom had taught her when she'd decided to become an Auror. Once again, that crystal shield formed around him, but she was ready this time, sending a shield-piercing spell Mad-Eye had taught her flying right after it.

Both spells splashed against the crystal shield, with no real effect beyond Robin smiling.

"Ah, Mad-Eye taught you that one?" Robin asked, watching several more spells hit his shield. "Sorry, Nayru's Love isn't so easily broken."

As the crystal shattered, Robin was already casting his next spell, but he had a new trick up his sleeves as she watched the spell come from three metres to his left, not leaving his wand.

She didn't let it surprise her this time, throwing up a shield as it struck to her right, correctly predicting that this one was going to explode as well. Expulso, if she guessed right.

She tried more powerful spells, but each attempt met that same shield, and Robin only responded with the simplest spells, things she'd learnt by third year, but he was a true master of the simple spell.

They came from weird directions, changed directions mid-flight, blew up on impact. What eventually got her was a special kind of bullshit as he cast a simple stunning spell... and it appeared behind her, hitting her in the back of the head.

Waking up again, she looked at Robin with a mixture of awe and well-hidden concern as he helped her up. She knew that the Minister had sent Robin to keep an eye on Dumbledore, and the idea of Robin being on the other side was terrifying. 

"Why did you stop being a Hit-Wizard again?" Nym asked, making him chuckle.

"After Voldemort fell and his followers were rounded up, my father wanted my help on an expedition, so I took a break. After the expedition was done, I found that I liked the adventure more than dealing with criminals and decided to keep travelling alone," Robin explained, and she barely managed to suppress her wince at Robin casually using You-Know-Who's name. "Then I never stopped until Cornelius tracked me down and asked me to spend a year here."

"Nice, you must have seen a lot if you've been travelling the world for what, well over a decade?" Nym asked, making him nod.

"More than you could imagine," Robin teased. "I've found that too many of us Brits are satisfied never seeing anywhere more foreign than Wales."

Nym snorted but didn't disagree. 

"Is that where you learnt that bullshit shield spell?" Nym asked, making him smile mysteriously. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Nayru's Love is a special shield; there isn't much that can break it," Robin agreed, noticeably not answering her question. "I take it that I'm a worthy assistant to your duelling club?"

"Heh, that's one word for it," Nym agreed. Dumbledore feared that Malfoy was manipulating Fudge to sabotage Defence and make them weaker for when You-Know-Who came out of hiding, but Robin didn't seem to have any issue with a duelling club. "I don't suppose you could teach me it?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure I actually could. It's not exactly a normal spell, but I'll think about it," Robin said after a moment of thought, making her blink. What was that supposed to mean? "Will that be all, or would you like to lose a third duel?" Robin asked, his lips twitching slightly as he teased her.

Ooh, it was on.

– Robin Scamander – Later –

100cp granted, 100cp total

Feats Achieved: Impress Nymphadora Tonks (100cp), Defeat Nymphadora Tonks five times (150cp), Really Impress Nymphadora Tonks (100cp), Become Nymphadora's Teaching Assistant (100cp). 450cp granted, 550cp total.

"You know, I don't think I'd have minded getting my ass kicked if you ever used anything that a fourth-year wouldn't have known," Nym admits, munching on the pancakes as we sit in my living room.

"I'm a firm believer in keeping things simple," I admit with a shrug. "Why use fancy, often difficult to cast or control, spells when I can get the same result with something I learnt in second year? All those fancy tricks I do only work with simpler spells."

"It's nice to know you have some limits," Nym teases. "But damn, these are some good pancakes."

She's not wrong; they are very good pancakes. I'm pretty sure my house is spitting on Gamp's Law, but ah, well. It's worth a little rule-breaking for good pancakes.

The golden shimmers from [Tarnished] hover around Nym as she eats, making me smile softly. I was originally planning on turning her offer down, but the guidance of Grace claims that she's part of a path to acquiring great power. [Modern Day Kheiron] also claims she's got great potential, and she is a damn good duelist, but I'm just better.

With Nayru's Love and [Cantrip Master], she had no real chance to beat me so early. Maybe once she's gotten used to my tricks, but I'm unlike anyone she'd ever fought.

[Harry Potter: Crumple-Horned Snorkack] 50cp

An elusive magical creature that definitely exists. After all, you have one.

...Okay, I have been a Magizoologist for well over a decade, and I know Snorkacks aren't real. Right? Yes, I read the Quibbler because I find that Xenophilius Lovegood's nonsense is funny, but I'm sure Crumple-Horned Snorkacks aren't real creatures.


Purchased [Crumple-Horned Snorkack], 500cp remaining.

"What on earth is that?" Nym asks as a strange bellow fills the room; a bright purple creature sits on my desk with two crumpled horns, one small and another much larger. Four-legged, with a long purple tail and a pair of golden eyes that stare at me.

"Would you believe that I genuinely don't know?" I try, moving forward and picking the dog-sized creature. "I found it in Sweden, and it's entirely harmless… but I think I may have discovered it."

It makes another happy bellow as I stroke it. Okay, maybe they exist, but in other worlds? I think if I showed this to Dad, he might just have a heart attack and die because he's been very insistent that Lovegood has just been making creatures up.

Yes, Dad also searched for the Crumple-Horned Snorkack before concluding that Xenophilius was just mad. That's one winter I'll never be getting back. The Snorkack purrs happily, but I just stare at it. You shouldn't exist, you cute little bastard.

[Bump In The Night] - 400cp

I don't care what the others say; you are a pretty good teacher! Whether you follow a more traditional style, Headmaster Bump, or prefer the unorthodox apprenticing style of the Owl Lady, you excel at imparting wisdom onto your pupils. Under your tutelage, your students will quickly grow from novices to experts, reaching their peak several times faster than they would otherwise. You can empathise with your students, understand their strengths and shortcomings, and adjust your lessons to best fit each mentee. Shape the minds of the next generation!

Hmm, that is rather expensive, is it not? Double the price of [Modern Day Kheiron]. And yet, I do believe it will be worth it. I suspect that successfully teaching my charges will also count as 'Feats', so it might just pay for itself.

Purchased [Bump In The Night], 100cp remaining.

Costly but certainly worth it as new teaching methods flood my mind. I think with this, I might just be able to teach people Nayru's Love and my Cantrip Master tricks, but I also need to be cautious about who I entrust with such skills. They're what set me apart from other people, after all. If I pass them around, then I'll be less powerful as a result as more people learn how to deal with the tricks I have up my sleeve.

As for Nym's duelling club? I know Cornelius is worried that Dumbledore is plotting against him and wants to hinder the growth of the students, but I can handle him. I can easily convince him that I'll be able to keep a closer eye on the club by agreeing to be Nym's assistant.

I know Cornelius enough to know this wasn't his idea, and I do believe that Malfoy is spewing venom into his ear, along with the clinking of galleons. So, why does Malfoy want to stop students, including his own daughter, from learning Defence against the Dark Arts?

Malfoy was allegedly under the Imperius curse during the First War against Voldemort, but I know that a lot of people suspect that he bribed his way out of trouble. If he's trying to sabotage Defence, then maybe Dumbledore's claims of Voldemort's return aren't as fraudulent as Cornelius thinks.

[Crystalline] - 200cp, 100cp required

You are able to create and project crystalline objects from your hands. This is limited to simple objects, but you could make a crystalline weapon, a shield, or a wall. You can control the hardness of these crystals, from relatively fragile to hard as solid stone, and potentially could learn to make them even as hard as diamond, though that is beyond you at this point. It is easiest to create objects directly in your hands, but you can create them at a range, even across a large room. You can make these crystals fast enough to encase multiple people who are surprised and unaware of your presence, though encasing someone actively dodging would be difficult for you.

I can't afford it, but my power allows me to lock it in for later. I know I'm walking a dangerous path because there is a limit to what I can handwave away, as 'something I learnt during my travels' and manifesting crystals out of thin air is pushing that boundary. 

The Snorkack bellows again as Nym giggles, stroking its thick purple fur, and I sigh to myself and run a hand through my hair. I suppose I'm already past that point, aren't I? I'm calling on divinity to shield me, and every time I use Nayru's Love, I feel the warmth of Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom in a world far from here, enveloping me.

Our conversation moves on to the coming year, our plans for our classes, and issues that come with us both being first-time teachers, given very little time to prepare for the year. With [Modern Day Kheiron] and [Bump In The Night], I'm far better prepared, and I share some of that wisdom with Nym, who is more nervous about being a teacher than she is willing to admit, making her smile in gratitude for me taking the time to give her some guidance.

Feat Achieved: Become Nymphadora Tonk's Crush (fuck you, Lupin), 100cp granted. 100cp spent to unlock [Crystalline]. 0cp remaining.

Becoming a crush counts as a feat? What a strange system my power uses. I do catch Nym's hair flashing pink as we say our goodbyes, her version of blushing, but Lupin?

Remus Lupin had been in the same year as Severus, but I barely know the man. He was the quiet one of his group who never needed to be sent to detention, and as such, I never needed to deal with him. It was Black, Potter and Snape who I was forced to deal with on a constant basis.

Who was the last member of their group again? I genuinely can't recall. The one that Black killed, P… P… Philip? No, that's not right. The boy was so mousey that I don't think I ever heard him speak; he was always hiding behind Potter and Black. 

Humming to myself, I pause as I look at the purple slap to the face of Magizoology as the Snorkack chews on the leg of my dining room table. What are you? I have lessons to plan, but this takes priority. 

– Later –

Care of Magical Creatures being an elective means I don't have as many lessons to teach as the core professors, which I do appreciate. My class size is smaller than usual, and I don't have to deal with first or second years. 

My first lessons went by easily enough, mostly catching up and going over some revision to see how much my students already know. The answer? Frankly, not enough, and I managed to hide my annoyance at Hagrid, but my new powers have made me a very good teacher, and I think I even managed to teach Hagrid some things as I taught my sixth-years. Theseus was happy to serve as an educational tool, and nothing says 'I know what I'm talking about' more than having a XXXX-class creature taking a nap behind me as I teach. 

The first issue came after I finished teaching my fourth years at the end of the day. They're a nice bunch, even if Colin Creevey looked like he was going to pass out when Theseus sniffed him. Theseus was just curious about Colin's camera.

Ginny Weasley got several points for bravery, volunteering to polish Theseus' horns during my lecture on Graphorns. Theseus is no threat to anyone, but he's still a very large and intimidating creature, so it's a good test to see how frightened they are of magical creatures. Something tells me that Hagrid's unique teaching style really hasn't helped.

I have grown to like the man and his enthusiasm, but he clearly doesn't respect magical creatures and the danger they pose. What is safe for him as a fully grown half-giant is very much less so for a thirteen-year-old student.

As the class heads off for whatever they have to do after classes finish, I get back to my work on trying to work out what on earth a Snorkack eats, as well as compiling my notes on the Tebo from my African adventures when a loud squealing noise makes both me and the Snorkack jump, the creature running and diving into the hay I have for some of the other creatures as I turn around and feel my heart drop.

The wide-eyed girl with light blonde hair stares at the hay in shock and awe, and I immediately place her as one of the better students from the fourth-year batch.

"Is there something I can do for you, Miss Lovegood? Class has finished," I say calmly, well aware of what is coming.

Her brain seems to have shut down as the Snorkack pokes her head out of the hay and cautiously looks around, leaving its hiding place as I soothe her, taking her into my arms. Snorkacks are rather easily frightened creatures, after all.

"That- Crumple- Snorkack!" Luna helpfully explains, stuttering as I nod calmly.

"Ah, you're Xenophilius's daughter, aren't you? I did wonder from the name. Yes, this is indeed a Crumple-Horned Snorkack," I agree. "Or I suspect it is, at least. She's the only one of her species I've ever encountered, after all, and I have no better name for her kind."

Luna lets out the squeal again, making Theseus grumble in annoyance as his nap is interrupted, moving further into the forest to avoid the hyperactive girl as she rushes forward. 

"How- where- when- how-" Luna sputters, her mind stuck on repeat as I chuckle gently and lower the calmer Snorkack down now that she's convinced that Luna isn't a threat.

"You're repeating yourself, Miss Lovegood, but to answer your questions. I found her on an expedition to Scandinavia last spring," I explain softly. [Modern Day Kheiron] thinks this girl has the potential to be the greatest Magizoologist that the world has ever seen, and while I may have serious doubts about the validity of her father's magazine, even with living proof rubbing itself against my leg, it'd be wrong of me to not help that talent flourish.

"We were right!" Luna finally says, with a massive smile as she cautiously approaches the Snorkack, watching it carefully and seeing that I'm not trying to stop her. Snorkacks are pacifistic by nature, according to my studies, and as she places her hand on its fur, I can tell that she knows how to read a creature's intentions.

She was slow in approaching, holding her hand out a few inches away from the Snorkack at first, only getting closer after she had sniffed Luna's hand and not given any warning signs.

"Oh, Father will be so happy to hear that he was right, but we checked Scandinavia and didn't find anything," Luna says, stroking the Snorkack's fur in awe and joy.

"At the risk of sounding arrogant, I am the son of the greatest Magizoologist in the world. Your father is a very talented amateur, but he is still an amateur," I say as politely as I can. "Snorkacks put off a natural effect not unlike a muggle-repelling charm that works on muggles and magicals alike, making them extremely elusive to track or locate," I explain. It didn't take me long to realise that my Snorkack could seemingly go completely unnoticed when it wanted to. I can always sense it, thanks to our link, but other people have a harder time noticing it when it doesn't want to be seen.

Nym saw her because she was just as surprised as me to suddenly be in my home, but Luna only saw it because my Snorkack was feeling comfortable and had removed its effect while it was eating. For the record, they're herbivores with an appreciation of magical herbs.

"In truth, they are similar to Tebos in that regard. There's a reason it took us so many years to discover the Tebo. Not least of which is because they look almost identical to non-magical warthogs," I explain fondly, leaning down and joining Luna as I stroke the Snorkack's fur. I really need to come up with a name for her, but I don't think Aunt Queenie would appreciate me naming this thing after her as much as Uncle Theseus did.

Snorkacks aren't quite as powerful or majestic as Graphorns.

My eyes flicker over to where Theseus has gone back to sleep, lying on his back as one of his legs kicks in his sleep, knocking over a tree in the process. Okay, maybe Graphorns aren't that majestic, either. Or perhaps it's just Theseus? He's very domesticated at this point. Sometimes, I think he forgets he's a giant magical rhinoceros and not a dog.

Luna, predictably, has a million and one questions about Snorkacks, though she struggles to focus on me with a living, breathing Snorkack in front of her.

Feats Achieved: Become Luna's Favourite Teacher (100cp), Become Luna's Idol (100cp), Prove Luna Right (Epic Feat: 200cp). 400cp granted, 400cp total.

Well, My Snorkack has paid for itself eight times over.

[Hearth of Hestia] - 100cp

Often left in the dust by the more standout and prominent members of the Pantheon, Hestia is the goddess of home and hearth. She offers no great powers or powerful artefacts but only this simple hearth. When placed within a structure, all will feel a sense of ease and comfort, as though within a beloved home. It will also improve the quality and taste of all food prepared within the structure.

Hmm, well, it is no great power, but I do love my comfort. I already have the blessing of one Goddess, so why not add another to the mix?

Purchased [Hearth of Hestia], 300cp remaining.

[Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring] - 200cp

A blue ring that depicts an Everlasting Dragon, the symbol of the Vinheim school of magic. This is typically gifted to those who are deemed fit to undertake a journey of discovery and will greatly improve the potency of all spells the wearer would cast, nearly doubling their power. It is an essential tool in any sorcerer's kit, supplementing their hard-earned talents.

Taken immediately, without a moment of hesitation.

Purchased [Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring], 100cp remaining.

The silver ring with a blue crest carved into it appears on my finger, but the only person who could possibly notice is Luna, and her thoughts are very much elsewhere as I examine it; admiring the dragon engraving for a moment as I answer Luna's peppered questions.

[Astrologer] - 100cp

From divining the fate of things to come written in the heavens above to invoking and calling forth the glintstone that is the amber of the beings that dwell among the heavens, the work of an astrologer is the lifeblood of Raya Lucaria. You have sufficient training and knowledge to be deemed acceptable as a scholar at the academy - not that which is needed to be proficient in battle, but rather the theories underlying your magical practices and the nuances of spell formation. It was minds like yours that innovated the Shard Spiral spell in order to emulate a comet; even failures of your insight into the heavens can result in useful magical effects. You're also a very gifted teacher, capable even of teaching a loutish brute how to imbue magic in his weapons.

Sometimes, I do have to wonder if I am getting teaching-related perks more than anyone else would, because this makes my third. I don't understand a lot of what is explained. Raya Lucaria and Glintstone are mysteries to me but after a moment, I take the offered perk.

Purchased [Astrologer], 100cp remaining.

Luna's distraction is Merlin-sent as I freeze, years of memories flashing through my mind. I remember Raya Lucaria, spending my time studying there before the Shattering, studying under Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. I have never been to Liurnia or Lands Between, but I remember spending years there.

"Professor Scamander?" 

Glintstone Sorceries flash through my mind, from the Glintstone Pebble and Glintstone Stars to the Scholar's Armament and Shield; I am no true master, having avoided combat, but these foreign spells flood my mind. 

I knew my power was connected to another world, but for that power to simulate an entire life's worth of memories for a mere 100cp perk briefly scares me. I can only pray that these memories are simulated; could they be me from another reality? Did those decades I 'remember' really happen?

"Professor?" Luna shakes my arms, and I shake myself out of it as I give her a small smile.

"My apologies, Miss Lovegood. I had a… revelation, of sorts, and got distracted by my own thoughts," I say, giving her a soft smile. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have work to do."

"Will Snorkacks be part of the lessons?" Luna asks, looking disappointed as I shake my head.

"As a newly discovered species, no. I'm still learning about them myself, after all, then once I have finished my paper on them, it will need to be reviewed by my peers and the Ministry first,"

Luna looks down, clearly upset at the idea, before I make a decision.

"Perhaps you'd like to help me? We can learn more about her together. Are you interested in becoming a Magizoologist yourself when you graduate?" I ask, watching her eyes widen as she beams, confirming my suspicion.

She tells me that she plans to take over her father's paper and be a Magizoologist, and having her name on the paper I'll be submitting would be an amazing start to her career, something she clearly knows as she happily agrees. 

After some more cuddling with my Snorkack, she skips back to Hogwarts as I head inside and sit down with a heavy thud.

Feat Achieved: Become Luna's Mentor (100cp). 100cp granted, 100cp total.

[Blessing of Vesunna] - 200cp, 100cp required.

Good fortune, abundant fields, and general prosperity will attend your lands, people, and any group you may lead.

Vesunna, that's a Goddess I recognise. Celtic, if I recall correctly. Well, as I said, I have Nayru and Hestia's blessing, so I might as well add another to the collection. It's relatively cheap, after all, for a divine blessing at least. Nayru's Love was twice as expensive. 

Sitting in my house, I focus as I try to separate my two 'lives'. I've never been the best at Occlumency, but I might need to pick it up, and fast. Maybe I should look into buying a pensieve?

My head throbs with pain as the sudden rush of memories settles, making me take several deep breaths as I try to relax. This power has its downsides, but I can't say I don't enjoy all the knowledge that is flooding my mind.

I've always wanted to see everything, and now it's just becoming apparent that everything means a lot more than I ever realised. I've seen the world, but clearly I've only scratched the surface of the infinite multiverse. 

All that knowledge is just waiting to be claimed, spells and magical creatures to learn about, power just waiting for someone willing to grasp it.

And I've never been afraid of a little hard work.

— Bonus Scene — Rose Potter

She didn't want to admit it; it felt like a betrayal in some ways… but Professor Scamander was laughably better at teaching than Hagrid. It wasn't anything against Hagrid, of course, just a simple truth. 

Not that she thought Hagrid would disagree, given the way he listened to Professor Scamander's lectures as if he was one of the students, clearly enjoying his time as Professor Scamander's teaching assistant. She was glad to see that he was taking the loss of his job well.

As the new Professor continued his lecture on Knarls and how to differentiate between them and non-magical Hedgehogs, she watched him closely. Sirius thought he was a Ministry plant after Fudge had failed to get someone into the Defence position (Professor Tonks was a lot of fun), but he seemed to just genuinely love his subject. His passion equated to him being an amazing teacher, the lessons being far more engaging than most (and less likely to end in a visit to the hospital wing than Hagrid's). 

Still, her mind went back to the rumours about how good a duellist Scamander was. She'd already heard he was going to be helping Tonks with her duelling club, but she was running out of time. Every single year, something bad happened to her, and there was no way this year was going to be different. 

She needed to get stronger and fast. Hopefully, he was as good at teaching duelling and willing to help. If he really was a Ministry plant, with fucking Malfoy spewing his bullshit to Fudge, he'd not want to help her after all.

For now, she relaxed and joined the class in the lesson, grinning as she saw Hermione taking a million and one notes, enraptured by Professor Scamander's lecture.

Author’s Note: I saw the Crumple-Horned Snorkack in the Menagerie, and I knew what had to be done.

Priapus’ note: Apparently, all of the teaching powers on the Celestial Professor were rolled honestly. Wild.

Written: 22/07/2024


I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

Diamond: The Illusive Mage Ch08, The Supervillain Ch28, Guide to Conquest Ch09, The Cursed Ch05

Plat: Sorcerer's Legacy Ch09, The Planeswalker Ch09, The Nightmare Ch14

Gold: The Celestial Professor Ch03, The Game Master Ch08

Basic: The Celestial Remnant Ch08

Quest: The Celestial Roulette Ch22-26


Patreo n. com (slash) TheDarkWolfShiro 

Subscribe star. com (slash) the-dark-wolf-shiro

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn. 

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/DarkWolfShiro

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