
The High Roller, Ch05: The Merchant

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Beans, Priapus, Marethyu, Mike God of Lore Malcolm Tent, and Old man of the mountain

The Guild of Gamers: The High Roller

Chapter 05: The Merchant

– Alice Satsuki –

Walking into her boss's office, she gave him a proud smirk as he turned to her.

"Hey, boss. I have the grenade you wanted," Alice said, making him smile at her proudly.

"Right on time, I knew I could count on you, Alice," Sebastian said, gently taking the offered weapon. He didn't ask to make sure that it would do what he had asked. He knew she was good enough to be reliable.

They'd found a fun little exploit: When they used Replication, the clone had everything the original had, including items. As long as she made a single bomb, they could replicate to make more. For a consumable tinker like her, it was a massive power boost, even if she could only make a new clone once a day. She just had to kill the clone to make a new one.

Of course, she was also supplying Oni Lee, the mad suicide bomber himself, with her bombs now, so he could do the same. Oni Lee with her bombs and Replication? He'd gone from an annoying follower of Lung to a true monster. 

"It'll take out that annoying pale bastard; resetting won't save him," Alice promised, boasting about her bomb. Alabaster was in for a bad time, but he was a neo-nazi, so who gave a shit? "Anyone else you want me to make a bomb for? I can counter anyone with enough time."

She hated how eager to please she'd become, but Sebastian was amazing. The boons he gave her made such a massive difference. She needed more.

"One, actually. I imagine this will be a longer-term project, but I want a test run before we start working on anti-Endbringer weapons. I'd like you to make something capable of killing Crawler. Lisa has located the Nine and has been studying them, so work with her," Sebastian ordered, making her grin. "She can get you any parts you need from Toybox as well."

It was time for her true debut. No one would be able to say she wasn't an amazing Tinker when her creations had ended someone that powerful.

"I'm on it; I won't let you down," Alice promised, zeal in her tone as she started to plan how to kill someone seen as nearly unkillable. Some part of her wondered why he didn't want to target the Siberian first, but she knew that he knew more than he was telling, so she assumed he already had a plan.

"I know you won't; I wouldn't have recruited you if I didn't have faith in your abilities," Sebastian praised, making her preen and stick out her chest a bit. She blushed slightly at his proud look, something she'd never gotten from her father. It didn't matter, Sebastian had the faith in her that her family never had. "Now, I do believe it is time to deliver your gifts to the Empire. I do love making Kaiser's job harder."

She almost pitied the Empire for the fucking they were getting.


– Sebastian Fairfax –

Patting Alice on the head, she flushes but doesn't fight the treatment as I give her a proud look. She's just a little misguided, a good girl who just needed some positive reinforcement.

Of course, her power loving the upgrades and wanting more helps keep her under control.

"Good luck, Sebastian," Alice says, making me chuckle. She leaves, her hips swaying slightly. As she turns the corner, she spots me watching her backside, and her blush grows deeper. I do believe that girl has daddy issues, but I'm sure I can guide her to a more healthy place. 

Under me.

I gave Lisa Blank. It got downgraded slightly but it should still prevent Mr Slash from getting any hint that she's scrying and scheming against him. I do believe I'm going to commit gratuitous violence upon that utterly uncivilised man. 

[Replication Upgrade Quest] Complete

Objective: Have your clones win five battles without any direct input from you. (5/5)

Objective: Have your clones earn you one pull without any direct input from you. (1/1)

Reward: Replication Clone Limit Increased, Replication Cooldown Decreased

Feat Achieved: Defeat Crusader. One Roll Granted

Ah, I see my clone finished its task. Crusader's duplicates gave the Empire a little too much value, so I decided to remove them from the field for a while. I was considering just killing him, but crippling the Empire capes is effective for making Kaiser desperate. 

I want to see if I can push him into doing something stupid. 

[Replication] - Legendary

Three times per day, you can make a clone of yourself, which is mindless and entirely obedient to your will. These clones have your powers (though reduced in effectiveness), and you can never have more than ten at a time. You can control any clone mentally, becoming a hivemind. If you are killed, and a clone still exists, the clone will become the true you.

Doubling my Clone limit and increasing production to three a day will help me considerably, my new Mythical perk is certainly highly useful. 

Choosing my next power to upgrade, I take Injury Redistribution. I have plans for this one, after all.

[Injury Redistribution Upgrade Quest] 

Objective: Defeat five capes with Injury Redistribution. (0/5)

Objective: Save twenty-five lives with Injury Redistribution. (0/25)

Reward: Radius Increase, Redistribution Window Increased

The first upgrade is simple; I want to make the already considerable radius far larger. The second allows me to take damage that was done within the last hour instead of having to be there when the damage is done. 

It's a shame I didn't get this sooner because I actually defeated Crusader with this (or my clone did). I simply beat one of my clones to death while another absorbed the injuries. Once we had enough, my clone went to where Lisa had located Crusader and delivered the injuries to him.

Crusader went from perfect health to beaten half to death right in front of his men with no sign of any attack. He was on a PR patrol, Kaiser trying to show that he was still in control, and all their supporters watched Crusader just break. The panic was delicious.

Such is life; if you're a neo-nazi in my city.

As for why they didn't suspect me? I shaved the clone and put him in more modest clothes to attend the white supremacist rally. My look is iconic; my glorious facial hair and dapper clothes make me stand out. It makes it all the harder to notice that the bald, normally dressed man in the crowd is me.

Now, Alice worked very hard on this gift for Alabaster, so I should be a gentleman and deliver it to him post-haste. It'd just be rude to do any less.

But first… 

Rolling. Result: Uncommon Power

[Patrol] - Uncommon

You can create invisible spectres that travel a designated route. While they don't share senses with you, you have a sense of the things happening around them. While there are no limits on how many you can make, they only move as fast as a normal walking speed.

Ah, another gift for my beloved spymaster. 

– Max Anders (Kaiser) –

They were losing, a fact that enraged him more than he cared to admit.

Rune was still healing, though she was the least injured of their wounded capes. She should be able to rejoin the fight sometime in the next week or two. Victor was crippled, his hands and legs broken beyond repair. If he didn't get parahuman healing, he'd never walk or use his hands again.

Then Crusader had just collapsed, seemingly being beaten into a coma by an unseen force, right in front of their rally, no less. It had badly shaken their followers' faith in them; how could they protect their turf and supporters when their capes dropped like flies?

Now this? Looking over Alabaster, he couldn't even guess what was wrong as Alabaster's body twisted and writhed in agony, resetting only to continue all over again. 

Sebastian had just shown up at one of their hideouts, walked through the door and said (and this was a direct quote) 'think fast', before tossing a grenade at Alabaster.

Whatever he'd done, Alabaster's resetting wasn't helping get rid of it. This was parahuman, probably Tinker, bullshit. The idea of Sebastian having access to a bomb tinker was not encouraging.

That wasn't even mentioning the fact that he still had Allfather and Iron Rain's bodies; maybe they were alive and scheming against him as he sat trying to think of a way out of this.

He just didn't know, and he could only give so many speeches about how the Empire would triumph while they were getting beaten so badly. He needed his capes back at full health, but the Gesellschaft weren't willing to risk any of their healers after he'd lost Othala.

It looked increasingly like he needed to find a way to make Panacea heal them despite the risks. 

– Sebastian Fairfax –

Feats Achieved: Defeat Alabaster. One Roll Granted. 

Rolling. Result: Junk Consumable (1 Pity Point Added)

[Box of Donuts] - Junk Consumable

A large box with twelve donuts inside it, of a variety of flavours. Watch your waistline.

Ah, it's something for the girls. It refills every six hours, so I'll just leave it in the kitchen for them. Even Junk can be useful (and Conditioning keeps them in shape).

Come on, Kaiser, do something funny. He's such a boring man, so cautious. He's basically hidden in his tower since I showed up, barely coming out. It's like he suspects that I want to commit bodily harm upon him.

"You lying bastard," Ophelia shouts as she storms in, making me blink.

"Excuse me? I will have you know that I am a man of my word; I would never degrade myself by lying," I say, offended at the mere implication. 

"You crippled Victor, did you think I wouldn't find out? It's all over PHO!" Ophelia shouts, the rage of a teenage girl directed at me as I scoff. "You said-"

"I said I would not kill him, and he is alive. That was our deal, that he would live. I will not tolerate Kaiser having access to his pet skill thief, so I took him out of the equation. Had you not made that deal, I'd have snapped his neck and fed him to my pets," I say, making her pause. "Need I remind you that you are just as expendable? I keep you around because I find stealing Kaiser's capes entertaining, not because I need you."

Ophelia pales, my tone deadly serious as she stammers. 

"Now, apologise for your utterly baseless accusation, or is our deal no longer in effect? Should I pay Victor another visit?" I ask, making her stutter something.

"I- I'm sorry, I just panicked when I heard about his injuries," Ophelia finally says, quiet and defeated. "The pain my husband is in made me act irrationally."

"That's quite understandable, but Victor is simply too versatile for me to leave him unharmed," I say, giving her a small smile. "However, it simply won't do for a maid to speak to her master in such a way. I'm afraid you have to be disciplined."

She pales, gulping at my fair assessment.

"W-what do you mean?" Ophelia asks, making me smile kindly. I am not an unfair man, after all.

– Ophelia Herren (Othala) –

"F-fifteen!" Ophelia counted, her entire body jolting forwards as his hand came down on her exposed backside. Bent over his desk, she could only grit her teeth as she counted.

She missed one previously, having gotten to twenty-two of the thirty spanks she had earned, making him start again as her ass went red from the alternating spanks. 

Her short skirt was pulled up and over her backside, leaving her privates exposed to the bastard, not that he wasn't intimately familiar with them from his abuse of her clone.

Counting as he turned her buttocks bright red, she grit her teeth. The bastard who was spanking her like she was a child had crippled her husband. She could fix it, but only if she ever got out of this place.

"Twenty-five," Ophelia spat out, wincing at the soreness; five more to go. She needed to be more careful, Sebastian was polite, but he was still an unhinged villain through and through.

He acted like a gentleman, but he was a savage lunatic.

"Thirty," Ophelia gasped out, going to stand. Sebastian placed his hand on her back, pushing her back down as she paused before she froze. The sound of him unzipping his trousers made her heart pound. "W-wait."

"Why should I? Are you not my obedient maid?" Sebastian asked, his shaft slapping against her buttocks, resting between her cheeks. She went silent at his words; if she wasn't obedient, he'd kill Victor, but she didn't want to let him violate her.

"L-let me get Othala; she can do it," Ophelia tried, but he just shook his head.

"Not this time. You have been disciplined, but it's time for you to properly apologise for your terrible accusation," Sebastian said in a dark, smug tone.

Slapping his manhood against her ass, she panicked at her imminent defilement.

"T-then shouldn't I apologise with my mouth? I said such rude things; it is only proper that I use that same mouth to properly apologise to my master," Ophelia tried, making him pause. "Please, Sir, allow this disobedient maid to show you how sorry I am and how grateful I am that you spared my husband."

He removed his hand from her back, sitting down on the edge of the bed as she mentally apologised to Victor, falling to her knees. His hands gripped her hair as she was guided to his large cock, taking it between her lips as she got her first taste of his manhood.

Now, he'd had Othala and Ophelia on their knees for him, and her head started to bob as she tried to get this over with as soon as possible. Her tongue rubbed against his shaft, amateurishly, as she clearly didn't do this often for Victor. Her hand moved to his balls, fondling them gently as she stroked what she couldn't take into her mouth with her other hand. 

Sucking as she moved her head up and down, she looked up into his smug eyes as she apologised for her mistake. Despite her best efforts, this humiliation didn't end quickly as Sebastian proved to have good stamina, enjoying her service as the minutes went by. She tried disassociating, pretending that it was Victor who she was pleasuring, but to no avail. Her stinging ass reminded her of the truth of her situation. Her husband was crippled, and she was giving head to the man who did it. 

The taste of his pre-cum and the feeling of his balls churning told her what was coming, but she didn't pull back. She wanted this to be over and not to give him a reason to punish her again. Victor's climaxes were easily dealt with, but as Sebastian came into her mouth, her eyes widened at the volume. 

She tried to swallow what she could, Sebastian's hands on her head preventing her from pulling back as she took his entire load into her mouth. Some spilled out onto her chin as she swallowed the load, finally pulling back as he smiled.

"Smile, Ophelia," Sebastian ordered, snapping a picture of her. Was he planning on showing it to the Empire? She didn't smile, clearly unhappy with her situation, but Sebastian didn't seem to care. "That will be enough, for tonight at least. I have things to do, so you may leave."

For tonight. Sebastian returned to focusing on whatever he was doing as she slipped away, shame and worry flooding her. 

– Rachel Lindt (Bitch) –

Meeting her new boss, she gave him a look as she tried to work out how strong he was. She knew he'd killed Lung, so he was a big deal, and he was paying their bills, so after a moment, she relaxed. He looked a little weird, but whatever.

"What do you want?" Rachel asked, giving him a stare. 

"A hound master, for a start. Lisa tells me you are rather talented with dogs, Miss Lindt," Sebastian said, making her nod.

"Yeah, I am," Rachel replied bluntly, whistling once as her three dogs came to her side. Brutus and Judas both obediently came to her and waited; Angelica growled slightly at the new person. She was still training Angelica, so it wasn't surprising. "Why?"

He ignored her, kneeling down to look at Brutus. The Rottweiler looked at her but remained still as Sebastian examined him. Brutus was injured, missing an eye from his time in the fighting rings. As Sebastian reached out and tapped him on the head, she watched with shock as Brutus opened his right eye, the formerly ruined eye looking around in confusion.

"What did you do?" Rachel asked, frowning despite being happy to see Brutus healed.

"I simply granted this noble beast Conditioning, restoring his eye and healing his scars; I dislike seeing injured animals," Sebastian said, pausing as he touched Judas as well. 

As he reached for Angelica, her newest dog panicked and snapped, biting his hand as her eyes widened. Sebastian was the alpha; she didn't need Lisa's warning to know that. He was the big boss, paying the bills, and was strong enough to kill Lung.

Sebastian simply smiled, pulling his hand back. She hadn't missed that he'd given Angelica the same thing he did Brutus and Judas. 


"Oh, it's fine. No harm done," Sebastian said, showing his unharmed hand. "Angelica is your newest find, yes?" 

"Yeah, I haven't had her long. Took her from some abusive asshole," Rachel agreed, calming down. Angelica definitely bit into his hand, but she couldn't even see any blood. "Still training her, why?"

"I have something for you, Miss Lindt. I recently acquired a hound of my own, and I was curious to know if you could use your powers on him," Sebastian said.

"If it's a dog, I can," Rachel said confidently; if there was one thing she knew, it was dogs.

Or so she thought, watching as he clicked his fingers and a massive hound appeared next to him. Its fur was pitch-black, with glowing red eyes. 

"Can you empower him?" Sebastian asked, and despite having no idea what breed it was, she just nodded. She could feel it with her power; a dog was a dog. "Excellent; in that case, you may keep him. I want to see how well you can train and utilise him."

As she moved closer, the strange dog watched her with its ruby-red eyes. He was seemingly unconcerned about her approach, sitting and just watching. His fur was hot to the touch, but again, he was extremely calm for a dog.

"I'll take good care of him," Rachel promised, making Sebastian smile. "And thanks for helping them."

"I have faith that you will, and you are most welcome," Sebastian said, placing a hand on her head and gently rubbing her hair as she frowned. She wasn't a dog, but it did feel kind of nice. "I suggest you prepare yourself. I plan to commit grievous bodily harm on Hookwolf soon, and I intend for you to take all the dogs from his dog fights. It will be a lot of work."

"I can handle it," Rachel said immediately, eyes narrowing at the mention of Hookwolf. "...I don't have enough space for them all."

"That will not be an issue, Miss Lindt. Leave the logistical issues to me. You will simply need to focus on the training," Sebastian promised, making her smile slightly. The new boss was better than the old one, not that she had a clue who she used to work for.

"Okay," Rachel agreed simply; the boss said not to worry about it, so she wouldn't. Going back to examining her new dog, she opened his mouth, examining his vicious-looking fangs.

She didn't miss that the other three dogs were staying very far away from the newest member of her pack, but she wasn't surprised. He was bigger, tougher, and meaner-looking than any of them.

"I shall leave you to acclimate your newest pack member to his new life, but I will be in touch," Sebastian said, making her nod at him before going back to examining her newest dog. She'd need to think of a name for him.

The new boss was pretty decent.

– Sebastian Fairfax –

Rachel is a simple woman, and I can respect that. Soon, I'll have far too many dogs from Hookwolf's fighting rings, and she will make a fine Houndmaster. I plan to supply my agents with empowered dogs to act as a force multiplier, though convincing Rachel to part with them may be difficult.

Walking through the streets, I whistle to myself as I explore the city. More than a few people clearly recognise me, eliciting various reactions. People don't approach me, which is wise, given the circumstances.

Brockton Bay is such a fun place, you can just go for a simple walk and you'll meet someone interesting.

– Victoria Dallon (Glory Girl) –

Sebastian was one of the most sought-after people in the world after the bullshit he'd pulled off yesterday. Everyone thought he would be in hiding, but there he was.

Walking down the street, he looked up to where she was floating with idle curiosity at best. Not an ounce of concern as she glared down at the villain who had desecrated her aunt's grave. What the fuck was he planning on doing with Jess's body?

Flying down to block his path, she stared at him menacingly as her aura flared. She didn't miss that he was utterly unaffected, simply smiling.

"Ah, I wondered who would arrive first. Hello, Miss Dallon, lovely night, isn't it?" Sebastian asked, making her scoff.

"You were expecting company?" Vicky asked, getting a laugh in response.

"The Empire, the PRT, I knew someone would show up if I just took a nice public walk, but it seems like you beat them to it," Sebastian said, smiling. "And what can I do for you?"

"You're rather calm for a villain being confronted by a hero," Vicky pointed out, making him laugh.

"And why would I not be calm? You pose no threat to me," Sebastian said easily, her eyes narrowing. "In fact, this is a win-win scenario for me. If you attack, I win, and if you don't, I still win."

He was a cocky bastard, wasn't he?

"What did you do with Fleur?" Vicky demanded, not replying to his declaration. "Why did you take her?"

"Because I could, I haven't decided what I'm going to do with her yet," Sebastian admitted with no shame, her eyes narrowing to angry slits at the casual disregard this asshole had for common decency. 

Rushing forward, she grabbed the front of his shirt as he simply raised an eyebrow at her.

"Rather rude, we're just having a polite conversation," Sebastian said, making her scoff.

"You're a villain, one that's been causing sheer chaos since you showed up. I'm taking you in," Vicky declared; this asshole still had a pre-teen girl who'd been kidnapped from her family, and while she wouldn't mourn Lung, he was also pulling the strings for the Merchants and the new Night Parade.

"Hm, I'm going to refuse," Sebastian said, making her go to speak before she froze. Was that a grenade in his hands?

He pulled the pin with an uncaring smile, making her throw him away as he fucking exploded. When the blast cleared, he was utterly unharmed, making her eyes widen. Not taking a chance, she dove in and punched him in the jaw with a haymaker, sending him flying back.

Crashing into a wall, he landed on his feet with the same smile, not a single scratch on him. 

"Come on, surely you can hit harder than that, Glory Girl?" Sebastian said, holding out his hands. "Hit me as hard as you can!"

Growling, she dove in again, landing blow after blow on the smug villain. She could feel bones breaking as she pummelled him, but he seemed to heal immediately. He didn't even put up a fight, smiling calmly as she laid the beatdown on him.

"Is that all you can do?" Sebastian asked as she held him by his undamaged shirt. "I expected more from you; how disappointing. Don't worry, I still have a place in my world for you, despite your failure."

What the fuck was with this guy? He was completely unharmed, and she wasn't even trying to hold back. His world? What the fuck was he talking about?

"Do you want to see a magic trick?" Sebastian asked, making her frown in caution.

"No," Vicky replied, making him chuckle.

"Well, we don't always get what we want. So for my next trick, I'm going to make myself disappear," Sebastian said, making her blink before he exploded, making her shout in shock and horror as he erupted into gore, limbs flying away as blood soaked her.

What the fuck just happened?!

– Sebastian Fairfax –

Replication gives me the opportunity for a little fun. If I absorb a lot of damage and then inflict it all on myself at the same time, I can make myself just explode into gore. 

It's a nice little magic trick since I just possess a different Replication anyway. Not that the one that just blew up was my original body, just one of the clones I was using as a hivemind.

"Chance of Glory Girl gaining PTSD, 94.3%," Dinah helpfully says as I follow her character. She's rather good at these games, so I simply follow her lead. "Chance of her getting blamed by the PRT for 'killing' you if you lay low for a couple of days, 72.42%."

"Something to consider," I say, ruffling her hair as she grabs another donut. "Chance of you getting fat?"

"0.00%," Dinah says, kicking my leg. "I can't. Conditioning keeps me in good shape. Best power ever."

Even Conditioning must be struggling, given that she immediately claimed the magic donut box and has been eating from it ever since. It's a good job that she has [Steel Bladder] as well.

Feat Achieved: Traumatise Glory Girl (One Roll Granted)

Rolling. Result: Minor Curse (5 Pity Points Added)

[Curse of Honesty] - Minor Curse

You are incapable of telling outright lies.

Ah, maybe the founders do not approve of me traumatising attractive teenage girls. Oh well. As I told Ophelia, I am not a liar. I believe in brutal honesty, even when it hurts.

It is not my fault she somehow misunderstood my offer. If I wasn't going to hurt him, I would have said so. I was very clear in what I was offering, but she took it as something entirely different. How silly.

Shrugging mentally, I continue playing the fun shooting game. I'll be honest, I'm not very good, but it's fun all the same. 

"Boss, that's me you're shooting," Alice says with a sigh, making me blink. Oh, so it is. 

Ah, well.

– Emily Piggot – The Next Day –

Sebastian was in extremely high demand after his little scheme, dropping thirty resurrected people on their doorstep and then vanishing (only briefly returning to attack Alabaster in his war against the Empire).

The Chief Director was demanding they get his cooperation, no matter the cost, so when videos of Sebastian just blowing up into a fountain of gore surfaced, the world went into panic. All the people who wanted their loved ones back started screaming, demanding justice for the villain they had placed their hopes on.

She didn't like Glory Girl. The arrogant teenager was frequently more destructive than the villains she fought, reckless and insolent. If it wasn't for Brandish threatening to withhold Panacea's healing, Glory Girl would likely be in the same position as Shadow Stalker.

Still, the idea of arresting Glory Girl just to calm the ravenous horde didn't appeal to her either. Glory Girl certainly couldn't make people spontaneously explode; this screamed of Sebastian's madness. 

For once, she and Brandish were on the same page, fighting off the attempts to punish Glory Girl for something she hadn't done. Glory Girl herself was borderline traumatised from seeing someone just explode into a cloud of gore.

Of course, she was quickly proven correct in her suspicions. This would normally make her happy, but as she read the PHO post that Sebastian had just posted, she sat back in her chair with a heavy sigh.

God, she wished Glory Girl had caused this bastard to blow up and not be her problem anymore. 

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♦ Topic: Power Subscription Service

In: Boards ► Capes

LordFairfax (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Posted On Jan 12th 2011:

Hello, World!

I am Sebastian Fairfax, you may have heard of me from such deeds as bringing back the dead. Today, I am here to offer my services to the world at large.

Allow me to explain just how my powers work. I am The Trump; my power constantly develops new powers (without a three-power limit, unlike a certain poser), and one of those powers is to grant the other powers I have to other people.

This has been proven; one needs only look at the Merchants and the Hyakki Yagyō to see that. The Merchant capes were granted Replication, the power to create a perfect clone of yourself that obeys your every whim, and many of their members were granted both Conditioning (which ensures the body remains in peak condition) and Bullseye (turning its users into crackshots, borderline unable to miss with any ranged weapon).

Now, I am opening up my services to anyone and everyone who desires them. I have made a deal with the lovely Numberman and Toybox to set up this service, allowing anyone to discreetly purchase any power they desire from me.

I am not a biased man, I will sell to heroes, villains, rogues and civilians alike. As long as you can afford my prices, you are welcome regardless of what you plan to do with them.

My powers are sold on a subscription-based service, not a one-off payment and failed payments will cause them to be recalled. Of course, this means you can simply try out your new powers for a month before deciding whether they are worth it.

Discounts are available for group purchases, for organisations that love the sound of being able to mass-empower your followers.

If you are dying of some terrible disease, Conditioning can help you without the need to put on a spandex mask and run around fighting crime. Many of my powers have uses outside of this endless game of Cops and Robbers we capes are playing. After all, Replication simply gives you a second pair of hands.

My stock will constantly be improving, so check back often if you do not see something that tickles your fancy right away.

And it goes without saying that my resurrection services are also available through the same system. Prices will vary depending on the person you wish to have brought back, and I require at least 30% of the body to be intact for the resurrection to be successful.

In addition, I offer a Life Insurance policy. If you are on the policy and you die by any means, I will bring you back as long as at least 30% of your body is recoverable. There is a special offer for those taking part in Endbringer battles.

I look forward to doing business with you all in this new world where anyone can become a cape (for the right price).


Oh, and one free resurrection or permanent power of your choosing for anyone who kills Hookwolf; the Neo-Nazi has offended me by indulging in these horrible dogfights. I do hate it when cute animals get hurt.

If the mods take this thread down, I'm blacklisting the PRT from all future purchases.

(Showing page 1 of 547)

►Dodge (Toybox) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

You heard it here first, folks!

He's being entirely serious and has proven to Toybox that he can do exactly what he claims he's doing. We're basically his tech support at this point, but very well-paid tech support (with the best health plan any job can offer)

►TheNumberman (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

As always, any account or sale that goes through me will be kept to the highest confidentiality.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

He's with Cauldron! The power brokers are real!!!!!!

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Oh fuck, this is going to change everything.

►Citrine (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Lord Fairfax, you have my employer's interest.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Didn't you fucking explode? I saw the video, pretty sure your intestines were hanging off glory girl

►LordFairfax (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

And why would a small thing like that inconvenience me?

►L33T (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Wait, can Renewal really fix Tinkertech?!

►LordFairfax (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Of course, I would never do something as crass as false advertising.

►BigRig (Toybox) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

It can, basically all of Toybox bought that one. Let's just say we're all abusing the fuck out of our employee discount. Replication+Renewal, and you'll never need to spend a minute of maintenance time again.

Plus, having two sets of hands in the Workshop is a major efficiency increase

►Armsmaster (Protectorate: ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Moderators, do not delete this thread no matter how many rules are broken.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Damn, shit is gonna go wild, huh?

►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Oof, it sucks to be the PRT right now.

So many gangs are gonna buy Conditioning and Bullseye in bulk to make their gang members so much more effective, maybe even Replication to double their numbers for those that can afford it. The PRT will either fall behind or have to fork out the same money for every city just to have a chance to keep up.

►El Sueño (Santa Blanca) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

We will be in touch, Fairfax.

►L33T (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Shit, I need to make a lot of money real fast.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Not every day you get to see history in the making, Fairfax has just made the most profitable cape business in the world. Ooh, this could be fun.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Would Conditioning and Freed From Sustenance work on non-human creatures? 

►LordFairfax (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Of course, it has been tested on various animals but I do believe I know who you are. If I'm right, we can certainly test things before coming to a deal.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Oh wow, he has such fun powers on offer! I wonder if my uncle would be willing to lend me some pocket money!


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Ooh, this is going to change things.

And you say you'll sell to anyone? How intriguing.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 545, 546, 547

Skimming through the pages, she looked at the sheer amount of villains that had crawled out of the woodwork. The PRT had to play his game because if he empowered all these people then their downfall was inevitable. 

It had become the ultimate arms race, with only a single dealer.

— Bonus Scene — Lee Hiraoka (Oni Lee) –

The ABB had been thugs, untrained, and undisciplined. They'd relied on numbers and Lung to succeed, never becoming anything more than a minor gang protected by the Dragon.

Lung had liked it that way; he didn't want his men to be able to stand on their own. They might get ideas about standing up to him, after all. He was not truly the Dragon.

Watching those he had chosen go through the motions, he nodded. He'd once been a skilled martial artist since his mother insisted he learn to look after himself. He'd long abandoned it for the art of just blowing himself up, but with his mind clearer than ever, he had made his decision.

The dojo he'd claimed as his headquarters would train these undisciplined thugs; they would learn far more than just how to throw a punch here. The ones who proved themselves would be empowered by their Shogun.

Finding people to train his men hadn't been difficult; Sebastian ensured their loyalty. The talented sensei might not like working with criminals, but for his daughter's resurrection, he'd do anything.

Frowning under his mask, he clenched his fists. He had found his sister, searching for her with his mind cleared. He knew his parents had died shortly before he triggered, but he wasn't sure what had happened to her at first.

She was dead, by her own hands. Just one of the many girls who had chosen to end their lives in the ABB's brothels. He might have even glimpsed her when collecting Lung's cut. He didn't remember. If he had, he wouldn't have been able to recognise her.

With him gone, she'd been alone and defenceless; a beautiful teenage girl with no family living in ABB territory was their favourite prey. He did not ask Sebastian to resurrect her, even after having the Spymaster help him find her body for a proper burial. He did not deserve it, not yet.

When his sister lived again, she would return to a better world. 

But first, he had to help his lord build the foundations of that world, starting here. These men and women would one day be part of his elite forces, empowered and well-trained. 

The Hyakki Yagyō would hand Sebastian this city and so much more. He would be his lord's shadow, eliminating any who dared threaten his rise. 

Author’s Note:

Priapus’ note: There is no author’s note.

Marethyu’s Note: There is a Priapus’ note.

Beans’ Note: One of my brothers tells only lies, the other tells only the truth.

Malcolm’s note: There is no note, there is only Zuul.

Old man’s note: There is only an empty void awaiting us.

I forget to put a note and suddenly my betas are all comedians.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Feel free to check it out. I also set up a subscribesta r as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. 

The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a patreo n and on the site directly on subscribesta r due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, subscribesta r is the better choice.

Current Advance Chapters

Basic: The Cursed Ch02

Gold Tier: The Occult Ch06, The Guide to Necromancy Ch08

Platinum Tier: The Gambler Ch11, The Warlock Ch06, The Supervillain Ch25

Diamond Tier: The Paladin (One-Off Snippet), The Game Master Ch07, The Tamer Ch11


Patreo n. com (slash) TheDarkWolfShiro 

Subscribesta r. com (slash) the-dark-wolf-shiro

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn. 

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/DarkWolfShiro

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (DarkWolfShiro), and I’ll invite you myself.

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