
Dear Petyr

Riverrun, Riverlands, ninth moon of 281 AC

Benjen Stark POV

Benjen Stark considered himself a good person; his foster family and natural family taught him the way of the world and how to navigate it without becoming a monster. Lord Dovahkiin taught him about magic, swordplay, how to sail a ship, how to manage a coastal city, how to defend the said city against pirates and reavers, and so Manu more things. Benjen, in his not-so-humble opinion, was ready to lead, prepared to become a Lord, and that was the reason he would be competing in the Tournament at Harrenhal, to show he was ready.

Benjen and all Northern nobles attending the Tournament at Harrenhal stayed in Riverrun for two days, mainly for Brandon to get to know his future wife. Catelyn Tully, in Benjen's opinion, was a disaster waiting to happen; the woman was pious with that disgusting faith of hers; she held the Northern Lords in low regard, although she hid that very well; she also had a very obnoxious septa following her everywhere, the woman, unlike Lady Tully, didn't hide her dislike for Northern things, which was why Benjen was keeping Lord Dovahkiin as far away from the woman as possible. Ragnar's dislike for anything "of the seven" was known throughout the North; a dislike Bejen had accidentally adopted as well.

As he got ready to train with the sword once more, Benjen saw Edmure Tully, Brandon's new squire, enter the training yard, followed by a small boy, who didn't look very happy to be there. The Tully sisters were with them. The yard was full of people; all northern lords were there training for the upcoming tournament, and some ladies watched as they drank tea or just watched.

Lord Dovahkiin was sparing against Brandon, Greatjon Umber, and Rickard Karstark simultaneously, with no difficulty whatsoever. Lynara would cheer for her father from time to time as she apparently enjoyed seeing her father training.

Lady Dovahkiin held her daughter as she fed her small fruits.

"Benjen! Ragnar gave instructions for your training today. He said you were not to spar against anyone and just work on your footwork and dodging. You are to put a cloth in your eyes and dodge our strikes." Theon Stane said with a grimace, clearly not liking his instructions.

" Why are you uncomfortable? I thought I would be the one having to dodge while blind…." Benjen said humorously.

"It's not right to attack a blind enemy; I am good enough with my sword to not have to attack someone dishonorably… it's beneath me." Theon said

" Hum… where's Harwin?" Benjen said

" He got carried out in our spar once again, and his hammer slipped from his hands… the hammer flew and almost Dacey… Ragnar was furious. He put butter in Harwin's hands, took him to Riverrun's Godswood, told him to hold tight on the weirwood tree, and left him hanging in there… 12 feet above the ground… holding with his hands only… Ragnar also put some sharp things on the ground around Harwin." Theon said, and Benjen grimaced

" What will happen if he falls?" Benjen asked

" He will be sent back home… to do the mammoth's dung service with a spoon… for a whole year," Theon said, and Benjen once more grimaced

" Is he allowed to use magic to hold on to the tree?" Benjen asked

"Aye… but Ragnar didn't mention that," Theon said.

" I see…" Benjen said, " Then let's do what Ragnar asked… I don't want to be sent back home." Benjen said as he put a blindfold on his eyes.

Benjen was able to dodge most of Theon's strikes, much to the astonishment of everyone watching; it wasn't hard for Benjen to do so; he had learned from Lord Dovahkiin a spell to amplify his ear's power; he could listen to a sword moving in the air, or where a person attacking him was, which help him dodge attacks, he could hear the footsteps of a person sneaking on him which made attacks from behind almost impossible against him. As Benjen was dodging, he could hear Ragnar defeating his opponents one by one, Greatjon being the last to lose, and Rickard Karstark being the fist. The Northern lords laughed as he trained, completely disbelieving their eyes. Benjen was enjoying doing that so much that he began playing, dodging mockingly and only avoiding the strikes at the last second. That went until he heard

" Theon… out. It's my turn now." Benjen heard Ragnar say, and his whole demeanor changed.

" You are enjoying this too much. I didn't ask you to do this so you could enjoy the glory my fellow Lords barked you in. This whole training was for you to work on your footwork. You are too relaxed and too arrogant about your abilities with the sword. I taught you to be proud of your abilities, not to be arrogant." Ragnar said thoughtfully as he began striking Benjen with a wooden sword. Benjen was fast, but Ragnar was faster… way faster. Each time Benjen managed to dodge, he would take four hits from the wooden sword. It was impossible to predict where Ragnar would hit; the man spun his sword so fast and randomly that it almost seemed like he had two swords.

" Good… now you are taking this seriously. You are from the North… blood of the first men runs thick in your veins! You will not act like a hussy vale knight or a Lannister while I live. You forget your actions might bring shame upon mine and your father's name. You are good, better than many… that doesn't mean you can disrespect an opponent. I never underestimate an opponent; when I fought in Prince's Viserys tournament, I finished all my opponents with one move, not to humiliate them… but to show them respect as I was doing my best! You will do the same whenever you fight against anyone! I will not allow you dirty yours, mine's, or Rickard's name by acting like a Reach knight!" Ragnar said harshly; his voice was not loud, only enough for Benjen and those close to him to hear. Benjen wanted to say something but couldn't, Ragnar waited a few seconds for an answer, but when none came, he turned around and walked back to Dacey and Lynara. Ragnar's words hurt Benjen, mainly because it was the first time Ragnar was disappointed at something he did. Benjen could hear the disappointment in Ragnar's voice; it was almost palpable.

" I'm sorry, Ragnar! This won't happen again," Benjen said as he took his blindfold off " I swear it by earth and sky, I swear it by bronze and Iron, I swear it by Ice and fire." Benjen completed fastly, which got many people by surprise, as only a handful of them heard Ragnar's words.

" Good…" Ragnar said as he offered Benjen a small smile which the young Stark returned.

The training yard was much calmer after that; Benjen continued to train with a blindfold for a few minutes until he once again heard something that made his demeanor change.

" I challenge you for Lady Catelyn's hand, Tree hugger barbarian! I shall not allow my friend to be taken by a Northern barbarian! You should all be put to the sword! Every man, woman, and child." Benjen heard a young man say.

" What did you say, boy?" Benjen heard Ragnar thunder; his voice literally shook the ground.

" I accept!" Brandon said loudly

" Good! I will gut you li-" The young man said but was interrupted by Ragnar

" What. Did. You. Say. BOY?" Ragnar thundered once again; it was that moment the till now too stunned to speak, Catelyn Tully said

" Please, my Lord, he didn't mean it! Don't kill him! He's like a brother to me!"

" You will not hurt dear Petyr in my father's castle! Heathen," Lysa Tully screeched

At that moment, hell broke loose as the Tully guards moved closer to Ragnar, not in a threatening manner, which was the main reason they were not butchered where they stood, but to protect the Tully sisters. However, if her face was any indication, Dacey didn't interpret it like that, as she held Lynara close and closed her eyes. Benjen and the others heard a loud roar, and a few seconds later, Snowstorm landed on the walls of Riverrun, letting a loud road directed at the Tullys guards and the Petyr boy. The Ice Dragon snared at the Tully guards, who were too stunned to speak.

" Lord Dovahkiin, we are under guest rights, send the Dragon away; I will handle the feeble boy. He will pay for what he said." Brandon said, but Ragnar's eyes never left the Petyr boy, who had soiled his pants. The whole castle was silent as Lord Dovahkiin kept silent

" By my father's name, I ask you to send the Dragon away, Ragnar. Let the heir to the north defend the north's honor!" Benjen said he knew that using his father's name would work; Ragnar was a man of his word; he swore to his father, and his father was the only man that could demand things from him, and even so, his father had to tread very carefully with his demands as Ragnar didn't follow his father's demands out of fear, but out of respect. There was something about his father that Ragnar respected and admired.

Just as Benjen predicted, as soon as he said his words, Ragnar looked at him and nodded slowly.

" Dacey," Ragnar said; Benjen looked at Dacey, who closed her eyes once more; the Dragon roared once more, this time louder than before, shooking the whole castle like an earthquake, it then beat its mighty wings and flew away.

Hoster Tully arrived two seconds after, panting like a fat man, the fear and anger on his face were as apparent as they could be.

" What in the seven hells just happened here?" Hoster demanded

" Your ward almost began a war; should we be worried that the next Lady of Winterfell grew with the same education as the boy who said all northerners should be put to the sword?" Benjen answered with ice in his voice.

" What?!" Hoster asked, but before anyone could answer him, Brandon said

" Go wear your armor, dear Petyr. You will need it." Brandon said; he then turned to Lord Dovahkiin, " May I request your blade, my Lord? It would be an honor to use your blade to win this duel, a good sword Valyrian Sword forged by northern hands." Brandon said, and Ragnar nodded.

" Theon… my sword," Ragnar said, and Theon walked to Dacey, who handed him Ragnar's sword; he then walked to Brandon and gave him the sword.

" Aye… a blade worthy of defending The North's pride," Brandon said, and all Northern Lords shouted in agreement.

"I will honor your request, my lady. But he will suffer first. Death will be merciful; he will have to live with that humiliation. I won't let him forget it, nor will any northerner. The North remembers!" Brandon said to the still, very stunned Catelyn Tully, who nodded stiffly.

" The North remembers," Benjen and the other northern lords said simultaneously.


A/N: Wassup guys! Here's the first part of this chapter! I couldn't keep writing due to: IPhone. It was getting too heavy for my phone to handle! Hahaha there will be another chapter tomorrow.

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