
Queen of Love and beauty

Rhaegar Targaryen, the silver prince, for the first time in his short life, was in a state of genuine and pure confusion; how could a Northman be capable of forging Valyrian Steel? They had no Valyrian blood. Some believed dragon fire was needed in the process of creating Valyrian steel.

"How?" Said Rhaegar, his eyes were still open wide, showing his surprises

" That is for me to know and for you to wonder. It's my family's secret. Only I and my successors will ever know." Ragnar replied as he made a sign to a servant for more wine. " But don't worry, I don't plan on selling Valyrian Steel armors to anyone. There will be only one in Westeros, mine."

" What of the King Demands one of you?" Rhaegar asked; he didn't have a challenging tone to his voice, just mere curiosity.

" Then I would refuse him as is my right as a free man. I'm a Lord, not a Slave," Replied Ragnar.

"The king could strip you of your lands and titles and charge you for treason …" replied Rhaegar.

"Aye, he could… but I'm sure a trial by combat would restore my lands and titles to me," Ragnar said, and Rhaegar chuckled.

" You don't fear death, do you?" Rhaegar asked.

" No, why would I? Death is not to be feared; your grace but welcomed as the old friend it is. When the time comes when I'm old and weak, and an enemy's blade kisses my heart, I won't shit myself." Ragnar said as he let his eyes go from Rhaegar and looked at the spectating Lords, " Which is all I can hope for you, good Lords. At your final breath, a shitless death" Ragnar raised his mug, and the lords cheered loudly. This made the tavern get back to its talkative and celebrative mood. " But I doubt," Ragnar said loudly enough for just Rhaegar to hear.

"Death is coming for us all, my Lord, and this death should not be welcomed but fought. This is why I became a warrior," Rhaegar said, probably thinking it would confuse Ragnar

// Just so you know, Ragnar doesn't remember the show, just the book, which is what I'm basing this fanfic on. So he doesn't know about Jon's parentage, he has theories, and the one he believes the most is Ned + Ashara= Jon. I'm doing this just so the plot can happen. Sorry if this makes you drop this. But otherwise, this fanfic wouldn't last long.

"One often finds his destiny in the road he takes to avoid it, not in the one he takes to fulfill it." Ragnar sagely said, and Rhaegar's eyes widened once more. Before he could ask Ragnar what he meant, Ragnar said

"But I must ask you my leave. I have much to celebrate and so little time. Today is not the day for serious talks. Mayhaps we could meet in DragonStone to discuss a few serious things, but not today." Rhaegar just nodded, and Ragnar stood up

" Ser Barristan, Ser Arthur" Ragnar slightly bowed his head and walked into Jorah and his household's direction. Davos chose to leave Ragnar's side to drink with the rest of Ragnar's household

" Jorah, how are you surviving this awful southern wine, my friend?" Ragnar asked. Jorah, who was talking to Ser Gerion Lannister, looked at Ragnar and laughed.

"Ragnar, my giant of a friend. I see you suffer from the same afflictions as I do. I'm barely holding up. Wine is a woman's drink. Soft and sweet." Jorah managed to say between waves of laughter

" This is no woman's drink! This is a weak people's drink. I can hold my mead as good as you, cousin," said a woman, and for the first time since he got to Westeros, Ragnar found himself attracted to a woman. She was tall, almost as tall as Jorah himself, making her taller than most men. She held herself with grace and steadiness, which could only mean she was a shield-maiden. She had long raven locks, the bluest eyes Ragnar had ever seen, and her skin was as fair as Mara herself; she wore an emerald green dress and looked comfortable with it, which was rare. Most shield-maiden felt somewhat uncomfortable in dresses. Ragnar laughed at her jape at Jorah.

" And who are you shield-maiden? it is rare to see a woman who can hold her drink these days." Ragnar asked as he looked into her eyes. Dacey, like any other person in Westeros, had never heard someone with a voice like Ragnar's. It seemed to hold contained power, it was like a strong thunder, but at same time it was smooth.

" I'm Lady Dacey Mormont of Bear Island. You must be Lord Dovahkiin, the dragon of the North. Tell me, how did you know I was a warrior woman" replied Dacey without taking her eyes from his. It was a challenge, and women from Bear Island don't back down on challenges

"Every good warrior could've guessed. The way you stand in a steady yet graceful manner gave you away. It's not a swordswoman's stance but more like a heavy weapon, where you must be sure on your feet. Warhammer?" Ragnar asked; Jorah seeing this was an opportunity for his family, went back to talk to Gerion, who had a curious expression. Dacey was surprised by Ragnar's accurate analysis of her.

" No, Morningstar. You are surprisingly good at guessing, my lord. I wouldn't be able to guess your favorite weapon with such accuracy," Dacey Replied

" No one can guess my favorite weapon, for I like them all the same. I'm good with them all the same. Tell me, Shield-maiden, how good are you? Have you bested many men?" Asked Ragnar, his eyes still on Dacey's blue ones.

" You doubt my prowess because I'm a woman? I will have you know that I have bested Jorah more than once," Dacey said. She looked offended by Ragnar's question

"You have misunderstood my intentions. I never meant to offend. I don't doubt you because you are a woman. One of the greatest fighters I knew was a woman, Lydia the Shield-maiden. Gods, she was strong. I once saw her fight three men simultaneously while she was protecting a child. She won the fight without a scratch on her armor." Ragnar said, his eyes full of nostalgia and overall happiness

"Impressive, Lydia the shield-maiden, never heard of her, but if you, the greatest warrior alive, says she's good, then it must be true," Dacey replied

Ragnar and Dacey talked the whole night and only stopped because Jorah decided to leave the tavern to rest for the Joust the next day. Ragnar and Dacey reluctantly said their goodbyes and went their ways.

Ragnar and Davos went back to Casterly Rock. Ragnar instructed Davos not to disturb him that night, for he now wanted to win the joust even more. Davos didn't ask why and just nodded before he went to sleep.

Ragnar woke up the next day feeling motivated. He was going to become the first man in the history of Westeros to win all three events of the tourney. His name would become more of a legend than it already was. It would make people respect him, which would help him close new trade agreements with the rest of the realm. The stigma of barbarism was still held high against skagos in the south, but with Ragnar's fame, it would eventually disappear.

The joust day was even more expected than the melee and archery day; the number of people that came to see the Silver Prince first joust was huge, as was the number of people who came to see how the greatest warrior of the realm fared on the joust. It would be a grand event, regardless of its winner.

The joust was a long event. Ragnar had to unhorse 12 competitors to get to the final, which was against Arthur Dayne. Ragnar and Arthur broke 12 lances before Ragnar unhorsed Arthur.

The moment a Lannister squire got the crown of love and beauty on the point of Ragnar's lance, the crowd went silent. All wanted to know who he would choose. EVERY lord wished to have Ragnar as a Goodson; he was probably the most desired bachelor after the Silver Prince. The news of his abilities in Valyrian steel forging made him invaluable. Ragnar rode all way to the corner of the bleachers where Dacey Mormont was seated. He placed the crown on her lap and smiled at her. She returned the smile and put the crown on her head. This brought some sour feelings for some lords and ladies; Dacey Mormont wasn't betrothed to anyone and could snatch the Valyrian Steel forger out of their grasp. She, like Ragnar, was of the north, which probably would have a considerable appeal for them both. The only people smiling were Rhaegar Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, and curiously Arthur Dayne.


A/N: Here's today's chapter, guys! I hope you guys like it.

Thank you!

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