Yin Huaixi said, "The tradition of throwing rice dumplings stems from the Tai Dai preventing floods through water control in ancient times. Tai Dai brought people to manage the water in the Fenshui area of Shanxi. It's a poor place, and it's not easy to transport food. In order to resolve the food problem, people came up with the method of 'delivering food through water'. They wrapped the food in reed leaves and placed it in a wooden bucket. The wood traveled on the water, sending the food down the river to the people who were managing the water. Along the way, there was also some food that was eaten by the fish in the water. Later, this method spread among the commoners, and everyone fought to imitate it. Until now, there were still commoners in Shanxi who use rice dumplings to offer sacrifices. There's also a Tai Dai Mountain in the Taiyuan area of Shanxi."
Tai Dai's flood control was earlier than that of Yu the Great.
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