Yin Huaixi said, "This area of Xiangping is one of the places where the Japanese gentian is produced. It's not a problem to pick one for the occasion."
Yu Youyao shook her head firmly. "There are many medicinal herbs collectors at the foot of the mountain. When they pick medicinal herbs, no matter how precious the medicinal herbs are, they won't pick them unless it's time to pick them. Even if they know, perhaps someone else will beat them to it. They'll miss out on this precious medicinal herb that can allow the family to live a good life. However, they can still restrain the greed in their hearts."
Yin Huaixi's heart skipped a beat. "The herb gatherers who rely on the mountains are given gifts by nature, but they also strictly abide by the rules of nature."
It was very admirable.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: