Yu Shande replied patiently, "The Imperial Court has already ordered the officials and nobles of various places in the North to help with the resettlement of the refugees. The three provinces of Liaodong are near the sea, so they have more resources and less drought. When you reach the Liaodong area, you can still obtain food from other places."
If the government and the nobles were really reliable, there wouldn't have been so many refugees rushing into the capital.
Whether the refugees could be settled still depended on King Yue Fei.
King Yue Fei was not a fool. There were so many refugees without money or food. How were they going to settle down?
After some consideration, the court officials planned to prioritize the You army's salary. They even gathered 30% more military salary from other places to compensate King Yue Fei.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: