Zhou Linghuai said, "Marquis Changxing and the others are all high-ranking ministers in the court. They will be executed at noon today. Those of a lower rank and their relatives will be executed at the entrance of the market tomorrow. As the King of Zhouli's case involves a lot of people, it will take at least three days to kill them all. Those sentenced to exile will be sent to the market entrance to watch the punishment before they set off for Shangyang Castle. It will take at least three to four days."
The princes and ministers were to be executed at the Meridian Gate, and the courtiers had to go to watch the punishment. This was also a place that the courtiers had to pass through every morning court session. It was meant to warn and intimidate the other courtiers.
As for the rest, they had to let the commoners watch the punishment at the entrance of the market and serve as a warning to others.
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