Yin Huaixi put down the Kunwu Knife and asked calmly, "What is it?"
Eunuch Zhu was the godson of Eunuch He. He had been arranged by the emperor to come with the army to serve him.
His godfather, Eunuch He, was the number one eunuch in the inner palace. As his godson, he also gained the emperor's deep trust.
Eunuch Zhu quickly poured a cup of tea and handed it over respectfully. Then, he said, "Chang Ningbo and a few old generals in the army are outside requesting an audience with the general."
Ever since he arrived in Shandong, Prince Yin had become more and more unpredictable. Every time he served him, he felt like he was walking on thin ice.
It was as if he was not facing a weak heir, but the current emperor.
It was inevitable that he would be careful with his words and actions.
Yin Huaixi took a sip of tea and put down his teacup. "How many times has it been?"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: