After leaving the residence, Yin San opened the bag. There was a clay pot inside. He opened it and saw that it was filled with medicinal sauce and beef. It was made of expensive medicinal herbs to nourish the body and strengthen the muscles and bones. It was also easy to store.
Young Master had eaten a lot of it in the past.
He did not expect his cousin to give him a small jar.
After receiving her cousin's letter, Yu Youyao felt relieved. She was still worried about her cousin, but she did not feel terrible like when they had just parted.
Two days later, in the dead of night, Yin Huaixi, who was far away in Shandong, received a large package from Yin San and a letter.
Yin San took out the clay pot. "Young Miss gave it to me."
Yin Huaixi glanced at him indifferently. "Since it's something she gave you, keep it. You don't have to report it in the future."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: