His voice was not loud, but because he was on the high platform, the drums around him harmonized, and his cold voice revealed a different aura that echoed in the wind.
His battle-ready aura instantly swept through the entire battle ground.
The warriors were emotional. They raised the weapons in their hands and shouted, "With this, we can defeat the enemy…"
Then, another soldier chimed in, "With this, how can we fail?!"
"With this, how can we not destroy the enemy?!"
"With this, what can go wrong!!"
His voice was like thunder, resounding through the clouds.
Eunuch He, who was in front of the emperor, had specially been ordered by the emperor to come with Yin Huaixi to watch the sacrificial ceremony. When he saw Yin Huaixi sitting on the high platform, his anger was obvious, and he was arrogant.
Then, he looked at the morale of the 100,000 soldiers below.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: