I guess I'm becoming more like the monsters... I could understand their words...
The small monster hugging the body were repeating a same word over and over again...
"Bro+]!|*|th+,€*~{*!<*{er?"< p>
"Mia...." my tiny weak voice managed to get to her.
"brother.... Rei..?"
The words were becoming more clearer and clearer.
"Brother Rei."
Now Mia was repeating my name... I... couldn't breathe...
[look what you did, do you still have a gut to live, smiling like an idiot after doing this to them?]
[just give in, let it take control. Think of it as taking a nap.]
The whispers in my head were louder than ever... maybe... I should...-
Noah grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, it seems I was getting closer to the monsters without realizing.
"We have to kill them." Noah said without any emotion.
The other monsters were already attacking. We can't just sit back and do nothing...
[how about you just control them?]
[you're the first zombie, you can control them. Aren't YOU the one who wrote it like that?]
Blame my brain for this three second memory. How could I have forgotten?! But... I can't! I...
"Brother.... Rei?"
Mia slowly started walking closer to me. "Brother Rei.... brother, isn't waking up. Is something wrong with him?"
'He.... is just asleep?' Don't look at me like that. What am I supposed to say to a child?!
"Liar.... I know... I know my brother can't wake up! I know he died!... our mom and dad was like this too..." her quiet voice started getting louder, it probably looked/sounded, as if a monster was going berserk. "Why? Why-" before she could finish- Noah silently, and cleanly, cut Mia's head....I want to scream at him, ask him how he could be so heartless. But I can't.... I'm the one... who made him like this, who killed Mia and Rowan.
(Noah's POV)
Mia... I'll just kill her painlessly like always and-
I grabbed Rei out of reflex, as he started getting closer to them... wearing eyes that looked as if he was possessed.
Is he trying to leave? Why is he going closer? I subconsciously grabbed his arm tighter and tighter.
But he still walked and walked, I have no choice then... I killed Mia. That's all to it.
I noticed I was grabbing Rei's arm too tightly. I was about to let go when... Rei went limp as he fainted.
He was fine a moment ago... he's leaving me? He can't... he won't.... just like the others... I knew it, I should've grabbed him harder so he won't ever-
No... he only fainted, he'll be fine... fine... he has to be fine....
A doctor from the rescue said Rei didn't have anything wrong with him... if something happens to Rei, I can kill the doctor.... it's fine.... fine... fine... he's not sick... he'll he fine, he'll be fine, he'll be fine, he'll be fine-
(Back to Rei's POV)
Everything was black, I couldn't see anything an arm length away from me.
'Why did I faint?'
[the more power you use, such as talking to those monsters, the faster you loose control and become one of the mindless ones.]
Oh yea... I wrote that... it seems to be getting harder for me to remember lately.
[one of the signs that you are already turning into one]
'You said you're me, isn't it bad if I go insane?'
[I said I'm the infected side of you, it's better for me if you turn.]
'Wait, now that I think about it... you suggested I control those monsters... but if I do... I loose control of myself'
[took you long enough to finally figure out] the voice in my head said in a sarcastic voice.
'I wonder when I'll wake up'
[you might not be able to wake up forever]
'?! Just talking to one of them is making me like this?!'
[it's already a miracle you can think for yourself. Most monsters only repeat one word or get lost in their tragic past]
The surroundings started getting brighter, it looked like I was laying on some bed in wherever I don't know. my eyelids flickered as I woke up. A ticklish feeling on my neck made me look to my right, only to see... Noah sleeping right next to me.
I almost jumped out of the bed to the moon. Noah's sleeping face was too peaceful, so peaceful that nobody will believe he was sleeping in middle of a apocalypse.
I thought I wrote Noah as having nightmare frequently, seeing the moment some of his trusted friend dying. Or did I not? A striking headache hit me every time I try to think... it's better not to.
This book was supposed to be short! But trying to make it longer made me bring back Rowan...