
Chapter 1, Beast wave

On a tall mountain, a young man with curly blue hair sat cross legged. He slowly opened his golden eyes and looked towards his right.

"Tch, these demons are really annoying, can't they stop making these beast waves" his eyes narrowed as he muttered in disgust.

He stood up and disappeared from his spot, this man was none other that Lin Wu. He reappeared in front of the beast wave, it suddenly stopped, he looked with confusion.

'Beast waves never stop since their low intelligence makes it impossible to know danger when they see it from far away, that is unless-'

His eyes widened as he jumped away from his previous spot. A huge explosion came from his previous location, the dust settled and a burly demon with red skin and long purple hair, he carried a huge hammer.

"You are Orza Dezon, the best blacksmith of the demon race" Lin Wu said with surprise.

"So it seems you recognize me, that's your greatest achievement, also your last" he smiled but soon jumped away.

He frowned and blood trickled down his stomach, his hammer was split in half, a large cut appeared from his chest down.

"Yo- your that swordsman that keeps destroying our beast waves" Pure hate was displayed on his face. He doesn't care for world domination, but this city was in the way to get his new material for a new weapon.

He came personally because he really needed it, but he didn't except him to be so strong, much less so young.

"It seems you recognize me" A large grin was on his face, but soon frowned.

He felt other entities on their way here, just then a large group of demons appeared. His eyes narrowed, a slight tremble of his hands was displayed.

"You didn't think they'd let their most precious and treasured demon die did you?" His smile was huge.

These demons were all elite soldiers, and the leader was one of the great generals. His fame was on pare with Lin Wu, the greatest swordsman of the human race.

'Shit, I put all my power into that move!' Lin Wu shouted in his mind. The move in question didn't look all too powerful, yet it could destroy the beast wave in a instant.

Just as Lin Wu was contemplating whether to fight or abandon, arrows came raining down upon the beast wave. The beasts were all severely injured or dead, even some of the elite soldiers couldn't say they weren't the least bit harmed.

"SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!" The general screamed in anger, his men were injured, it's not like demons had no feelings.

The figure of a man appeared behind Lin Wu, his long blue hair tied neatly in a ponytail, his striking blue eyes pierced through the deepest secrets of your soul. Although clearly the one who shot arrows upon the beast wave, had no weapon upon him.

Among all his features the one that stood out the most was his pointy ears.

"Why are you elves helping a human city!?" The general spoke with rage but quickly calmed down.

'Killing the swordsman would be easy, but with this new addition I'm afraid we will be at a disadvantage' the general thought to himself.

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