
Chapter 3

"Uh.. I.. I don't know.." The girl stuttered..

"You better figure it out soon because I have somewhere to be.." Lucille sparked her cigarette again, trying to finish it before her time was up. She held it in her mouth while taking out a small wad of cash from her pocket and began flipping through the notes..

"But I don't know how much it will cost.."

"Fine.. just take this." Lucille handed the girl almost two hundred.. "That should take care of it right?.. now you can go.."

"But this.. this is too much.. how will I give you the change?" It was clear the girl was not fond of Lucille.. so it surprised Lu when the girl offered to return the change.

"Don't worry about it. Just look where you're going in future.." Lucille blew out the last puff of her cigarette before stubbing it out on the wall.. She flicked it straight into a trash can that was a few feet away from them. Lucille turned away from the flustered girl who stood clutching at the money in her hand.. she quickly concealed it knowing she'd be an easy target for someone to rob her. "Baboon.." Lu shook her head in amusement.. 'I've never heard that one before..'

"Wait I didn't even ask your name!" The girl called out but Lucille didn't see much point in sharing, since they'd probably never meet again. Pretending to have not heard the girl Lu carried on around the corner back towards the restaurant.

She sprayed herself with a small bottle of perfume and popped a hard mint into her mouth, immediately crunching it up between her teeth. 'I don't know how people can stand sucking on a sweet'.. She arrived back at the table just as they were being served their various meals.. as the family spoke and ate Lucille barely had any input. She answered when spoken to directly but had no desire to really talk. Her mind was still stuck on the flustered blonde.. How careless she was. And she even tried to blame Lucille for her own mistake.. Lu thought she must have 'scapegoat' written on her forehead or something.

The rest of the night turned out to be pretty uneventful.. They made their way home and Lucille jumped in the shower. She tried to wash away the thoughts of how miserable she was going to be but that didn't really work.. Soon enough the sun had began to set, a cool breeze now filled the air. Lucille hadn't left her room since they arrived back from dinner. A knock came at her bedroom door.

"Come in" She spoke clearly..

"Hello love, I was just wondering if you wanted to come and watch a movie with us?.. It's Phoebe's turn to pick but I'm sure she wouldn't mind letting you have a turn instead.." Julia tried to include her daughter but Lucille had no intentions of bonding with them. Well Shiloh is different but that's because she is innocent in all this.

"I'm a little tired actually.. it's been a long day" Lucille tried to sound empathetic while breaking the bad news.

"I understand, well I hope you have sweet dreams darling" Julia chirped with a warm smile. The truth is Lu hadn't dreamt in over a year.

"Thank you, I hope you enjoy the movie.."

"Okay then.. Goodnight, I love you.."

"You too" Julia could only smile in response, even if it was a weak one. At least her daughter would still speak to her. A mother and a father are supposed to protect their children.. instead one had to protect the other in order to save her from harsh punishments. It seems that seeing her daughter had brought her face to face with everything her blindness had caused. Julia nodded and slowly closed the door..

Finally morning came.. Lucille barely slept a wink, any normal person would look worn down and disheveled.. but not Lu. She made use of the on suite shower again before trudging down the stairs into the kitchen, Where Lu saw the clear bags under her twin sisters eyes, indicating that she too had struggled finding sleep. As there gaze met across the kitchen island Phoebe awkwardly glanced away, back to the open cupboard infront of her..

"You didn't sleep?" Lu asked the girl who stood in her pajamas, routing through the cupboard. Lucille was fully dressed in a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dark blue fitted jeans and a black and grey washed ribbon tied around her neck.. her silver st Christopher necklace hung down her chest.

Phoebe looked around again surprised. "Uh.. not really. How did you sleep?"

"It was fine.." She lied while running her hand through her long fluffy hair.

Luckily Julia walked in as the awkward silence was about to begin.. "Good morning girls.. is Shiloh not up yet?"

"No not yet.." Phoebe replied as she resumed her search through the kitchen cupboard full of snacks, standing up straight when she finally had the snack bar she wanted..

Chris walked in.. "Good morning girls"

"Good morning". Everyone replied, except Lucille who just had to be different.. "Morning sir.."

"Now that your both here I was going to ask if I can go to the beach with my friends?.. It will only be for a few hours, everyone is getting together and I haven't seen them all in awhile so-"

"Fine.. since you have been behaving recently I guess you have earned it. But Lucille is going with you.." Chris stated simply..

"What?" Both of the girls responded in unison as they looked to each other..

"You heard me.. it would be good for Lucille to socialise with her new class mates.. don't you think Julia?"

"And I think it would be good for you two to spend some time together.." Julia added..

"Okay.." Phoebe spoke while Lucille stayed silent.. "Well I'm going to get ready then, we leave in half an hour.." Lucille just nodded.. Now she has to be around people her own age.. the worst place in the world. How is it that being around people makes you feel more alone? It makes you feel like you're different.. but the thing is.. Lucille really is different.

The time went by quickly as Lucille sat ready and waiting in the kitchen for her sister.. Shiloh woke up just in time to see them out the door..

"I love you Lu, make sure you come back!"

"I love you, I will I promise"

"Pinky promise?" Lucille bent down to the girls level and held out her pinky.. Shiloh quickly wrapped hers around it and grinned before happily skipping back off down the hallway..

Without a word Phoebe opened the front door.. The short journey in the car seemed to be taking forever.. A phone started ringing breaking the silence.. Lu pulled her phone out and looked to the screen.. it was 'Mum <3'

"Why is mum calling you already?" Phoebe asked..

"Ha.. I don't know" Lu shrugged and answered the phone.

"Hey, uh.. is everything alright?.." Lucille asked calmly..

"Wow that was an awkward answer.."

"Mmhm" Lucille replied..

"Why are you acting weird?"

"Uh.. I'm not sure.."

"Ohhh, someone thinks your on the phone to your mum?"

"Yep, you got it".. 'took you long enough.'

"Right, everything is okay I just wanted to say good morning.. anyway bye.."

"Bye.." Lucille quickly hung up the phone, stuffing it back into her coat pocket.

"Is everything alright?"..

"Yeah, she just wanted me to text and let her know when we've arrived.."

"Oh okay.." And that was the end of that..

Soon enough they pulled up to a car park.. you could already see the sea as they drove in. Phoebe stepped out of the car and began walking straight over to the small cafe that was perched near the edge of the cliff.. Lucille stayed in the car a moment longer to put her sunglasses on.. "Thank you Bert.. Drive safe.." She spoke as she unclipped the seatbelt and stepped out of the car..

Before she closed the door he replied "Thank you Miss Lucille, do try to enjoy yourself.. the sun is shining".. It certainly was, but Lucille still wore her coat.

As she stepped through the doors of the small café she quickly identified her sister sitting amongst a table of people she didn't recognise. "Over here.." Phoebe waved to Lucille. Everyone turned their heads, eyes opening wide.. it seems everyone had the same reaction as her family did. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it..

Lu approached the table, removing her black sun glasses as she walked.. She decided to make a small wave to the group of around five that was currently eyeing her.. "Hey" She greeted them casually.. Trying to seem as friendly as possible. But she never really was any good at making friends.. who needs friends when you have a twin sister? That used to be their motto.

A tall boy with long dark hair smiled to her.. "And who might you be?"

"Shut up Bobby, that's just Lucille.." Phoebe rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Lucille?" A voice spoke from behind the white haired girl.. Lu turned to see who had asked..

"Yes?.." She answered simply.

"Huh.. you're almost exactly what I expected.."

"What is that.. 'exactly'?" Lucille replied mocking the blonde girls words.. It was clearly not meant as a compliment..

"Nevermind.." She shook her head.. embarrassed as she recalled their earlier encounter. The fact that Lucille brushed off the incident so easily frustrated her a little.

Everyone in the group introduced themselves. Lucille kindly nodded at each of their names as Phoebe reluctantly called them out. Lucille excused herself to order her coffee straight after.. While she was up most of the group went off into the toilets to get changed into their swim suits..

While Lucille sat down at an empty table to type a text to Jen, moaning about the crappy coffee, she was unaware of the pair of eyes examining her. It was only after she pressed send did she look around and catch them. Ellie quickly looked away.. Lucille stood up attracting Ellie's attention again "Ellie is it?.. Anyway if Phoebe asks.. I went somewhere else to find better coffee.. this tastes like cat piss.." Ellie quickly glanced around to see if any of the workers had heard Lucilles words.. Lucille looked to the murky drink in her hand not even thinking about what effect her words might have had.

"Phoebe said that you don't know the area.. how will you find a good coffee shop on your own?"

"I'll find one.." She spoke while placing the cup of coffee on an empty table.

"Not a good one" Ellie argued..

"Do you know a good one then?" Why is this girl being so stand offish.. after all Lucille had paid for her phone and then some.

"Well yes but that's not the point.." Ellie shook her head..

"Phoebe is not going to care.. look" Lucille pointed to her sister who was already running and laughing outside with the rest of the group in their swimsuits. "Can you take me there then?"

"Take you there? I thought you just wanted me to give you directions.."

"And what if you get something wrong and I end up lost?.. I'd rather you show me where it is.."

"Right.. okay then" Ellie looked around before spotting a straggler coming from the toilets.. "Hey Sam, can you tell Phoebe I took Lucille to get coffee.." The boy looked at the two girls curiously. "She doesn't like the coffee here, she was going to go on her own" Ellie obviously felt the need to explain.. This amused Lucille a little.

"Yeah no problem" He shrugged before following the rest of the group out of the cafe and down to the water.

"So.. shall we go then?" Lucille asked but had already began walking for the door, pulling out her sunglasses and putting them on before facing the sun.

"Huh?, oh yeah, right.."

After they walked for a minute Ellie spoke "Hey I almost forgot.. I have the change from getting my phone fixed. I took it too the shop this morning and.. well you get the point.." Ellie began routing through her dark grey handbag.. "Anyway here"

"No.. you keep it.. you need it more than I do.."

"What is that supposed to mean?" The girl was shocked again at Lucilles bluntness.

"Nothing, I just mean.. I have more money than I need.. Do you?" Lucille looked to the girl who seemed to slightly understand where Lucille was coming from.

"Well no but-"

"Please just forget about it.." Lucille answered, evidently tired of the same subject.

"Oh, okay, if you insist.." Ellie wasn't exactly poor but she was far from being rich. Honestly she could use all the money she could get.. it was rare for her to even have more than a twenty in her purse.. "Thank you Lucille.."

"Ah it's alright.." The white haired girl replied while taking the opportunity to pull out her first cigarette of the day..

"Do your parents know you smoke?"


"Does Phoebe?"


"Aren't you scared I'll say something?" Ellie furrowed her eyebrows as she asked..

"Are you going to say something?.." Lucille asking while blowing out the smoke.. "Well are you?" She raised an eyebrow casually..

"No.." Ellie replied in a weak voice which only made Lucille smile.

After finishing her cigarette and putting it in the nearest bin Lucille pulled out her metal box of mints.. "Want one?" She asked while holding the open box out to Ellie..

"Yeah.. thanks" Ellie picked out a mint and began to chew it straight away..

"Hmm.. and I thought you'd be a sucker.." Lu shrugged..

"I beg your pardon?"

"The sweet.." Lu popped one into her mouth and crunched down..


The pair walked for another fifteen minutes in a comfortable silence before they had arrived at 'Kallys Café..'

Lucille walked straight in and up to the counter, all of the delicious smells of roasted coffee beans made her eager to try one.. A few elderly people sat on round tables scattered over the small shop. A small plump lady stood behind the counter, another man behind her at the grill. "Could I have a regular latte please, oh but with extra milk.." Lucille asked before the lady could offer..

"Yes dear.. that will be three-fifty.." She smiled..

Lucille pulled out a twenty from her wallet.. "This is for her drink as well, and you can keep the change.."

"Oh.. are you sure?"

"Yes of course, you deserve it, this place is beautiful.." Lucille smiled gesturing to the elegant little café.. Flower pots hung in the huge windows full of pink and purple flowers, a few round white tables dotted around the space. A rack of the latest magazines even sat in the corner. At first the woman had thought Lucille was a little rude. But after a second glance it was clear to her that the girl was just easily misunderstood..

The woman smiled warmly at Lucille.. "Thank you.. are you sure you don't want anything else.."

"We'll be alright, thank you mam." Lucille's carefree attitude around money stumped Ellie as she just stood and watched the encounter.. This is not who she thought Lucille was at all. Does she carelessly hand out money to strangers on a regular basis? But everyone Ellie knows is always tight with their money. 'Why is Lucille different? It can't be as simple as she has more than she needs.. right?'

Nothing was said as they waited by the counter for their drinks until.. "Are you okay?" Lucille asked when she noticed the girl deep in her thoughts..

"Yeah.. I'm fine, I just.." 'Thought you were a delinquent'.. "-I think it's weird that we ran into each other yesterday, and now you're Phoebe's sister.."

"I was always Phoebe's sister.."

"Yeah I know.. I just mean, I didn't know that at the time. Does she know?" Ellie asked..

"That she's my sister? Yeah I'm pretty sure she knows"

Ellie rolled her eyes.. "That we already met yesterday?.." She asked as they were handed the drinks.. Each said thank you before leaving the shop.. Lucille drank half of the scolding hot liquid before taking the time to reply.

"How could she know that we met?.. Why does it matter if she knows?.." Ellie wasn't really asking to know the answer to the question.. she just wanted to get Lucille to talk about Phoebe. Since Phoebe was so stuck Ellie thought that maybe she could find out what is really their problem.

"So you didn't tell her you broke a girls phone?"

"I didn't break your phone.. and no, I didn't tell her anything.."

"Right.. sorry. Do you not speak to each other then?" A small smirk crept onto Lucilles lips.. 'That's probably as close as I will ever get to an apology.. this girl is almost as stubborn as me'.


"Why not?"

"Really is this any of your business?"

"Well, no but Phoebe-"

"Look.. I know that you are good friends with Phoebe, you've probably heard all of her stories and read what the journalists had to say about me so how about we skip straight to the point where you ask what you want to ask.."

Ellie's eyes grew wide "Uh.. I..I.. ".

"Im not trying to hurt your feelings Ellie but I really would rather skip all the fluff if that's okay with you.."

"I just thought, I thought I could help.." Ellie sighed in admittance. "Phoebe hasn't been herself these past few days.. and about what you said before.. she never talks about you.."

"Really?" The genuine surprise in Lucilles voice was clear. "She didn't say anything?"

"Just that you were sent to boarding school and that you don't talk to each other.." This answer made Lucille think back to their second meeting.

"So when you said that I was 'exactly' what you were expecting.. you were referring only to what the media had to say about me?" Lucille laughed as she stopped to looked at Ellie.

"I mean.. you just seem so arrogant and big-headed.." Lucille scoffed at that.. "Hey, I was just about to give you a compliment.." Ellie whined.

"Right after insulting me? I think you can keep it to yourself.."

"But I didn't mean-"

"Don't worry, I understand. You care about Phoebe, you want to help her. Let me know how far that gets you" Lucille smiled and continued on down a different street. "Thanks for showing me the café" Lucille waved her hand but didn't turn back.

"Wait!!" ... "Lucille where are you going?!"

Lu waited until the girl had caught up with her before replying.. "School starts in two weeks.. I need to make the most of my freedom don't you think?"

Ellie hadn't expected her answer to be that simple.. "So where are you going?"

"Aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your friends?"

"I asked you a question first"

"That's all people do.." Lucille sighed.. "I'm done answering questions for the day so if that's all you wanted then you can go back to the beach.." The words themselves seemed harsh but she spoke them indifferently. Almost as though she didn't actually mind the other girls company.

"I'm here because you were about to wander off on your own.."

"You looked like you were enjoying it as much as I was.." Lucille inspected the girl as she thought up what to say.



Thank you so much for reading!! Let me know what you think!! Take care of yourselves! Love love. Peace.

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