
Chapter 70: Confrontation

With nothing more than a thought, Sora disposed of the pseudo-domain that he had summoned to fight Brainiac.

In all honesty, he was more than a little disappointed. He wasn't able to go all out and quickly finished off Brainiac while still having more than half of his chakra reserves intact.

'I hope I don't become a battle maniac just to get a good fight.' He thought as the blue barrier that surrounded the area disappeared, a figure speeding towards him in a blur.

His eyes easily caught the figure as it got closer but made no move to stop it from approaching, the figure stopping directly in front of him.

Zatanna came to a stop in front of him, the dust around them settling as she floated just a bit above the ground.

"So….?" She drawled out with a teasing smile.

"How'd it go?" She asked in the same manner seeing as how he didn't look injured in any way other than the drain on his chakra.

"Do you want the truth or a lie?" He retorted with a raised brow causing her to giggle.

"That bad?"

"Frankly, I'm more sad than disappointed. I didn't get to test it out too much." Sora complained, clicking his tongue as he looked forward.

"Only you would feel sad about not having a challenging fight." She commented with a roll of her eyes before her eyes turned serious.

"What are we going to do about this?" She asked, gesturing to Brainiac's ship that still hovered above them in the air, along with the numerous drones that passively floated around it.

Sora took a look at it, his eyes scrutinizing everything about it before coming to a decision.

"I'll be taking it for now. It's advance alien tech so it's bound to have a lot of useful things on board." He said as he telekinetically flew into the air, now hovering at the same height level, Zatanna nodding at his words only for him to continue.

"Even if it doesn't, I could always use the spare parts." He continued causing her to sigh at the absurdity of his statement and how it didn't surprise her at all.

Raising his hand in front of him, a purple rune as large as the ship appeared in front of him as it shone brightly for a moment. When the light died down, the ship was nowhere in sight.

'Rune magic is so useful.' He thought in satisfaction as he lowered himself to ground level beside Zatanna.

"Let's g-" He started, taking a step forward only to pause in both movement and speech. He looked behind them, his eyes narrowing for a moment.

"It seems like we have some interesting company." He spoke as Zatanna's brow rose. His sensory abilities far surpassed hers, hence her lack of surprise.

"We should go. You're missing almost half of your chakra and they're coming with a decent amount of people." Zatanna warned.

"The chakra part can be easily solved." Sora said as a potion appeared in his hand, gulping it down instantly as his chakra filled back up.

"As for the second part, don't worry. The lot of them are fairly weak." He reassured her as Zatanna's eyes widened a tiny bit as a number of energy signatures entered her range of perception.

A few minutes later, a green bubble could be seen coming descending from the sky as a few figures that Sora recognized flew beside it.

The bubble and it's companions came to a quick stop in front of the waiting Sora and Zatanna, the green bubble opening up as a few people walked out of it.

'Flash, Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary…' He noted, his eyes might from each of them. His eyes then moved to the ones that flew by their own power.

'Superman, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Hawkwoman…' He subtly made eye contact with Batman who gave him a once over.

"Uh…I'm pretty sure Brainiac was here a minute ago." Flash said unsurely as Green Arrow surveyed the environment as did Batman, noticing the signs of battle.

"Where's Brainiac?" Superman asked, leading the questioning as attention was focused on the two teenagers in front of them.

"He's gone." Sora answered bluntly and shortly causing them endless confusion.

"What do you mean gone? Where's his ship?" Flash interjected.

The watchtower had caught sight of Brainiac's ship here in the desert. It had somehow bypassed the watchtower's scans. Sora managed to hold in a smile knowing he was the one who messed with their security to give himself time to deal with Brainiac.

"What happened?" Batman questioned, narrowing his eyes through his cowl.

"Like I told you before, I could handle him myself." Sora answered vaguely but it was enough for a select trio to understand what he meant.

"This is no time for games! Tell us where Brainiac is so we can put an end to whatever it is he has planned." Wonder Woman demanded as she stepped forward.

Just as she stretched a hand to take hold of his shirt, she heard Clark speak.

"He's telling the truth." He said in a voice just above a whisper.

"How can you be sure?" Green Arrow asked not hiding his doubts.

"His heartbeat hasn't sped up even once since we got here." Superman said, making his observation known to the multitude of heroes around him.

"You…killed him." Wonderwoman said in slight shock as she let her hand fall.

"Your quite lucky you took it back. You don't know how close you were to learning how to eat with your left hand." Sora spoke nonchalantly despite being dangerously outnumbered.

"You really expect us to believe that a kid did Brainiac in? The same enemy that even Superman struggled with…you're unbelievable." Hal Jordan scoffed in disbelief beside Black Canary whose worried eyes didn't leave Sora.

"Who is this kid anyway?" Flash asked as the Justice league took note of his bearing.

Despite having a fight with Brainiac earlier, he looked like he was going to a casual event. A long sleeved black sweatshirt that had rolled up sleeves and black pants. The white sneakers only made it more absurd with how he looked like he simply went out for a walk.

"That doesn't really matter, does it? If you don't mind, I'll be taking my leave." Sora said lightly as he turned to move.

"I don't think so." Superman spoke, halting him as Sora looked at him from over his shoulder.

"You're not going anywhere until we get to the bottom of this. Brainiac may have been evil but-"

"But what? He could have been reformed?" Sora interrupted.

"If you truly believe that Brainiac deserved anything other than death then you're unbelievably naïve." Sora scolded.

"Killing isn't the way." Superman said firmly, not budging from his point.

"You mean it isn't your way. You're letting your selfish need to fulfill your sense of self righteousness cloud your judgment."

"The criminals you refuse to put down end up taking more lives everyday but I guess it's okay as long as you're seen as the good guys." Sora mocked as the faces of the league slowly squeezed in growing anger.

"I think that's enough kid." Hawkman said tightly, brandishing his crackling mace but Sora didn't stop.

"The moment someone else does something you don't like, they're the bad guys. Whatever helps you sleep better I guess." He said as the winged man flew towards him at great speed.

"Hawkman wait!!!" Wonder Woman called out but it was too late.


Dust exploded as Hawkman's mace smashed into Sora. The rest of the league were still in shock at the man's impulsive actions.

"What have yo-" Flash's voice got stuck in his throat as the dust settled.

Unlike the gory scene that most of them expected, Sora stood there casually holding the mace in one hand.

"Is that all?" Sora's bone chilling voice spoke loud enough for them to hear.

His black eyes had turned their signature scarlet, adding to the intimidation factor as he moved quickly, his fist smashing into the man's face faster than his eyes could even see.

With an audible crack, Hawkman was sent flying away with a large amount of force.

"What the hell?" John Stewart managed to whisper in shock.

"So, who wants to go next?" Sora asked as the dust settled, before blowing away again as his chakra flared powerfully.

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