
Chapter 55 : Trip to Japan.

Third person point of view

Junkyu's shoot for the next few days went on pretty smoothly. They would be done with the drama pretty soon. They were currently on the set and waiting on the side for the director's cue. Jeongwoo was sitting on the chair beside Junkyu. He noticed Junkyu had a ring on his finger when they started the shoot.

Junkyu forgot to remove it and gave it to Jihoon before starting. " What is that ring ? " Jeongwoo asked looking ahead. " What ring ? " Junkyu asked looking ahead too. " I saw you have one on your finger these days ". " Oh... that ". Junkyu acted nonchalant. " So you do have someone ? " " Why do you care ? "

Jeongwoo turned to Junkyu. Junkyu did the same. " So- " Junkyu cut Jeongwoo off. " I don't care what you think about me or my ring. You can do whatever you please. I really am not the least worried about it ". He tilted his head. " Go ahead and do as you deem fit ". The director called for Junkyu.

" Yes. Coming ". He gave one last look to Jeongwoo and walked away to do his scene. Jeongwoo didn't get to bother Junkyu after that and Junkyu went back home. They were both in their bedroom. Haruto was sleeping on the bed and Junkyu had his head resting on Haruto's chest while sleeping beside him.

Haruto already knew what happened. But he listened to it all when Junkyu was telling him. " Are you really not worried ? " Haruto asked running his hand through Junkyu's hair. " No. I know him. He is a jerk but he knows to not go way over the limit. So it is fine ". Haruto nodded. He would just ask Sang Ho to pay him another visit if something does go wrong.

" Did you ever hit him ? " Haruto asked. Junkyu chuckled playing with the button on Haruto's shirt. " Jihoon did once ". " Really ? " " Yeah. It was when we both were rookies. I don't remember the whole thing, but no one was there when he did that except me. So Jeongwoo couldn't even prove that it was Jihoon who did it ".

Haruto's eyebrows shot up. " Then what did he do ? " Junkyu grinned. " What can he do ? Nothing. But I made Jihoon apologize to him later and gave Jihoon a party as thanks for doing it on my behalf ". Haruto laughed. " Good job ". Junkyu smiled rubbing his head on Haruto's chest and slept more comfortably.

Junkyu finished his shoot and also all the promotions. Before he could start a new one, Haruto suggested on going to Japan to visit his family. He also said that it would be a break and he can come back energized for his new projects. Junkyu also thought that it was a good idea and agreed to it.

" I will miss you ". Junkyu said hugging Ji Ho. She laughed. " Me too ". They pulled away. " Don't worry. They are all really nice people and since madam likes you, I don't think there will be a problem ". Junkyu nodded. Ji Ho smiled. " Be careful ". Junkyu nodded and walked out along with Haruto to go to the airport.

They took a flight from there and arrived at Japan. Junkyu smiled and he absolutely loved the freedom he was having. He doesn't need to worry too much and roam around being free spirited. There were people waiting to pick them up at the airport. They drove them to another huge mansion.

Junkyu was in awe at how beautiful it looked. He walked in with Haruto. He was a little nervous since he was going to meet Haruto's family. Haruto assured him that it was fine, but he couldn't help it. They walked into the house and came across Sara. " You guys are here. So nice to see you ". She gave a brief hug to Haruto.

" How are you doing dear ? " She asked as she hugged Junkyu. Junkyu hugged her back. " I am good mom. How are you ? " She pulled away and smiled. " I am good too ". They saw a man who came to stand beside Sara. Haruto bowed and greeted him. " Hello dad. How are you doing ? " " I am good. And ? " He turned to Junkyu.

Junkyu did a 90 degree bow. " Hello. I am Kim Junkyu ". He smiled. " Oh, so it is you. I did see a few pictures of yours. You definitely look much better in person ". Junkyu bowed again thanking him. " Take him to your room first. You must be tired from all the journey ". Sara said and Haruto nodded. He took Junkyu to his room.

" Your room is similar to how it is there ". Junkyu commented as soon as he entered. It did have the same shades as it was there. He sat down on the bed. " This house is bigger than the one there ". Junkyu said with an amused expression. Haruto thought for a second. " Yeah. It kind of is ". Junkyu nodded.

" Will I get lost ? " Haruto laughed. " It is fine. I will be there right ? " Junkyu smiled and nodded. He fell down on the bed and sighed in content. " I feel tired. But I don't know if it is from the journey or nervousness ". Haruto smiled. " Both I guess. Your hands were literally trembling ". Junkyu turned to Haruto.

" Not everyone can be as confident as you ". Haruto shook his head with a smile. " Do everyone in your family speak Korean ? " " Yeah. They all can ". Junkyu was amazed. " That's so cool ". Haruto chuckled. " You want to take a shower first ? " Junkyu shook his head snuggling on the bed. " You can go first ". Haruto nodded and walked to the bathroom.

He finished and dressed up in casual pant and shirt. " Come on. Go now. Don't sleep. You can do that later ". Junkyu groaned and got up. He finished showering too and put on a jeans and over sized shirt. They walked to the table for breakfast. Junkyu found another person besides Haruto's parents. They sat down.

" He is Asahi. My brother ". Haruto introduced him. Junkyu couldn't help think he also looked really handsome. He greeted Asahi. " Hello. I am Kim Junkyu ". " Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you ". " Same here ". They all had breakfast together chatting about a few things. Asahi and Haruto's father left for office.


Ohh~~~ confident Junkyu is just awesome.

Junkyu is meeting all of his in laws now. I am not really sure but Asahi was a surprise right ?

I don't really have anything to speak about the chapters. So I will talk about myself. I am not really watching any dramas. There is one left which is on air. It will end next week. I am not sure if I want to pick another one. They all just feel stressful these days. lol

My BR has exams right now, so wish them luck and pray to do well.

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