
Godly Technique 3

==3 weeks later==

Drake had been working out and exercising while also meditating in the real world to gain a better understanding of aura and his master's spearmanship. Then when he was in the game he was constantly practicing his aura and spearmanship, sometimes even testing new ways to train, seeing what works for him and what doesn't and just trying to make as much progress as possible. It was an incredibly hard task for him and he was putting everything he had into gaining this class, he didn't know what it was, but he knew if the game was being this secretive about aura then he must have it, as no doubt it was going to be a trump card in the future. Currently, Drake was in the game and was practicing, doing one final warmup before his master came and gave him his evaluation.

He was circulating his mana in a constant stream, not letting anything in his body be wasted. This move and this power was too precious to be used wastefully. Drake treated his body and his aura like people in the medieval ages of europe treated the chrsitian god. To become a grand master he would need to completely hone the aura and the spearmanship to its ultimate peak. He was actually giddy with excitement as he waited for his master to come and evaluate him.

Drake decided to pass the time by practicing the moves the master had taught him. He used his spear techniques in order, the first four techniques were the four he paid the greatest attention too. He had wanted to at least gain a novice understanding of the first four moves before the evaluation. If he had to guess, with all the improvements he had made to these four he might not be that far off from beginner level. He continued with the rest of the techniques and did them all in order, from start to finish to the best of his abilities. He was practicing but he was also putting the final touches on his style of spear.

Right as he finished the 52nd technique, Drake heard clapping coming from behind him. Drake quickly whipped around and put his spear up to defend himself. Then he almost immediately regretted drawing his spear on the person, as that person was his master! Drake quickly apologized," Master! I am sorry for arming myself against you master, I was caught off guard while practicing for the test."

The old master and chief looked at him with a little bit of a confused look and said,"Wait, I don't understand, that wasn't your peak spearmanship?"

Drake frowned a little and said to his master,"Master, I am a little disappointed that you think so little of me. But alas no, that was not all of what I have for the test."

The old man let out a soft chuckle and said,"Alright boy, my mistake, forgive this old man for looking down on his student. I will, be strict in this review so please go all out and show me what you have learned" The chief said this out loud to drake to give himself that 'master' prestige, but in truth he was a little worried as he even thought that drakes understanding of his spearmanship was already very advanced. However, now Drake had suddenly said that this was just mere practice?

Drake mimicked the elder the first time he had showed him this technique, with a slightly different stance that better matched his body type. He slowly rotated the man within him while focusing all of his mana into his heart, blood, and muscle fibers. It was a little painful as Drake realized that this was what his master was feeling on some level, however the injury must be making this uncomfortable pain into an excruciating one for his master. Drake could feel his mana circulation getting faster, and it slowly enveloped all of the spear. Drake then focused all his attention on his muscles and his movement and closed his eyes.

The old chief sat on the sideline in stunned silence as he watched his apprentice do something that had taken him over 5 years to even comprehend. Looking at drake with fear, but also beaming with pride the old chief was in a very emotional state as he thought to himself,'Lerox, I have finally found one! What a joyous day!'

Drake performed all 52 techniques while the chief watched with pride and admiration that such a genius was going to be carrying on his legacy, it made the old man very teary eyed. The old man remembered when his master had recognized him and it was the greatest day of his life, he always wondered how his old master had felt about him, and now he was going through master and student trials himself.

Drake finished his last technique and slowly powered down his aura as he did not want a painful backlash like the first time he had tried this idea. His aura blood vessel trick worked wonders in circulating the mana but it made moving it anywhere else in the body a pain in the ass. At the moment drake was trying to see if he could surround his inner organs with aura permanently but with his limite knowledge and low aura reserves he was having poor luck. Drake sighed in relief when he was finally finished and moved back over to his master for the evaluation.

The old chief was bustling with excitement on the inside but remained calm and collected on the outside. He told Drake," My successor, today you have given me a wonderful gift. The techniques you showed here today and the way you used your mana in conjunction with it was splendid. You have my utmost praise. You have completed my successorship and learned my spearmanship. I, Isaiah the Conqueror, the first of my name, and the last of my blood, hereby recognize and declare Drake Silver a Truecore Aura Master!"

Drake was ready for this, all the hard work he had put in, it was down to this moment, what would it be? If it was semi-legendary then that would gain him an absolute advantage over almost any other player as even after seven years, and around 3 billion independent players on multiple worlds, only about 18 people ever held a semi-legendary class. This was fine and all but Drake wanted to be greedy in this instance and so he was desperately hoping for a legendary class. Even though the odds of this were incredibly low, he was really hoping for the beast possible outcome. There was not a single legendary rank user in all of Adella in all of his past life, At one point there was a period where every athlete in guilds had to be registered to towns to get past a bug a player was using to cheat. This temporary fix actually made it so anyone with a town hall press pass could request the information of a resident player and thus revealed every dirty skill and secret that high levels had in their books.

The chief chanted something in a foreign language that sounded quite old,"Rashhaklkk, Undugiglio rakyum!" Suddenly a bright white light filled the area of field they were standing in, making everything else seem just too dark in comparison. A Book of white light appeared in the chiefs hands and he continued chanting," Rous al jushyun rashallapo!" Suddenly the white glowing book turned a deep shade of red and the chief poured half of his aura into the book, though Drake was too entranced by the spectacle of the glowing book than anything else. The elder chief then put his hands on the book and shouted,"Zoran Heltoran!"

As soon as the chief said those words Drake froze in place, Zoran was the pinnacle god of this world, even the second mightiest god in this worlds pantheon was far inferior to him, and Drake knew from theory crafting from the second war for Adella that 'Heltoran' basically meant in a very old rune language "I willed it" or "He will it". So Drake knew that his master had just said that the most powerful god in existence is willing this exchange of power to happen. This put a lot of pressure on Drakes shoulders as he could potentially be a victim of a peeping tom god that watched his every move.

The book that was shining a deep red luster suddenly turned into pure light and the light darted and went straight into Drakes forehead before he even had a chance to speak! That was when he got the notification in front of his eyes. Drakes eyes widened in surprise and he promptly fainted.

The notification screen stayed open for a minute before flickering out.

[System Notification: NPC 'Isaiah the Conqueror' has acknowledged you as a worthy successor of his class. Player will now receive his Class.]

[System Notification: Player has gained Mythical Rank Class TrueCore Aura Master!]

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