
The Path Ahead: Navigating Gods and Secrets          

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the celestial city, a commotion erupted in the streets. 


Azazel, ever the troublemaker, found himself being chased by a legion of tiny, menacing creatures. 


These diminutive guardians resembled evil eyes, their malevolent gazes accentuated by tiny wings reminiscent of the giant eye guardian they had faced before. 


However, unlike their towering counterpart, these creatures were numerous and armed with spears, ready to subdue any intruders.


Ren's frustration was evident as he watched Azazel's antics once again landing them in trouble. "Azazel, you idiot! What have you done now?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with exasperation.


Desira and Malifira, however, seemed amused by the spectacle, marveling at Azazel's audacity. 


"That's Lord Azazel for you," Desira remarked with a smirk, while Malifira chuckled in agreement.


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