
The Riddles      

Ren was at least glad that it was just a simple game of riddles and nothing too complicated. But still . . . a riddle was a quick and swift way to eliminate them, and one wrong answer was one way closer to their captivity.

"Are you ready?" The White Queen asked.

Ren nodded, and Elena swallowed hard.

"For the first riddle . . . A king sits, a diamond held high, a heart to his left, a club to deny. The ace holds his heart where it should be, and the queen speaks so bluntly. What are the three cards placed in a row?

"Egh . . ." Elena tried hard to think, but Ren already had an answer.

"Ace of Heart; King of Diamonds; and Queen of Clubs."


"Whoa." Elena's eyes shone brightly. "How did you guess it so easily?"

"I play cards sometimes," Ren only said.

The first riddle was easy, but he had a feeling that it was intended to be that way.

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