
The Race for the Monarch Sovereignty  

'It is now or never,' thought Ren.

He saw their chance when the barrage of magical attacks ceased, and the Colossus's HP dropped below the hundreds.

The Princess went in with [Demonsbane], and Ren knew that she was going for the kill.

'Not on my watch,' mused Ren while casting [Multiattack] equipped with [Infernal Scepter]. He planned to go all out with four [Infernos] while simultaneously using [Grinding Stones] to make sure that [Infernal Scepter's] durability wouldn't turn to zero.

Every second mattered in this fast-paced battle and he would make sure that he got the Scepter in the end.

The Princess leaped forward to end the Colossus once and for all, but she suddenly burst into a butterfly and found herself three hundred meters away from the Colossus.

"Who did that?!" The Princess roared as her skill got canceled by that interference.

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