
First PvP

[BONUS] Chapter 2/3


"Should we clear dungeons and get firstblood or something?"

"Getting firstblood in this short amount of time wouldn't cut it. It's only a matter of weeks before the Guild War starts. Unless we can get five firstbloods in that short amount of time enough to make our names rang in their mouths. But it's more dangerous that way since getting firstblood meant getting items. And those items might do us harm than good."

Leonel took a large breath and released it through his nose in one blow. "So our option is limited?"

"Right now. Since all everyone talks about is the war."

"Then what should we do?" Leonel bit his thumb, worry thick in his voice, "I need money to make up for those thousands I lost in the restaurant."

"Who told you to treat those rich people?"

"It's because I thought they only eat pasta and bread. Who knows that they ordered a lot before we even arrived?"

"Serves you right."

Next chapter