
Chapter 11

Parth's POV

I slipped into my bed again, thinking that hopefully, I would not have to murder that girl.

But whatever happened a few minutes back, left me wide awake.

What kind of a girl was she?? She was different! Yes, very different from the usual girls.

She was about 5'5" in height. A bit on the healthier side, not too overweight but a bit chubby. She had a soft baby face but her dressing sense was pathetic, wore very boring oversized clothes. She wore glasses, like those nerdy students and looked absolutely unorganised because of her unkempt hair, always tied up in a boring untidy bun.

She was clumsy and irritating, but what irritated me the most was the way she starts crying at the drop of a hat. I kept getting irritated and sometimes even smiled at her stupidity and finally slipped into slumber.


I got ready and reached the hospital. I was scheduled to give a few lectures to the students as one of the doctors who taught them was on leave so I reached a bit earlier and chalked out everything, found some reference books ready for my 3 assistant doctors to read carefully.

They started to come and report one by one. I gave them the work and went to deliver the lecture to the young students who were studying MBBS.

I got free just before the lunch break and gave a lot of work to Kunal. But later on, I got to know that he already found a chance to go and meet Shruti. Siddharth got very annoyed because of that and scolded him very badly.

I was annoyed as well and decided to give him all the urine and stool tests to perform. He was really annoyed but had no option to do anything. I scolded him as well because he left the department without my permission. I don't know why but Riya was looking at me weirdly.

What was going on in her mind??

Later in the day, a patient came with a naughty child. The lady was having a very high fever for many days and the doctors has asked her to get all her tests done, as it was Riya's duty that day to work with me, Disha and Kunal had gone for a short coffee break.

The nurse and Dr Riya had to take all her samples with the nurse.

But the child was very naughty and pushing the nurse continuously so someone had to hold the child so that the nurse could take the samples.

Dr Riya was trying to catch him but he was too strong and naughty to be handled by her.

She told the nurse to hold the child and she would take the samples. The nurse nodded and held the child tightly. Dr Riya took a sample and got ready to take the sample for a blood test now.

" Sir, I am a bit confused about something, should we not take the test for typhoid as well along with other tests? " She turned to ask from me and just then the child managed to get out of the nurse's arms and pushed Riya very hard. Before I could do anything, She lost her balance and she fell on me.

" Ouch!!" The needle that was supposed to take the blood sample, pierced my arm instead.

" Oh, God!! Dr Riya, I am not the patient, but will be one very soon, if you stay near me. How many times do I have to tell you to stay at least 6 feet away from me? " I shouted at her.

" S..sorry, sir!! " She said looking very tense.

" Can't you manage to stand properly? This is the limit, Dr Riya, even a child can push you." I was still annoyed.

Her head was bent and the tears started flowing from them.

" Sorry!! Please, excuse me!! " She said and ran out of the room wiping her eyes.

Oh, God!! I should not have shouted at her, it was not even her fault. I felt bad and I thought of going to bring her back and apologize.

But the patient was here. I glared at the child and told the nurse to give the biggest injection to the child if he comes anywhere near me. The child got scared of my stern look and went away, I took her blood test.

Once she gave her sample, I wanted to go looking for her. But there were other patients too. Disha came to assist me instead of her.

" Where is Dr Riya?? "

" Sir, she is not feeling very well at the moment, so she requested me to shuffle her duty with mine."

I should not have shouted at her...

" Where is Dr Kunal?? "

" He is with Dr Riya. She was very upset and since she helped Dr Kunal to finish his work, they have become good friends. " Disha said.

Good friends?? My foot!!

I was annoyed but got busy with the patients and after about 10 minutes I saw Kunal coming in holding Dr Riya's hand.

She still looked upset, he was trying to cheer her up. She looked anywhere but at me. I wanted to say sorry to her but she was not even looking at me.


Why? How can you ask that?? You told her to stay away from you.

I felt bad about my behaviour, maybe I should apologise to her once we go home or are alone.


I was noticing the general behaviour of my interns,

Disha was being very smart and quick to learn. While I knew that Riya understood everything but she didn't react much while she was in the hospital. But I smiled at what I had assumed last night when she came to ask for my headphones.

The day was over and I went to meet Sid, he was upset as the tussle was going on between them. I told him to cool down and hugged him. He was crazy about Shruti and was getting possessive and jealous.


I reached home and as soon as I opened the door of my house, the door next to mine opened. Riya came out and offered me new headphones.

" What is this?? " I asked her.

" I got a new one for you as well. "

" My original ones are fine with me. You should not have brought new for me. You didn't need to return them as well as I have two. " I said.

" Take at least one of them or I will have three. Thanks for lending them? "

" It's ok!! Not a big issue. Listen, Dr Riya, I am sorry for the way I behaved earlier in the hospital, it was totally uncalled for. " I said, she just nodded. I felt very light after apologizing.

She nodded with a smile and said good night.

Just then her phone buzzed. Her eyes became large and her hand shook and she looked absolutely frightened.

But frightened of what??

Out of curiosity, I saw the screen and it flashed ' Private number'.

The phone was buzzing and she started shaking. What was happening to her??

" Are you alright?? " I asked but she was still looking at the phone as if it was a live bomb.

What happened to the girl??

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