
Chapter 3

Parth's POV

I was trying to sleep after coming home from my night shift in the hospital.

But there was so much commotion outside. It seemed that I was sleeping in the middle of the road. Everyone was honking the horns and I wanted to beat all of them for disturbing my sleep.

I needed to sleep as I had to report to the hospital as we were to be allotted with the assistant doctors as their internship was to start from today itself.

" What the hell is happening?? Can't I even sleep for some time??" I shouted at the top of my voice. But the commotion was still going on.

So I placed my pillow over my head and pressed it against my ears to reduce the noise. But just then the burglar alarm of my car started and I heard two bangs.

" What the hell!! I am going to punch the shit out of this man if he has even scratched my car. " I said and got up from my bed and rushed downwards.

" What the hell? I can't even sleep here now??" I shouted but I was shocked to see that someone banged not only my car but also my bike. I saw a woman still sitting in the driving seat of her car with her hands hiding behind her palms.

" ....... Oh, No! shit!! You, stupid woman! Who gave you the driving licence? How dare you damage both my car and bike?" I shouted at her.

She removed her hands and opened her eyes.

Oh, no!!! I was shocked to see the same mad girl from the mall.

" You ?? No way! What are you doing here?? " I shouted at the woman, she seemed to have recognised me and looked shocked.

" You?? Are you following me? Stalking me? I will call the police. " She said. She looked scared.

" I knew it!! You are really mad. You stupid girl, I stay here, I was sleeping in my house till you came and created all this chaos. Call the police, yes!! I need protection from a mad girl like you. In fact, give me the number of your mental asylum. "

" What nonsense!! I am absolutely fine!! "

" Absolutely fine people do not bang into people like you and then attack them with hot coffee and a cold drink. "

" That was just an accident."

" And what is this?? You banged both my vehicles... Are you drunk too?? "

" You stay in this building?? " She asked me with a horror-struck look on her face.

" I do!! But why are you asking? Don't change the topic. I want you to pay for the damages you have caused to my vehicles. " I said rudely.

" Sorry, for that... but you can't be so rude to your neighbour. Please spare me this time. "

" I am not going to spare you anything. Just pay for the damages and get lost from here. I am tired as hell. "

" Please, try and understand... "

" There is nothing to understand, I want my money. You just pay the damages."

" Ok, fine!! I will at the end of the month. When I will get my money. I don't have extra money to pay you. I have to sustain for the whole month on whatever, I have with me. " She seemed to be on the verge of crying.

" What nonsense!! Why should I trust you?? And how can I trust you? Where will I find you? You will not come and give me money on your own. " She burst into tears. I was shocked as hell.

Oh, God!! Why was she crying now?

Ughh!! I hate such girls... They cry when they can't win an argument. But it has always made me go weak.

" I will, or you can come and take it from me, I have come to live in this building only. " She said while sobbing.

Oh, No !! She would live here! In my building?

" Here?? In this building? Which floor? "

" Fourth! "

Shit!! She is on 4 th floor too?? That means, she was my new next-door neighbour.

" Oh, No!!! "

" What happened?? "

" Nothing! " I said picking up my bike and parking it again safely.

" Where do you live?" She asked.

" Never mind!! "

" But then, how will I return your money?? "

" Don't bother. Just leave me alone. " I said and started to shift my car a bit away from hers. I didn't want her to bang my car or bike again.

I saw that she was taking out her lots and lots of stuff from the car and looked at me as if she was expecting me to help her.

I would not!! She threw coffee and a cold drink at me and banged my car and bike and disturbed my precious sleep. I would not...

" Can you please?? " She smiled politely.

" No!! "

" No?? How rude!!! A sweet girl is asking you to help her and you... You are rude. "

" Yes, I am !! Stay away from me. By the way, who is the sweet girl, you were talking about?? I can't see anyone. "

" Why?? I am standing in front of you carrying so many bags. You don't even have the chivalry to help a girl. "

" Chivalry?? Why? You are today's women who believe in equal rights and we don't have a problem with that, then why do you expect chivalry from us?? "

" You are a very irritating man. " She started moving inside the building carrying all those bags.

" Exactly!! Always keep that in your mind and never bother me again." I said.

" Listen, I don't care what you think... I am sweet, I help even strangers, here we are at least neighbours. "

" I don't give or take help... Good day. Please keep away from me. "

I knew, I was getting irritated and was being annoyed with the girl but I was already sick of the girls and their attitude.

My best friend Siddharth was suffering because of the attitude of a girl, he was crazy about her for the last 5 years and she was giving him a tough time. I had to do something for him, I could not see him suffer like this.

I was going inside the building when something fell on my head.

What the hell??

I look upwards and saw another thing was about to land on me I got aside as swiftly as I could.

The stupid girl had left a bag full of things on the sill. Things were falling from it.

If only she was not a girl...


I was opening the door when I saw her coming up with her bags. She saw me opening the door, next to her own. Her eyes became very wide.

" You live here? " She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

" No, I am trying to break in this house. Any problem?? " I answered sarcastically.

"Yes, I can't let you break into my neighbour's home. I don't care how he behaves but I am a good neighbour. Don't you dare break in or will call the police. " She said with a cool sarcastic smile.

What kind of a girl was she??

" Just do me one favour, leave me alone. Please don't make much noise, I am tired and sleepy. "

" Sure, I will not make much noise, but you see, I have to carry a lot of stuff. So sorry if you are getting disturbed, but I have to move into the place. If only, someone could help me get my stuff upstairs, I would have settled earlier. But it's ok, I can manage on my own. Just bear the noise till then. " She said with a smile.

I went inside my home and tried to sleep but the irritating girl kept making noises and I could not sleep.

I have been enjoying this single bedroom apartment till now but now there will be a fly in the ointment... My new irritating and clumsy next-door neighbour.

Ughhh !!!!

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