The words durable cloth made sense on their own, but when it applied to Talents, William had no idea what he had just acquired from the System.
Was it a trash Talent like Drawing or Stone Skipping, or was it actually useful? There was only one way to find out.
William scrolled through his Status until he reached the Physical Talents section. Positioned below the Physical Charm Talent was the first new Talent he had earned since Ascending. Durable Cloth was rated as merely a Common Talent, but William knew better than to assume it was trash.
Some of his best Talents, such as Hard Skin and Regeneration, were Common when he unlocked them.
[Ascended] Durable Cloth (Common): (F)
Effects: Cloth-based clothing items are 150x more durable.
X-Rank Bonus Effects:
-Elastic Fibers: Clothing you wear always fits you perfectly, even if you change form or size.
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