
Setting Terms

A few minutes later, William joined Vice Principal Kenny in his office. It was both soundproofed and protected by many powerful Arrays that far surpassed William's understanding, so no one that entered the Dimension randomly would overhear their conversation.

He and the Vice Principal sat in identical leather recliners, each on the opposite side of a floating coffee table that automatically refilled drinks.

Professor Tenningbrew had offered to bring William and the Vice Principal into his All Zone, but the disgusting entry method make William politely decline. Instead, Tenningbrew joined both of them in the office, finding his own chair in the corner of the room where he could spectate.

"You don't need to be here, Gerald. These terms are between him and me," he looked at William's professor. "You can make a separate deal later." His tone was slightly condescending, but Tenningbrew wasn't offended.

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