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The Vermillion Pheonix hardly had time to turn around before Atticus wrapped his long body around the creature, sinking his teeth into its neck and injecting it with his venom.

While Rat Snakes were not generally very venomous creatures, Atticus' bloodline had strengthened that aspect immensely, turning his bite into something incredibly powerful that his opponents would rather avoid.

Not only did his venom have a paralyzing effect, it also had a secondary effect from the Illusion Affinity that would cause those affected to hallucinate.

The Juvenile Vermillion Pheonix found its vision becoming blurry, as if it had become a human and drank too much alcohol. It stumbled a few times as the intensity of the hallucinations increased, then it fell to the ground when Atticus let go, unable to get back up in a short period of time.

Two down already, he's performing quite well. William praised the Mythical Rat Snake in his mind. 


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