William didn't have enough time to fix the problem, given that just creating an improved Perfect Array would take about a minute.
Instead, he removed the entire dial all at once, opting to wipe all of the Arrays contained within it at the same time. The Mana was released and prevented the Starmetal from being damaged, but William would need to spend a few hours to recover the Arrays that he had just lost.
Thankfully, he still had the blueprints he had drawn out and wouldn't take too long restoring his lost work.
He added the Arrays back to the item, this time making sure each Rune was strong enough to hold one specific Element.
He added a Filter and a Rejection Array, which would first scan the Mana that was trying to enter the storage, then reject it if it didn't match the type that was supposed to be contained.
He tested the belt a few more times, failing in one way or another but achieving some success each time.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: