

Riyald looked at William with a bit of confusion, but he continued explaining the workings of the Space Element anyway.

Even though he didn't have the Space Affinity himself, the man had lived a long time and picked up many skills, both from his enemies and general understanding of the world.

When he finished, he looked back at William with a smile. "I hope this was beneficial to you, Disciple William. Now that you understand more about Arrays and the different layers of space, I hope you can be successful in your experiment."

William nodded, "Thank you, Master. When should I meet with you again?"

Riyald pulled his hand out from under his robe to look at a black wristwatch that had four spinning hands, unclear if they were to tell time or for another purpose. He nodded to himself, then looked back at William.

"Give me two weeks or so. If everything goes well, you can meet me at the same time and place."


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