
Cultivation Techniques

Elder Lin would normally not allow such a thing while giving tours to the Outer Core Disciples, but seeing that William was escorted by the Sect Master himself, Elder Lin was curious to see what about this boy caught that stingy old man's eye.

"Go ahead boy, but don't take too long. I don't have all day to be guiding you."

William nodded and walked over to one of the empty training dummies. Hmm, what Element should I use?

The Sect Master said he would protect William while he was in the Sect, but greed will blind even the kindest people. He wasn't willing to show all his cards just yet.

I better keep it simple.

William decided to copy what the young man did earlier, but with a few changes. He focused some Mana of the Water Element to his fingertips, forming a spherical ball of water. He transformed the sphere into a flat disc similar to a frisbee, then added more Mana until the disc was spinning at high speed. 


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