

Natasha giggled when she heard Joy's gasp. She could see that Joy's eyes were wide open as she looked at her up and down.

"Mommy you look amazing!!!" said Joy as she moved signaling that he put her down as she ran to give Natasha a hug.

"Really my darling?" asked Natasha as Joy nodded violently.

"You look like a princess, your dress is very nice and it's really, really pretty, even prettier than my dress." said Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Aww, that's so nice of you to say my darling, thank you." said Natasha as she smiled and noticed that Dom was still standing there unmoving and he still had not said anything.

Dom was frozen in shock, he was speechless, really, Natasha looked really... beautiful. He had never seen her dress this way before. She never wore red and if she did, it would be minimally, but this red dress just brought out all her features and made her look simply stunning.

"You're welcome mommy, you look so pretty, right daddy?" asked Joy as she turned to look at Dom who finally snapped out of his stupour.

"Wh...what?" he asked as he shook his head as he snapped out of it.

"I said mommy looks really pretty right?" asked Joy as she smiled.

"Yes she does... really, really pretty." he said as Natasha laughed.

"Oh you guys are just saying that." said Natasha as she laughed.

"No we're not... you look really beautiful Natasha." said Dom as Natasha's eyes were fixed on his.

"Thank you..." she replied with a smile, she did not know why, but she felt that he was being very sincere at the moment. It had been a really long while since she had heard him compliment her and she had to admit that it felt nice to hear nice compliments.

Natasha suddenly noticed what Dom was wearing as she burst into laughter.

"What?" asked Dom as he had a feeling that her sudden burst of laughter was directed towards him.

"Your suit..." she said as she laughed unable to control herself.

"What about my suit?" he asked in confusion.

"You look like a giant banana." she said as she laughed and he did not look amused at all.

"Did you borrow it from Charlie or what, because it's certainly looks like something he would wear." said Natasha as she continued laughing and Joy snickered.

Dom was wearing a bright yellow suit, everything was yellow from the tie, to the shirt, to the blazer, to the pants and to the shoes. All Natasha was sure was missing was a bright yellow top hat to go with it.

"Ha, ha very funny, well yes, I did borrow it from Charlie, but you know that there is yellow coral." said Dom as he defended his suit choice.

"Yeah, there is, but there is such a thing as too much yellow, gosh, I fear that if I look at you for long I will go blind." said Natasha.

"Right, are you done now?" asked Dom as Natasha and Joy kept on laughing.

"I don't care what you both say, I look good." said Dom as Natasha laughed.

"Yeah right you do." she replied with sarcasm as she sat down to put on her red mary jane's mid heels.

"Mommy, you're wearing daddy's favourite colour and daddy is wearing your favourite colour and I'm wearing my favourite colour." said Joy as she gasped and giggled in delight at her sudden realization.

"Wow, that's a really funny coincidence." said Natasha as she laughed while applying some red lipstick and Dom smiled.

"Anyway, I'm ready now, so let's go." said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yayyyy." said Joy happily as she jumped around.

"Where's Lulu?" asked Natasha as she looked at Dom.

"She already left earlier to the venue." said Dom.

"Oh, and where's Nine?" asked Natasha as she thought that they were all supposed to go together.

"He left already to pick up his date, he said that he would meet us there." said Dom.

"And what about Charlie and Michael?" asked Natasha.

"They also already left to help Lulu with some last minute changes." said Dom.

"I see..." said Natasha as she had not realized that they were probably the only ones at home.

"Yes, so it's only us three." said Dom as he smiled and carried Joy causing her to giggle.

"Yayyyyyy, let's go." said Joy in excitement as Natasha laughed and walked ahead as they followed behind her.

"Are we taking your car or mine?" asked Dom as they walked down the stairs.

"You drive, I don't feel like driving today." she replied.

"My car it is then." he said as she opened the front door.


Nine was waiting outside his car as he checked the time, it was already six pm sharp and even though he did not like very huge gatherings he was worried that they would be late.

Nine sighed as he decided to go and knock on the door again. He walked from his car up the steps to a house as he knocked on the door.

"Come in." he heard the familiar voice say as he opened the door.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, I couldn't find my shoes but now I found it, so embarrassing." said Jennifer as her voice was coming from the right corner but Nine could not see her.

"It's alright." he replied. 

"Really? Because you sound kind of annoyed." she said as she finally stepped into his view with a sheepish smile as Nine's eyes went wide.

"No... I'm not annoyed, not at all, besides, you already apologized." he said as he cleared his throat.

"Thank you for being so understanding Xavier." she said as she smiled at him.

"You don't have to thank me." he replied.

"So how do I look?" she asked happily as she did a little twirl.

"You look really nice." he said when in reality what he mean was "You look absolutely breathtaking."

"Why thank you, you don't look bad yourself." she said as she smiled.

"But why are you wearing black?" he asked in curiosity.

"We match, don't you like it?" she asked as she smiled. She was wearing a mid sleeve long black evening gown and her hair was let down for a change.

"No, I like it... I like a lot, I'm just curious as to why." said Nine as Jennifer laughed.

"Well you told me that you would be wearing black, and since I'm accompanying you, I thought that it would be nice if we matched." said Jennifer as she smiled.

"I see... well I like that you decided we should match." he said as she hooked her arm with his.

"I'm glad that you like it, we should go now, we don't want to be later than we already are." said Jennifer as she smiled and Nine looked at their hooked arms and then at her face before nodding as they left the house and Jennifer closed the door behind them.


"*Ugh*, Lulu please calm down and relax, people have already started arriving, not everything has to be perfect, it looks fine to me." said Charlie as he groaned regretting that he offered to help Lulu with some last minute arrangements, he was supposed to be enjoying his time right now and not helping Lulu with her perfectionist nature.

"No I cannot calm down Charlie, not now, I organized this entire event and if anything goes wrong it will be my fault!!" she shouted from inside the room she where extra decorations were kept.

"Good Lord almighty Lulu, please relax, I can't deal with this, I want to go eat something." said Charlie as he groaned.

"Michael, say something to her to calm her down, I am frankly tired already." said Charlie as he turned to Michael for help.

"You can just go if you want to, I don't need your help anymore, go enjoy yourself or whatever!" replied Lulu in anger as only her voice could be heard.

"Well I'm not going to refuse a chance of escape, see you later when you calm down." said Charlie as he smiled and took his leave without waiting at all.

"Lulu, Charlie is right though, you need to calm down, the party has already started, the guests are arriving and everything has been going smoothly so far, you don't have to burden yourself like this." said Michael.

"Just go away Michael if you're going to side with Charlie because it's not fair, this is my hard work, I've never worked so hard on anything in my life and if you can't just be my brother and help me then leave." she said.

"Don't say that Lulu, I am your brother and I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way just... *sigh* what else do you need help with?" asked Michael as he sighed.

"I need you to go check with the caterers, they need to make sure that they put allergy warnings on the food at the buffet so no accidents will happen." said Lulu.

"Alright got it, anything else?" asked Michael.

"No, only that, thank you dear brother of mine." said Lulu as she smiled.

"You're welcome." replied Michael as he went on his way.

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