
Why didn't you tell me?

"I am sorry to admit that there are incompetent people in every department of this organization." said Dom.

"And the fact that you have been able to get away with your insubordination for so long does not mean that you will continue to be able to." he said.

"There are rules and there are regulations. Each and every employee is expected to give nothing but their absolute best."

"You cannot waste time dallying on your work. A business as large as this one that has been operating for as long as we have knows that efficiency is key."

"Leaving tasks till the last minute and avoiding work that has specifically been delegated to you is nothing but sheer incompetence. Leaving for lunch before the assigned break hour is nothing but disrespect to the rules and those who are working their hardest on their jobs."

"You cannot count on your colleagues to cover for you, they also have their own duties and responsibilities." he said.

"Each and every one of us need to have integrity, because at the end of the day, having integrity is not something you do while people are watching, but what you do while you are alone."

"I do not want incidents that happened yesterday to ever repeat itself again. Every single one of you must be responsible for your actions. Be responsible for your work, and be an example to the rest of your colleagues." he said.

"I hope that all my words have not entered into empty space, and I hope that from now on, each and every one of us will implement a change." said Dom.

"Now, as for every commandment there is a punishment, and the same applies here." 

"If after every single word I have said, and after all my pleading for a change, and no change happens, and you are still found guilty of incompetence, you will undeniably be fired on the spot." said Dom sternly.

"I will condone no bad behaviour. You are not being paid to produce menial results but to produce only the most excellent results." he said.

"This punishment might seem harsh, or too rushed, but you must understand that I simply will not allow anyone's action become a detriment to the wellbeing of others around them."

"With that being said, this is the end of my speech and I hope that we can all make a change... Thank you." he said concluding everything as a loud applause rang in the hall.


Dom sighed as he closed his laptop. He hoped that the speech he gave earlier would be enough to change the employee's mind and give a firm warning to those who would still try to continue doing things the wrong way.

"That was a really nice speech Dom, I'm telling you." said Michael as he walked into Dom's office.

"Yes, let's just hope that we don't see a repeat of what happened yesterday." he replied.

"How far with the purchase of the new elevator?" asked Dom as Michael was the only one he could trust with something like that.

"Well good, I have spoken to the company's representative and they assured me that everything is perfectly fine, believe me, I double checked all the information, the new elevator should be here in three days." said Michael as his phone rang again and he switched it off.

"Good, and who are you avoiding? Just answer your call already." said Dom.

"Sorry about that, it's Charlie, he's been calling me all morning. God only knows what the heck he's troubling me about." said Michael with a sigh.

"Well then just answer his call, it might be important." said Dom while looking through some files.

"Knowing Charlie it might just be something childish, I'll respond to him later." said Michael.

"Very well." said Dom.

"So are you going home for lunch today?" asked Michael as Dom nodded.

"I will, I'm free today, so I might as well make use of it." said Dom.

"Alright then, see you later." said Michael as he walked out of Dom's office.


Lulu jumped up and down in the living room. She had been so relaxed and calm all day, and she did not know what to do at all.

She had never been this idle before. She always usually had something to do, but not today and she did not want to go outside. 

Not because she was scared to, but because she just did not feel like going out today. She wanted to take a break from the busy world outside.

"Bored?" asked Natasha as she walked into the living room.

"You don't know how bored I am, you need to buy a trampoline." said Lulu as Natasha laughed.

"A trampoline?" asked Natasha in surprise as Lulu nodded.

"Yes, so at least that way I could relieve all this bubbly energy inside by jumping, the solid ground is going to break my feet." said Lulu as Natasha laughed.

"Oh Lulu, I'm so glad that you're back to being yourself." said Natasha as she smiled.

"Hello, hello." said Dom as he entered the house and walked into the living room.

"Hi Dom." said Lulu as she smiled.

"Hi." said Natasha casually.

"Your sister wants a trampoline." she said as Dom was surprised.

"A trampoline?" he asked in confusion.

"Yes, because I feel like jumping on something right now, I'm way too bubbly." said Lulu seriously as Dom laughed.

"Lulu you're no longer a child, I'm not getting a trampoline just because you want one." said Dom.

"Awww but I'm sure that Joy will enjoy having a trampoline as well." said Lulu as she pleaded.

"Nice try, I'm not getting a trampoline, those things can be very dangerous for a child of Joy's age, and don't you dare go putting ideas into her head." said Dom.

"Natasha, your husband is being unreasonable." said Lulu as she pouted and looked at Natasha.

"Don't look at me, I'm not in anyway part of this." she declared as her phone rang and she answered it.

"Oh hello Aunt." said Natasha as she smiled.

"I'm good and how are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine Natasha, are you home right now?" asked Margaret.

"Yes I am." replied Natasha.

"And is Louise there as well?" she asked.

"Yes, she's here." Natasha replied.

"Great I'm coming in." she said as Natasha frowned.

"What do you mean coming in...?" asked Natasha as the call had ended before she even had a chance to ask.

"Was that my mom?" asked Lulu as Natasha nodded.

"I don't know why, but she sounded very odd." said Natasha as before Dom even had time to respond the front door opened.

"Louise!" called Margaret loudly as soon as she entered the house.

"Mom?!" asked Lulu in surprise as she walked out of the living room to meet her mother.

"Oh thank God you're alright." said Margaret as she instantly trapped Lulu in a hug.

"Mom, are you alright? What's going on?" asked Dom as he and Natasha followed after Lulu.

"I should be asking you that." she said as she checked Lulu from head to toe and she checked her eyes and her mouth, as if searching for something.

"Are you hurt? Do you feel any pain?" asked Margaret as Lulu shook her head.

"Gosh Mom, what's going on? I'm perfectly alright." said Lulu.

"Good, then I can do this." said Margaret as she gave Lulu a painless knock on the head.

"Ouch." said Lulu on instinct.

"What was that for?" she asked as she rubbed her head.

"That's for hiding things from me Louise, Good lord, do you know how worried I was when I heard what happened?" she asked.

"I didn't hide anything from you mom." said Lulu.

"Don't play smart with me young lady, I know what happened with the elevator yesterday." said Margaret angrily.

"Oh... that..." replied Lulu.

"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Margaret as she was upset.

"I should be the first to know when something as terrible like that happens to you." said Margaret, her tone worried.

"I...I..." said Lulu as she did not know what to say.

"Lulu was not really in the right mind to tell anyone what happened." said Dom as he quickly swooped in to rescue his sister.

"The same goes for you Dominic, since when did you start hiding things from me? Why didn't you tell me what happened to your sister?" Margaret asked, her anger directed towards Dom now.

"Well I... I..." said Dom as he was stuck, he did not want to tell his mother that he had deliberately not told her, he did not know that they would find out so quickly, because if his mother knew, his dad and Grandfather already knew as well.

Natasha on the other hand was desperately resisting the urge to excuse herself from this family scolding, but she concluded that if she tried to escape and run away, she would be deemed as guilty as Dom and Lulu were, and she was not guilty at all, she told Dom and Michael yesterday that hiding this sort of thing would do no one any good.

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