
Need help

"Yes, I can see that you are right about that, but I also don't want Lulu to take this lightly just because it's a family organized event." said Margaret as Dom could see that she was worried.

"Mom, I don't think Lulu will take this lightly, if you are still worried about this, how about you call her and ask her how far she is with the preparations?" suggested Dom.

"And if you still have more concerns I think it's better to tell her directly so she knows what she needs to prioritize more." said Dom.

"You're right Dom, but you know your sister, when she already has her mind set on the way she wants to do things she doesn't take well to corrections of advice." said Margaret as she sighed, knowing just how stubborn her daughter could be when she felt like her authority was being undermined.

"I know mom, but I doubt anything you will say to her would be something she feels as if she needs to defend herself against." said Dom as he smiled.

"Alright then, but something we must solve now is the final date of the event, I am tired of the constant changing and everything, we need things to be settled." said Margaret seriously as Dom nodded.

"Alright, you're right, we are currently at the end of March, so for the sake of my own sanity and ability to keep up with everything being planned, how about the schedule the event for the first Saturday in June?" asked Dom as Margaret frowned.

"June?" asked Margaret as Dom nodded.

"We are already behind schedule as it is due to obvious reasons, so instead of rushing, how about we take things slow, the event set for the first Saturday in June gives Lulu more time to plan, and you have more time to supervise while I also have more time to focus on other things." said Dom as he explained.

"How does that sound?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Oh well, alright then, if you say so" said Margaret as she was content with the date scheduled so as long as it was not moved or changed again.

"Thanks Mom, you're the best." said Dom as he smiled and kissed the back of his mother's hands.

"Well you seem to be in an awfully calm mood, tell me what happened." said Margaret as it had been a while since she had seen Dom in such a tranquil mood. Lately he either looked sad or stressed, but that wasn't the case now.

"Well nothing serious happened Mom, I'm just taking each day as it comes." said Dom with a smile.

"Are you sure? For you to be this calm it means that you already have an idea to solve the issues you have with Natasha." said Margaret with a glint of hope flickering in her eyes.

"Well yes, something like that mom, but it's not every time that something has to happen for me to look like this." said Dom.

"On bad days we frown and on good days we smile, but we seem to forget that some days are neither good or bad, we just continue on." said Dom.

"Hmm, that is true my son, but in this case I am positively sure that your calmness is due to something." said Margaret as Dom chuckled.

"So have you eaten something yet?" asked Margaret.

"No, I skipped coming home for lunch, I have a lot of work to finish and if I want to make it in time for dinner I better start now." said Dom as for the past hour he had had an unusual amount of distractions, he did not mind at all, he was just annoyed that all the hours he spent distracted won't cause all his unfinished work to take care of themself.

"Ahh I see, well I better take my leave now so you can get back to work." said Margaret as she smiled.

"Thanks mom, and thanks for coming to see me." said Dom with a smile.

"You're welcome Dominic, and stop skipping lunch so much, it's not healthy." said Margaret as she stood up and Dom smiled, knowing fully well that his mother would scold him for skipping lunch, he was only waiting for her to say so.

"You're right Mom, don't worry, I won't." replied Dom as he smiled and Margaret left his office.

Dom stood up and walked over to his desk and sat down. That was enough dawdling for the day, he had to start focusing on his work.

As Dom began to type, he suddenly remembered that it was best he gave Lulu a heads up before she was caught off guard by their mom.

Dom brought out his phone and dialed Lulu's number as he waited for her to answer his call.

"Hello, this is the line of Miss Lulu White." came Charlie's voice from the other side of the line as Dom felt like throwing his phone away, these two were still up to their stupid shenanigans.

"Charlie, I don't care whatever it is that Lulu is doing, give her the phone." said Dom quickly before he ended up shouting at Charlie.

"Lulu, Dom's on the line and he sounds angry." whispered Charlie as Dom could still hear him loud and clear.

"Oh give me that." came Lulu's voice in the background.

"Hello." said Lulu as she took her phone from Charlie.

"I can see that the two of you are still wrapped up in your madness, how long is this going to last exactly?" asked Dom with a sigh.

"Well he still has three more days to keep his end of the bet, anyway, what's up? What do you want?" asked Lulu.

"Mom came over here, she's worried that you're not taking the planning of the joint event seriously." said Dom.

"Oh come on really?" asked Lulu in annoyance.

"Really." said Dom.

"But I've been working really hard on it, I'm almost done with the planning anyway? I am just waiting for the materials I ordered, how could Mom think that I am not taking this seriously?" asked Lulu.

"Well for one, she rarely sees you work on it, and secondly, she hasn't received a report from you on your progress, I don't blame her at all, she's really upset that we've been postponing the thing for far too long." said Dom as Lulu sighed.

"So because of that the party will be held on the first Saturday in June, no more changes to the dates, that is the final date." said Dom.

"Alright, I got it, at least I have some more time to gather everything I've been working on." said Lulu.

"That's good, don't hesitate to call me in case you need help, it's better to get everything done with than to have to deal with setbacks." said Dom.

"That my be true, but I don't need any help, I already have my own assistant, there's no way I'm going to pay someone else from the money you are paying me for this." said Lulu as Dom scoffed and shook his head.

"I see, so you don't want to hire help because you're greedy?" asked Dom.

"No, I don't want to hire help because I don't need any help, there's a distinct difference." said Lulu proudly.

"Ahh right, I can see that." said Dom in sarcasm as Lulu scoffed and ignored him.

"Well good luck to you, I just wanted to give you the heads up that Mom's going to talk to you soon, you better be ready." said Dom.

"Thanks for the heads up Dom, or else I would have been caught by surprise." replied Lulu.

"You're welcome, and oh, please don't be stubborn and don't try to argue with Mom, all she wants is the best for this event, the same as you do." said Dom.

"And since when am I ever stubborn?" asked Lulu with an offended tone.

"Oh please don't start Lulu, we all know how you can get when it seems as if you aren't getting your way." said Dom as Lulu scoffed.

"Whatever, I'm not that stubborn, anyway, thank you for your heads up, I won't be stubborn and I will show Mom the progress that I have made so far." said Lulu as she smiled.

"You're welcome Lulu, and stop frowning, I can sense that you are cursing me internally." said Dom as he chuckled and Lulu scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever get off my phone you bully." said Lulu as she ended the call swiftly as Dom put down his phone and laughed while shaking his head.

His little sister sure could be so immature sometimes, and sometimes she could be so very annoying and very full of herself, but regardless she was his baby sister, and he loved her like that, he couldn't imagine her being any other way.

Dom laughed to himself as he focused on his laptop screen, he was certainly in a good mood to continue working now.

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