
Hit her

Natasha took a deep breath as she walked out the front door, she was tired, physically mentally.

At first when they had got here she felt a sense of peace that was suddenly replaced with a sense of dread and pain.

After all this was the neighborhood that she grew up in, that they all grew up in, and she had many fond memories here, in the park and just in the estate in general, but with everything that happened.

Just thinking about the fact that Lia lives here, that she pretended to be a friend to her for so long, she was no naive to not see all the signs since they were definitely there. Lia could not be that much of a mastermind to be so flawless with the way she masked her hatred and unthinkable plans.

Walking on the familiar pavement and just being in the neighborhood again was so bittersweet, she could not lie that she didn't cherish all the memories she had made with Lia and everyone else because whether she liked it or not, it was those memories and those times that shaped who she became.

Whether she liked to admit it or not, everything that happened in her life made her who she was today. of course the heartache and the pain and the suffering she would have liked to avoid and never pass through; but if she did not pass through them she would not have been as tough as she was now.

Natasha could proudly say that she had gone through the worst of the worst. Being killed and betrayed by your best friend, abandoned by the man you loved and the people you loved, finding out things she would have never imagined finding out.

She doubted that she could find out anything else that would make her be surprised or feel this much heartache and pain again.

Natasha was sure that Dom was being scolded by grandfather and she could not care one bit, he deserved it, he deserved all that scolding and more. He shouldn't have been a jerk.

Although she could not ignore the fact that he was a victim of Lia's antics just like she was, but he allowed his anger make him an enabler. Natasha was sure that the only reason Lia's plan to split them up worked as flawlessly as it did was because of the fact instead of using his reasoning and sense to figure out that something was off, he fell for everything hook, like and sinker.

Natasha scoffed out loud, for a man of his position and knowledge he really was stupid, he even made Michael carry out investigations but she doubted he saw anything tangible from the results since in his mind there was already and explanation and for him it was that she did it.

Natasha just found herself laughing internally more and more, it was ironic wasn't it? She had thought that no matter what he would believe her, but he didn't. It was quite saddening but she was already over that, right now she was focusing on a way for her to get rid of all this pain and feel better.

But Natasha just couldn't, and then it hit her, it was just like everyone said... she needed time... although she hated that she did. She didn't want this to affect her anymore, but every single time it did.

Natasha was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she did not notice when Margaret walked out of the front door and and her eyes were instantly filled with sympathy as she walked to Natasha and gave her a sudden hug, jolting Natasha back to reality.

"Oh Natasha my dear, I am so sorry, so very sorry for everything that has happened to you." said Margaret as her voice sounded as if she wanted to cry but she held herself, she knew that Natasha would not appreciate that kind of dramatic display.

Natasha was silent as she heard Margaret's soft hushed voice that was so filled with tenderness, and her hug was just so warm, so very warm that Natasha didn't resist, she just let herself feel it for once.

Her hug felt so embracing, so protecting, Natasha couldn't remember the last time she had felt such a kind of hug... maybe it was ever since her father had died, he was her confidant, the one she would cry to, but since he was gone, she could not help but feel all alone.

"I'm so sorry dear, I know it must be hard, and I would like to say that I'm sorry on behalf of everyone as well, but I know that won't be appropriate, they all blamed you for something you didn't do, and I'm so sorry that you've felt so alone for so long." continued Margaret as she rubbed Natasha's back.

She had always considered Natasha a daughter, even long before she and Dom got married, and Natasha was all alone, no father no mother. At least when Larry was alive he would fight for his daughter and defend her and comfort her and make her feel better, but since he was gone, she knew that gave Natasha a huge blow, and even though she didn't say it, she felt alone.

"It's not your fault Aunt, you have nothing to be sorry for, you have never once hated me, or refused to believe me." said Natasha as she hugged Margaret.

At least when everything had happened Margaret was one of the few people except for her father and Ernest who refused to believe that she was capable of doing such a thing. Even though her hands were tied with both her husband and son believing otherwise, she never stopped to show her support for Natasha in the little things she did.

"I know, but I feel a bit guilty, if only I had pushed Dom more to reason, or just put my foot down not to allow such nonsense." said Margaret as Natasha broke their hug.

"Oh Aunt, I know you couldn't do that, especially not with Uncle being sure that I did do it, but anyway, that is old news, thank you for always been on my side." said Natasha as she smiled and Margaret smiled at her with compassion.

"I know that you have probably heard this a lot, but how do you feel?" asked Margaret.

"Honestly, I just feel relieved that all this is over and done with." said Natasha as she smiled.

"I am glad about that too my dear." said Margaret as she smiled.

"So how is Joy? I hope she didn't give you any trouble?" asked Natasha as she smiled and Margaret laughed.

"Oh she is fine my dear, and not at all, my granddaughter is nothing but an angel, she can never trouble me, in fact I think she should be able to spend more time here with us, not in these circumstances though." said Margret as Natasha laughed.

"Definitely, I promise you that we will find time for Joy to be able to spend more time here." said Natasha as she smiled.

"Oh that would be wonderful Natasha, you know, I can't believe that I'm saying this, but at this age, the only other thing we really look forward too is seeing my grandchild... oh my I sound just like father." said Margaret as she laughed and Natasha laughed.

"I can imagine, but Grandfather is right though... even though he can take it a little bit too far, but yes, family is important." said Natasha as she smiled and Margaret smiled at her, she was about to say something more when she did not have the chance to with the sound of a little happily excited girl as she ran towards them quickly.

"Mommy!!!" shouted Joy in excitement as she happened to look out the window and as soon as she saw her mother outside she dropped everything and ran to meet her.

"My baby!" called Natasha with a huge smile plastered on her face as Joy ran straight into her arms and Natasha bent down and carried her.

"Mommy I missed you!" said Joy as she hugged her mother tightly as Natasha gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I missed you too my darling, how are you?" asked Natasha as she smiled, she could not explain it, but whenever she saw the bright smiling face of her daughter, she felt as if all her worries had gone away.

She forgot about her pain, she forgot about her heartache and she just lived in the moment with her daughter and remembered that to her, the most important thing was that her daughter was loved, was taken care of, was happy.

Whatever happened to her didn't matter, so as long as her daughter was fine, she was happy, that was all that mattered.

"I am good mommy, I missed you a lot." repeated Joy once again as she had not really thought about it before, but her leaving from school and coming straight here was just too sudden, she didn't even have time to say goodbye.

She did not want that to ever happen again, even though everyone she loved was here and they made her feel safe and at home, she still missed her parents regardless.

"I know my baby, and I missed you too." said Natasha as she smiled and gave Joy another kiss on the forehead.

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