
Have you heard?

"Ben can you help me carry this please??" asked Lulu with a very soft mellow voice as Benjamin turned to look at her and sighed as he shook his head.

"You don't have to change your voice, you could have just asked" said Benjamin as he walked towards her and carried the huge boxes that she was holding in her hand.

"Oh I know, it was just fun seeing your annoyed reaction" said Lulu as she grinned and Benjamin sighed again, here they were at the mall partially window shopping for the things needed for the joint event.

And of course Lulu needed the help of her trusty assistant party planner, seeing as he was on one of his day offs, she literally dragged him to go with her, and Benjamin knowing by now that he could not resist Lulu for the sake of his peace, went with her.

"You really just love annoying people, me especially" said Benjamin as he shook his head, what was he even shaking his head for? By now he knew Lulu very well, she was nothing but a serious trouble maker.

He should have known that anytime he reluctantly accepted to go out with he anywhere, it would be far from a peaceful outing.

"That's because you make it so enjoyable" replied Lulu with smile as Benjamin walked ahead, the sooner they got everything needed on the list the sooner he could get back home.

Lulu chuckled as she shook her head, he was so cute when he was annoyed, in the midst of her thinking, her phone suddenly rang as she found it in her handbag and answered the call.

"Oh hey Charlie, what's up?" asked Lulu as she smiled happily.

"Lulu have you heard??!" came Charlie's immediate loud voice from the other side of the line.

"Heard what?" asked Lulu in confusion as her brows furrowed.

"Lulu, I just heard from Michael that Lia confessed to being the one who drugged Natasha and Dom six years ago" said Charlie as he was burning to get it out, no matter how much he thought about it, he was still in disbelief, he needed to talk to someone, maybe that would make him understand better.

"What??!?" asked Lulu in pure shock as she shouted, drawing attention from people that were walking by but continued on their ways seeing that she was fine and only on the phone.

"Yes, I can't believe it myself, I can't even wrap my head around it" said Charlie as he sighed.

"Charlie are you serious? Please don't tell me that you are playing with me?" asked Lulu as she was in shock right now.

"What happened?" asked Benjamin as he rushed back to her when he heard her shout, judging from her reaction it did not look like it was good news.

Lulu didn't have time to answer him, she was just expectantly waiting for Charlie to shed more light on his statement.

"I'm not playing with you Lulu, I just heard from Michael, in fact from what I know, Lia came to Dom's office herself and told him the truth, Natasha is innocent… it was Lia, not her" said Charlie as he still couldn't believe it.

"I can't believe this Charlie" said Lulu, she was confused, she did not know what to think, she felt shocked, as if this was a prank, but Charlie would never ever joke with something as serious and as delicate as this, which meant that it could only be true, and they were all idiots.

"Neither can I, I'm still in shock" said Charlie as he let out an exasperated sigh, just thinking about to to himself alone made him feel like he was choking, he couldn't take it, he needed to talk to someone and Nine wasn't answering his calls, so he decided to inform Lulu, he needed someone to join him in the strange was he was feeling.

"That heartless woman did such a thing and had the audacity to play innocent for this long??!" asked Lulu as sounded severely angry, Lia had done this? Lia had ruined the relationship of her brother and Natasha and all just for what?

"I honestly still can't believe it" said Charlie.

"Oh you better believe it Charlie, you better believe it, I always knew that there was something off with that woman, she is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a green snake under green grass, how can she do this??!" asked Lulu as she was in rage.

"I know how you feel Lulu, I'm asking myself the same question" said Charlie.

"Does Natasha know?" asked Lulu.

"I'm not sure, but she probably does, Dom left the office early to go talk to her and Michael went over to Grandfather's" said Charlie.

"Oh that woman is going to pay, she's is going to pay for the horrible thing she did" said Lulu.

"Thanks for telling me Charlie, I'll see you later" said Lulu as she ended the call and Benjamin who was waiting for her to end her call looked at her in worry.

"What happened?" he asked in concern, he had never seen her react like that before.

"A traitor has been found that's what" said Lulu as she scoffed and put her phone in her handbag as Benjamin was confused.

"Ben, can you drive me to my Grandfather's house?" asked Lulu as she looked at him.

"Sure, but are you alright?" asked Benjamin.

"I'm fine, but Lia isn't going to be when I see her, I can't explain now, It's something very personal" said Lulu.

"I understand" said Benjamin.

"We can check out these things and then we can leave" said Benjamin.

"That's not necessary at all, I'll put them on my tab, come on let's go" said Lulu as she gestured to one of the clerks to come and carry the boxes from them.

"And we're here" said Nine as he parked the car and Joy happily giggled as she hurriedly removed her seatbelt and opened the door as she ran through the front doors of her grandparent's house.

"Grandma!!" said Joy excitedly as she called out to Margaret who happened to be coming out of the laundry room when Joy saw her down the hall.

"Joy??" called Margaret in surprise as she turned around, wondering if she was hearing things, but to her surprise, her granddaughter was right there in front of her.

"Hello Grandma, I missed you" said Joy as she giggled and ran to give Margaret a hug as Margaret bent down and gave her a hug.

"And I missed you too Joy, my oh my, what a surprise, you really surprised me, I didn't expect you today" said Margaret as she smiled.

"I didn't know that I would be coming to see you too Grandma, but mommy and daddy are very busy today" said Joy as she giggled and Margaret found that very odd as she looked at Nine and they both knew that there was something off.

"Well I am very happy to have you here" said Margaret as she smiled and Joy broke their hug.

"Are you hungry dear? There are some leftovers in the fridge, you can go and help yourself" said Margret as she smiled and Joy nodded as she ran in the direction of the kitchen and Margaret got up.

"Sorry for bringing her here on such short notice Aunt, Dom told me to bring her over" said Nine.

"Oh that's fine Xavier, I'm glad to have her here, I was truly surprised" said Margaret as she chuckled and Nine smiled.

"What's going on though? Did something happen? Is Natasha alright? Is Dom alright?" asked Margaret as now her worry was starting to settle in. Dom was never the type to just drop Joy over without calling to inform her first, if this was just done suddenly then it definitely meant that there was something wrong.

"There is something going on Aunt, and it's not good at all" said Nine as he blew out a deep breath which only made Margaret worry even more as she pulled his hand and they entered into one of the living rooms where Margaret was sure that Joy wouldn't be able to hear them.

"What happened?" asked Margaret as she could only start to fear the worst and Nine didn't want to be the one to tell her, he was bad when it came to sharing news, especially very bad news like this.

"Lia confessed, that's what" said Michael as he suddenly entered into the room as if he had heard Nine's plea for help.

"Confessed what?" asked Margaret in confusion as she turned to look at Michael, she was not in any way surprised that he was here, if Joy was here, and Nine was here, it meant that there was something serious going on, and the others would be arriving soon.

It was a catastrophic day, because Nine was sure that this was only the mere beginning of everything that would be left to unfold.

Haha sorry for being gone so long, still no wifi, anyway, I will update as soon as I can and thank you to little_White, Manne_Tejaswini, Logesh_Kumar_5953 and Seraphina_824 for the power stones haha, I really appreciate the support even though I was gone haha.

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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