
Be there

The next morning.

Lulu yawned as she walked into Dom's office, she shouldn't have stayed up that late last night, but she just wanted to annoy Dom and show him that he couldn't lay down unnecessarily stupid rules for her in his house.

"Looks like someone is tired, that wouldn't be the case if you had come back home at the time I told you to" said Dom as he looked at her and shook his head to which Lulu scoffed.

"Ha, ha, ha right... you can't start that nonsense with me, I'm not a child" said Lulu as she scoffed and sat down across him at his desk.

"What I said is true, just look at you, you look tired" said Dom.

"I am tired Dom, and that's your fault, you just had to lay down the law, and obviously being the little sister that I am, I had to break that law just to annoy you" said Lulu as Dom scoffed.

"You know that is called being irresponsible" said Dom.

"No it's called being an adult" replied Lulu as Dom scoffed.

"Anyway I am not here to argue with you Dom, I actually need to show you what I worked on last night" said Lulu as she yawned and opened up her laptop and gave it to Dom.

"The theme of the event is under the sea, the colours are cyan, and some blues...the dress code is coral and whatnot" said Lulu as Dom scrolled through the information.

"Looks good" said Dom.

"I know right, anyway, I've already spoke to mom, all we need now is an event location" said Lulu.

"We can't use here because it would disrupt our work schedule over here" said Lulu as Dom nodded.

"True, what about the great hall? The one that was used for Grandfather's eightieth birthday?" asked Dom.

"I also thought about that, I asked mom about it and unfortunately other people have rented the entire hall for several mini events that run up to over two months" said Lulu.

"It's good money for our income in renting, but not so much for when we actually want to use the place" said Lulu as she rubbed her eyes.

"Makes sense, before Grandfather could use it for his birthday he had made preparations a year ahead of time" said Dom as Lulu yawned.

"I know, so now it's going to be annoying to find a nice location that's doesn't have bogus prices" said Lulu.

"Well good luck with that Lulu, you really will need it" said Dom.

"I know, and I need more time, two weeks isn't enough" said Lulu as she groaned.

"Tell me something that I didn't already tell you" said Dom as Lulu groaned.

"Tell me, how much time do you need?" asked Dom.

"Let's push this whole event thing to a month's time, I can't stress myself planning an event like this" said Lulu.

"You got it, not to say I told you so, but whatever, you have already made good progress" said Dom as Lulu scoffed. 

"Thank you, but I am still angry with you" said Lulu as she frowned.

"Right, of course you are" said Dom as he shook his head.

"Here" said Dom as he handed her a red flask.

"What?" asked Lulu as she stared at him.

"It's warm tea, it should make you feel better" said Dom as Lulu looked at him with a frown.

"Are you trying to get me to sleep or what? Tea is horrible for staying awake" asked Lulu.

"Not quite, you've drank lots of coffee already, drinking any more would just not be wise, drink some tea to calm you down, you will feel better, trust me" said Dom as Lulu looked at him in suspicion as she looked back at the flask, it did feel very warm... and full, it was tempting.

"Did you drink from this?" asked Lulu.

"Not yet, I was about to when you came in" said Dom as Lulu drank the tea and she had to admit that she felt better while drinking it.

"I am still not forgiving you" said Lulu with a pout as Dom just laughed.

"Right Lulu" said Dom as he laughed and handed her laptop to her.

"I have a meeting now, I'll see you later" said Dom as he stood up and left his office as Lulu pouted, what an annoying brother she had, when he was bad, he could be the worst, but when he was good, he was the sweetest.

"Annoying" said Lulu as she scoffed.


"What?? How does this make any sense?" asked Pete in a mix of confusion and frustration as he seemed to be reading a casefile.

"This is absurd" said Pete with a scoff under his breath as he kept on reading in silence he was so engrossed with what he was reading that he did not notice when someone had entered his office.

"Good Morning Peter" said Lia with a bright smile as her voice snapped Pete out of his concentration.

"Lia? You are here?" said Pete in surprise.

"Of course I am silly, how are you?" asked Lia as she walked to Pete's desk and she gave him a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.

"I'm good" said Pete.

"I can see that you are also busy as well" added Lia as she smiled and sat down across him at his desk.

"That I am" said Pete.

"You look annoyed, is something wrong? Did I come at a bad time?" asked Lia with a frown.

"No, not at all, it's not you, I am happy to see you, it's just that I'm reading up on a case and I came across a statement that should have been illegal to write down" said Pete with a scoff.

"I see" said Lia.

"Yes, but how did you get in here? I wasn't informed that you were coming" said Pete as he smiled.

"Well I saw Morales at the front desk and he told me that you were here and that I could come right in" replied Lia with a smile.

"I am happy to see you" said Pete as he smiled.

"You should be, we were supposed to have breakfast together remember? But you are busy as usual, so I thought how about we have breakfast together here?" asked Lia with a smile as she placed her takeout on his desk.

"That's a great idea, it would be nice to take a break from this" said Pete with a smile as he placed the file he was reading in the drawer of his desk.

"I know right, so I got you some eggs, coffee the way you like it" said Lia happily.

"Thank you" said Pete as he smiled and Lia brought out the plates of takeout.

"You look pretty today as always" said Pete as the happy smile on Lia's face made him feel happy.

"And you are being very sweet today as you always are Peter" replied Lia as she smiled and he smiled, things were great between them, from their second date they were seeing each other more, and Pete was sure that this was serious

His relationship with Lia would be his second most serious relationship, she was just so nice to be around, with her smiles and her laughs, he really liked her.

"Hey, do you have any plans this weekend?" asked Pete as they were eating.

"Hmm... I mean kind of, I planned to do some photography this weekend" replied Lia as she smiled.

"That sounds nice, how about we go on a date this Saturday?" asked Pete.

"Umm... this Saturday?" asked Lia as Pete nodded.

"I don't know... I am not sure I can" said Lia.

"Come on Lia, I know you can, let's go on a date this Saturday, I promise I will take you somewhere nice where you can take some beautiful photos" said Pete as he smiled.

"Hmm, you make a tempting offer Peter, how sure are you that I will like where you want to take me?" asked Lia.

"It's a hunch, a hunch that is never wrong, come on let's go on a date on Saturday, because I have to leave first thing in the morning on Sunday for an operation at the port" said Pete.

"Oh well okay" said Lia as she sighed.

"Thank you, you won't regret it, and if you don't get really beautiful photos, I'm going to pay for all the photos you took that aren't good" said Pete as his words made Lia smile.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Lia.

"Definitely sure, I'm a man of my word" said Pete as Lia laughed.

"Well in that case I am looking forward to our date then Peter" said Lia as she winked at him and Pete laughed, he had something really nice planned this time.

"And so am I Miss Thomas" said Pete as Lia laughed and shook her head.

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