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"You know what, this whole thing sucks" said Ethan out of the blue in annoyance as he suddenly spoke up and Joy looked at him with her mouth full of candies.

"What sucks?" asked Joy in confusion as she didn't get what he was talking about.

"The fact that you have so many candies!" said Ethan in annoyance.

"Hey it's mine, and I have a lot of them because I didn't eat them at break time" said Joy as she frowned.

"And also, you are not talking about my candies, if you want some just ask" said Joy as Ethan frowned at her.

"What actually sucks Ethan?" asked Joy as she didn't get him, Ethan was the most confusing person ever, he never had a balanced mood, and he always seemed angry or irritated.

"This whole thing, being stuck here, not having Pluto" said Ethan in clear anger.

"It must really suck, I can't imagine not having Meggie with me, you must feel horrible" said Joy.

"Yeah go figure, horrible and bored, seriously bored, my mom doesn't get it, all she wants me to do is my homework, it's annoying" said Ethan with a scoff.

"I do my homework all the time, can't I get some time to rest and do something different for a change? But no, she doesn't get it, she thinks I'm just being naughty" said Ethan as he pulled out a handful of grass from the ground.

"I don't think your mommy is that bad, why don't you just tell her how you really feel" said Joy.

"It's not that easy dummy, my mom is very stubborn, and she won't want to hear it, she thinks it's just me being a brat" said Ethan.

"I don't think so, you are thinking about it too much, you just need to tell her" said Joy.

"If I was feeling angry I would tell my mommy why" said Joy.

"That's because you're a baby dummy" said Ethan as Joy frowned.

"I'm not a baby, at least I'm not fighting with my mommy" said Joy as she frowned at him and shook her head.

"And also, if you really feel bored, why don't you ask your mommy if you can come over to my house to play" said Joy with a smile.

"We can play together, then you won't be bored and I won't be left alone" said Joy as she smiled.

"I'll think about it" said Ethan.

"Okay, I will ask my mommy for permission first" said Joy with a smile as she packed up her bag.

"Where are you going dummy?" asked Ethan as Joy stood up.

"To find my mommy, we have been gone for a long time, maybe they are worried about us" said Joy.

"I doubt it, and you don't know this place well, you will get lost dummy" said Ethan.

"Then please come with me Ethan, I don't want to get lost" said Joy as she asked him nicely as Ethan scoffed.

"You're such a baby you know that" said Ethan as he stood up.

"Well your mommy said that you need to watch over me, so if I get lost on my own it's your fault" said Joy as she followed after him.

"You're starting to get a sharp tongue dummy, watch it" said Ethan.

"If you are any more mean, I am going to report you" said Joy as Ethan scoffed and kept on walking as Joy followed after him.


"So my darling, did you have fun with Ethan?" asked Natasha with a smile as she buckled Joy into her car seat.

"Yes I did mommy, we sat on the grass, and then we talked about Pluto and a lot of things" said Joy with a smile as Natasha put on her seatbelt and started the car as they drove away.

"That sounds nice my darling" said Natasha with a smile.

"Yes mommy, mommy, can Ethan come over to the house to play?" asked Joy.

"He says that he's bored all alone because Pluto is gone" said Joy.

"I can imagine that he is, and that's a great idea darling, he's more than welcome to come over at any time, we are neighbours after all" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yayyyy, thank you mommy" said Joy with a smile.

"You are welcome my baby" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Mommy" called Joy.

"Yes my darling?" asked Natasha as she smiled and Joy hesitated to ask her question.

"Mommy do you like anyone else?" asked Joy as Natasha looked at her reflection through the rearview mirror.

"What do you mean like anyone else my darling?" asked Natasha as she frowned.

"Mommy I mean..." said Joy as she paused, not knowing how to put her question.

"Mommy do you love anyone else?" asked Joy as she did not know how else to put it.

"Anyone like who?" asked Natasha as she didn't get the question.

"You know, like you used to love my daddy, do you love anyone else like that?" asked Joy as Natasha was taken aback by the sudden question, it was unexpected and that caused Natasha to be silent for a while, which made Joy silent, thinking that her question had been dismissed.

"Well in all honesty my darling, I don't love anyone else" replied Natasha.

"You don't?" asked Joy as she looked at Natasha who nodded.

"No I don't, I don't like anyone that way, but I do love you very much" said Natasha with a smile.

"Why are you asking me about that darling?" asked Natasha.

"Well I just wanted to know" said Joy.

"I see" said Natasha as she didn't really think it was odd for Joy to ask.

"And what about daddy, do you think he loves someone else?" asked Joy.

"My darling, I really don't know what goes on in your daddy's life, we are not that close, how about you ask him yourself?" asked Natasha.

"Okay" said Joy as she nodded, she wanted to ask more, but she concluded that it was already weird, she had asked too much.

"My darling, why are you asking all these questions? Are you up to something?" asked Natasha as Joy looked at her and shook her head.

"No mommy, I was just curious" said Joy as she smiled, she was not lying, she had nothing planned at all.

"Alright then, if you say so" said Natasha.

"Mommy can we go to the store to buy some paint? We have an art project in class tomorrow and Miss Honey said that we can bring our own paint" said Joy.

"Oh that sounds nice my darling, of course we can" said Natasha as she turned right.

"Yayyyyy, thank you mommy" said Joy as she smiled and Natasha laughed, her darling was nothing but innocent after all.


"Gosh, I think I should have tried to make this in two trips, how typical of you Lulu" said Lulu to herself as she scoffed and closed the door to her car while carrying a heap of what look like heavy art supplies, accompanied by her red handbag and her laptop bag.

"But you are already in this, no turning back now" said Lulu to herself as she continued on, but instead of walking to the front door, she walked past it to the back of the house as she walked through the garden to the bodyguard's quarters. The sun had already started to set, and it would be night time soon.

She turned right, and then left, and then left again as she stopped in front of one of the rooms, she set down everything on the ground and proceeded to knock violently on the door.

"Oh come on, open up already, you are not going to get rid of me this time" said Lulu under her breath as she knocked even more and she heard moving sounds coming from the inside as she heard footsteps approaching the door as the door was unlocked and opened.

"Finally, took you long enough to answer" said Lulu with a scoff as a sleepy Benjamin who looked as if he had just woken up with his black hair all messy and in his casual wear as he rubbed his eyes.

"Miss White, what the heck are you doing here?" asked Benjamin with a yawn, he was super tired right now, why wouldn't he be when he was put on night duty since two nights ago, now all he wanted to do was get his two days of rest back and yet here Lulu was.

"A hello to you to Ben" replied Lulu as she did not even wait for an invitation before she gathered all her stuff and walked into Benjamin's room as she set down everything on the couch with a messy plop.

Benjamin just sighed to himself as he closed the door and turned around to look at her.

"Gosh Ben you look horrible, haven't you been sleeping well?" asked Lulu as she noticed the bags under his eyes and his messy hair, he never had messy hair, his hair always looked neat.

"Well I was assigned to night duty at your Grandfather's house, not like you should know" said Benjamin as he yawned once more.

"No wonder you look terrible, you need to rest" said Lulu.

"I am glad that you notice that, now if you would just leave so I can get back to resting" said Benjamin with a hopeful smile that she would comply without a fight at all.

"Not a chance, since you were on night duty, you will be given the next three days off, which leaves you with a lot of time to rest" said Lulu.

"So forget about sleeping for now, you are going to help me plan the company's anniversary slash inauguration event" said Lulu as Benjamin's tired face was covered with a frown as he sighed, you couldn't blame him for trying.

"Don't tell me that you have run out of friends to bother?" asked Benjamin as Lulu picked up her laptop bag and handbag.

"Well not really, but they are all busy, you my friend are the only free one, and I need your nice input here and there" said Lulu with a smile as Benjamin walked to his open kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee, knowing Lulu, it was going to be a long night.

"*scoff* I am no event planner, why don't you go hire a real professional for this?" asked Benjamin as he switched on his coffee maker and he scoffed.

"There's no way I'm doing that, that would cost money, money that I don't want to share at all" said Lulu as Benjamin let out a mix of a scoff and a sigh as he shook his head.

"Besides, you should be happy that I came to you" said Lulu as she started her laptop and she sat down on the other couch.

"Once I get paid for this by my lovely brother, I will give you an amicable share of the money so you can buy that motorcycle that you've been saving up for" said Lulu with a bright smile.

"Wait hold on a minute, how did you know that I am saving up for a motorcycle??!" asked Benjamin with his eyes wide as he looked at her, had she been stalking him or what?? He wouldn't put it past her to do such a thing, she was that dubious.

"Well Benny, it's not a secret, I'm not dumb, why wouldn't I know when you literally have a poster of a motorcycle right there" said Lulu as she pointed to the poster of a nice looking jet black motorcycle that was hung up behind the little dining corner.

"And it's no secret how much you earn, and how much that motorcycle costs, so be happy that I only need your input while you get easy money" said Lulu proudly.

Meanwhile Benjamin did not know whether to feel like his privacy had been compromised or if he really was that obvious to read.

"You know, you should really consider becoming a private investigator Miss White" said Benjamin as he snapped out of his shocked stupor. 

"No it's too much work" replied Lulu as Benjamin shook his head and saw his coffee was done brewing, he quickly poured it along with some milk and sugar into his mug as he drank it immediately, he would need it, because Lulu was super crazy and he was apparently stuck with her.

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