
Just childish

"Come in" said Dom as he looked up from his phone after he heard a knock on the door and Lulu came storming into the room as he wondered what was wrong with her this time.

"Did you speak with Natasha?" asked Dom as Lulu closed the door gently and then she turned to look at him.

"Yes I did" replied Lulu as she was frowning.

"And…" asked Dom as he could tell that Lulu was upset.

"You stupid, idiotic jerk" said Lulu as she began her rain of insults on him.

"You sorry excuse for a brother, and husband" said Lulu.

"You insolent, sorry excuse of a human being, you dummy, you fool" said Lulu as she took a pause.

"Are you done yet?" asked Dom as he did not look amused at all and Lulu shook her head and she used her finger to gesture that he give her more time to think of one last insult.

"Aha, yes, you failure of a so called husband" said Lulu as that was the worst she could say to him, he was still her older brother after all.

"There, I am done now" said Lulu as she calmed down, if only she could beat him up for Natasha, but she couldn't do that, Dom would probably tie her up before she could have the chance.

"Can you please tell me what warranted all your insults?" asked Dom as Lulu walked to sit down beside him as she faced him.

"I spoke with Natasha and all I can say is… wow" said Lulu as Dom looked very clueless, it would seem that Lulu was now on Natasha's side, judging from her behaviour towards him.

"What did she say?" asked Dom.

"First of all, you are a jerk, a big fat jerk" said Lulu as she hit her brother on his chest, hard.

"Lulu, I can't understand your tantrums if you don't tell me what you mean" said Dom as he shook his head.

"You don't need me to tell you anything" said Lulu.

"Natasha told me everything, from the start" said Lulu.

"And for crying out loud Dom, how could you believe that Natasha, the lovely Natasha that we all grew up with, the one that became your wife, would dare drug you, do you know how crazy that sounds Dom?" asked Lulu.

"There was evidence" said Dom.

"That was obviously false!" said Lulu.

"How could you all believe that Natasha could do such a thing, you all were focusing on the wrong person, instead of finding who actually committed the crime and framed Natasha, you decided to blame an innocent woman" said Lulu as she was really angry, this was injustice.

"Natasha suffered, she really suffered Dom, you killed her" said Lulu as she pointed the accusing finger at her brother, and he felt that one hit, he had to admit that he deserved that.

"What did she tell you?" asked Dom.

"Look Dom, she told me many things, things that are meant to be kept between women, but all I can say is" said Lulu.

"You messed up, you really messed up big time Dom" said Lulu.

"Tell me something that I don't already know" said Dom as he sighed, he had just realized that he truly had messed up.

"Look Dom, you made Natasha suffer a lot, your attitude towards her for five long, full years" said Lulu.

"That is just childish Dom" said Lulu.

"To think that she would drug you just because she wants to have a child for you, just how narcissist are you? You are not that handsome" said Lulu as Dom could not say anything to defend himself at all, there was nothing he could say at all, Lulu was right.

"Natasha got into depression because of you, and you never tried to help her, you were just so selfish, Natasha is the real victim here Dom" said Lulu as she was going to talk sense into her brother, Natasha was not the evil one here, far from it, it was Dom and everyone else who thought that she was capable of doing such.

"Natasha Is a saint, she said that she even forgives you, if I was her, I would even bother, you don't deserve forgiveness for you lack of trust in her" said Lulu.

"I hate that Natasha is married to you, and that's saying something because you are even my brother" said Lulu as she gave Dom a flick on his forehead, since they were sitting down together, she could finally reach him, he had always been taller than her.

"Natasha deserves better, she seriously does" said Lulu as now she no longer sounded angry, but just sad and upset, Natasha was treated wrongly, and her idiotic brother was the main cause of that.

"So what do I do?" asked Dom as he sighed, he didn't know what to do, he truly did not deserve Natasha's forgiveness, but over the past few months, she had changed, and that change had brought him to question some things, and he now realized that he was wrong.

"I have no idea Dom, you are asking the wrong person" said Lulu.

"You don't know how much hurt and pain you have brought her, didn't you promise to take care of her and love her?" asked Lulu.

"But no, you forgot all those words of yours once you saw a mistake that she did not even commit" said Lulu.

"I want to make amends, I do admit that I was stupid, and I was a jerk as well" said Dom as he sighed.

"Good to know that you do, but that's not enough" said Lulu.

"Honestly if you ask me bro, your relationship with Natasha is broken, there is no glimmer in her eyes when she speaks about you, she doesn't call you by your name, all the time we were talking, she always referred to you as my brother, and not Dom, and worst of all, you just don't know how hard it was for me to hear that she forgives you, when you don't deserve it at all" said Lulu as she sighed.

"I know she doesn't mean that, she had not truly forgiven me, and I don't blame her, not at all" said Dom.

"Look she said that she doesn't want a relationship, she told me to tell you that you are a business man, and in a partnership all partners are jointly and severely liable for all the liabilities in a business, and it should be like that with Joy" said Lulu as she did not need to explain further, she was sure that Dom knew what she meant.

"You are a great Father, but a bad husband, that's one heck of a combination" said Lulu as Dom said nothing and she turned to look at him.

"*Sigh*, Look Dom, I'm sorry if I sounded harsh, but you needed to hear the truth" said Lulu as she looked at her brother and she sighed, she could not say that it did not affect her that he was sad.

"I don't blame you Lulu" said Dom as he forced a smile, mending what was already broken was one of the hardest things to do, it would be better for him not to have broken anything, than for him trying to fix it now.

"Dom, just be sincere, and most of all give Natasha time because… you caused more emotional wounds than physical ones" said Lulu as she sighed.

"I hear you Lulu, and I will do so" said Dom as his sister was giving him the best advice right now.

"Thank you Lulu" said Dom as he smiled at his sister.

"Anytime big bro, it feels nice to be the one giving you advice for a change" said Lulu as she laughed and Dom laughed as well.

"I will let you have this one" said Dom as he smiled.

"Hey, hey, where is my money, I don't' do things for free you know" said Lulu as she smiled and Dom shook his head.

"Why do you need money anyway? Doesn't Grandfather give you more than enough allowance, he gives you more than he gave me" said Dom.

"Well this is my side hustle, I need to put something in my savings" said Lulu as Dom shook his head, his little sister was a crook.

"How much do you want Louise?" asked Dom as he had no other choice, he could not change his already grown up crook sister.

"Oh dear brother of mine, I was just pulling your leg, I am not that money conscious" said Lulu as she laughed.

"I don't need money to talk to my sister in law, she's actually very cool, for putting up with you and everyone else's nonsense" said Lulu as she smiled.

"Hmmm" said Dom as he did not know what to say.

"Just ask her to forgive you Dom, and don't hurt her again Dom, or else I will deal with you" said Lulu as she looked very serious.

"She doesn't need you to do that for her, she can deal with me herself" said Dom as he realized that he did not know Natasha at all, she was involved in some suspicious activities, she could use a gun, and probably beat him up if she wanted to.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Lulu.

"Nothing you need to worry about now Lulu" said Dom as he smiled at Lulu.

"Okay" said Lulu as she was confused, but she would let it slide now.

"Where is Joy?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"She's with Alfred and Natasha in the garden" said Lulu while smiling.

"Alright, thank you Lulu" said Dom as he smiled and he stood up.

"Wait, did you speak to Grandfather?" asked Lulu as Dom looked at her.

"Yes, I did why?" asked Dom.

"No reason" said Lulu as Dom just shrugged her off as he walked out of the room.

Thank you to Tiphe_Olaoluwa for the power stones haha!

Happy March haha!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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