
Childhood Memories VIII

"Honey, I have called you father, and I told him that you are over here, he says he will come and pick you up in an hour" said Mary as she smiled.

"Okay thank you Miss" said Natasha as he smiled and she looked up at Mary.

"Oh you are welcome sweetie" said Mary as she smiled, Natasha was such a cute, little, polite angel.

"Grandmother what game are we going to play this time??" asked Charlie as he smiled.

"We played musical chairs already last time" said Michael.

"And I won" said Dom as he smiled smugly and he nodded his head.

"Because you cheated" said Zavi as he scoffed at Dom and he looked angry, which he was always angry.

"Alright my dears, no arguing" said Mary as she laughed.

"Let me go put the cookies in the over first, and then we can play okay?" asked Mary as she smiled.

"Okay Grandmother" said Dom, Charlie, Michael and even Zavi.

"Good boys" said Mary as she smiled and she walked to the kitchen as Natasha looked around.

"Your Grandmother's house is so nice" said Natasha as she looked at Dom and the others, the house was just to vintage, the furniture looked classy and expensive.

"Yes I know right" said Dom as he smiled.

"But my Grandfather doesn't like us playing and dirtying everywhere, because then Alfred would have to clean up" said Dom as he explained.

"Who is Alfred?" asked Natasha.

"He is our butler" said Michael as he smiled.

"What's a butler??" asked Natasha as she had never heard of that before.

"Well a butler is someone who takes care of the house, he cooks and he cleans, and he is also Grandfather's right hand man" said Charlie as he explained.

"Ooooh I get it now" said Natasha as she smiled, she was learning a lot about her new friends.

"Alright my lovelies, let's go" said Mary as she walked into the room and she removed her apron as she hung it on the coat rack, and she tied her curly white hair into a low ponytail.

"Yayyy" said Michael as he laughed.

"I am going to win this time" said Michel as he laughed.

"Oh we'll see Michael, we'll see" said Dom as he laughed as they all followed after Mary and she opened the door to a beautifully decorated room, with a chandelier handing from the ceiling, and a peach coloured couch was in the centre of the room with many book shelfs with and books placed on them.

Mary walked to a record player that was set at the corner of the room, and she picked up a record.

"What's that??" asked Natasha as she looked at Michael and she pointed to the record.

"That's a record, and a record player" said Michael as he explained and he noticed that Natasha still did not know what he was saying.

"It plays music" said Michael.

"Ooooh" said Natasha as she seemed to get what he was saying now.

"My Grandmother loves Music, and she also loves to dance" said Dom as he smiled.

"Alright my lovelies" said Mary as she turned to look at them.

"How about we play freeze?" asked Mary as she smiled.

"Freeze??" asked Dom, Michael, Charlie and Natasha at the same time.

"Yes, it's like music chairs, without the chairs" said Mary as she laughed.

"When I play the music, you all have to dance, but when I stop the music, you all have to stay completely still, if you move, you are out" said Mary as he laughed.

"Oof that sounds hard Grandmother" said Michael as he shook his head.

"Don't tell me that you are afraid of a challenge Mikey?" asked Mary as she looked at Michael and she laughed.

"No of course not Grandmother" said Michael as he shook his head.

"I am not afraid of a challenge Grandmother" said Charlie as he smiled.

"Oh of course I know that you aren't afraid Charlie my boy, you are never afraid" said Mary as she laughed.

"Haha you hear that guys?? Grandmother says that I am brave" said Charlie as he laughed.

"And very confident too" said Mary, because if there was someone who was never afraid, and always confident in his abilities, that would be Charlie.

"You hear that everyone" said Charlie smugly as he looked at all of them.

"Oh haha very funny Charlie" said Zavi as he scoffed.

"What about you my love? Are you scared of a challenge??" asked Mary as she turned to look at Zavi.

"Of course not" said Zavi as he shook his head, he was not scared of anything, things were scared of him.

"That's good my love" said Mary as she smiled.

"And you of course you are not scared my big boy Dom" said Mary as she looked at Dominic and he smiled at her.

"And you sweetie, are you ready to dance?" asked Mary as she looked at Natasha.

"Yes, I love to dance" said Natasha as she giggled.

"That's good sweetie, so are you all ready?" asked Mary as she smiled.

"Yes" said all the children as they smiled, all except for Zavi.

"Okay then" said Mary as she walked over to a table where she had many records and she picked out one of them.

The first record she took was one called rhythm is a dancer by Snap!, and she walked over and put it in the record player.

"Are you ready?" asked Mary as she smiled, and they all nodded as she let the record play as they began to dance.

Mary smiled as she looked at the children dance, Dom was always good at dancing, which was something he got his dance moves from her, well because his father, her son could not dance at all, just like his father.

Michael looked like he was trying to get a stone out of his shoe, while Charlie was shuffling, and Zavi was moving from side to side and that made Mary laugh, while Natasha was spinning and moving as she smiled.

"Ooh you really know how to dance, who taught you how to dance?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"My momm…" said Natasha as the music suddenly stopped and she stood very still and so did Dom.

"Oooof" said Michael as he lost his balance.

"Sorry Mikey, but you are out" said Mary as she laughed.

"Awww man" said Michael as he wen to sit on the couch sadly and the others laughed.

Mary chuckled as she changed the record to another one, it was U can't touch this by M.C. Hammer.

"Hahah this is my favourite" said Charlie as the music began to play and he started to dance like a manic.

He moved his legs and dragged them on the ground while Mary and the rest laughed at him.

"I cant hear what he's saying" said Natasha as she giggled.

"That's because he's rapping" said Dom as he laughed and in that moment the music stopped and Dom stood completely still, but since Charlie was dancing like a manic he slipped and he fell.

"Hahahaha" said Michael as he laughed his head off.

"Oh shut up Michael" said Charlie as he scoffed and he went to sit on the couch now only Zavi, Dom and Natasha were left.

"This is fun" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Yes it is" said Dom as he laughed.

Mary smiled as she changed the record to Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley as she let the record play.

"Oooh my daddy loves this song" said Natasha as she began to dance.

"Haha really, Grandfather hates this song, he says it's too beaty" said Dom as he laughed.

"Well Dominic, your Grandfather hates it because he can't dance, and your father, can't dance as well" said Mary as she laughed and she stopped the music and Dom stumbled.

"Hahah" said Mary as she laughed.

"Grandmother, that was not fair" said Dom as he sighed.

"Aww I am sorry my boy" said Mary as she laughed.

"Oooh, okay so our winners are Natasha, and my love" said Mary as she smiled.

"Oooh my cookies should be done now, give me a moment" said Mary as she walked out of the room to the kitchen.

"Yayy, we won" said Natasha as she looked at Zavi.

"Hmm" said Zavi.

"Good one Natasha" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha smiled at him, and a few minutes later Mary waked into the room with a tray of fresh, warm cookies.

"A red velvet cookie, for a sweet, caring and loving boy, a born leader, and a great lover" said Mary as she smiled and she gave a red velvet cookie to Dom.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Dom as he smiled.

"You are welcome my big boy" said Mary as she smiled.

"A chocolate cookie, chocolate is a great flavour, used in many dishes, it is strong and bold, and never afraid to shine, just like you my Charlie" said Mary as she smiled and she gave Charlie a chocolate cookie.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Charlie as he smiled and she smiled at him.

"A peanut butter cookie, for a smart, gentle, soft, and gummy little boy, for you my Mikey" said Mary as she smiled and she gave Michael a cookie.

"Thanks Grandmother" said Michael as he smiled.

"Ahhh my love, a lemon cookie for you, lemon is a bitter ingredient by itself, and very strong as well, but when it is mixed with other flavours, it's true flavour begins to shine, it is actually very sweet on the inside" said Mary as she smiled and she gave a cookie to Zavi.

"Thank you Grandmother" said Zavi.

"You are welcome my love" said Mary as she smiled.

"And last but not least, a ginger cookie for you my dear, a sweet, loving girl, but don't be fooled by her looks, she can be as tough as a rock, and sting like a bee" said Mary as she smiled and she gave Natasha and Natasha smiled.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You are welcome my dear" said Mary as she smiled.

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