
Good Riddance

"*Sigh*" said Dom as he sighed as he pulled into the driveway, he had to quickly rush and get that document so he could go back to the office.

Dom got out of his car and he put his phone in his pocket as he walked to the house door, and he did not lock his car at all, he would be back soon anyway to go to the office.

"Hey Dom!!" came Charlie's voice as he caught sight of Dom on his way to the house and he rushed to meet up with him.

"Hey Charles" said Dom as he smiled as he looked at Dom.

"I went to the office earlier, and your secretary said that you were not there" said Charlie as he smiled and he ran to catch up to Dom.

"Yes, I know, she told me" said Dom as he smiled, and he shook his head, Charlie was really something else.

"Oh… then why are you home??" asked Charlie as he wondered what Dom was doing here at this time, it was just 9am, and he was supposed to be at work now, which was why he had gone to the office early to talk to him.

"Charlie, who are you talking t…" said Michael as he walked to where he could hear Charlie's voice and he was shocked by who he saw.

"Dom??" asked Michael as he was not sure he was seeing the right person??

"Hey Michael" said Dom as he laughed.

"Hey Dom, what are you doing here??" asked Michael as he laughed and he stood right beside Charlie, it was odd for Dom to be home at this time, especially considering that he was a workaholic.

"That is my question exactly!" said Charlie as he turned to look at Dom.

"Well I…" said Dom as he was about to explain himself when he was suddenly cut off.

"Dom??" came Nine's voice as he saw Dom, Charlie and Michael all together, his voice sounded shocked just like everyone else.

"Hello Nine" said Dom as he laughed and he shook his head, this was now a reunion, so much for an in and out mission for him to get the document and leave, that would now be impossible with these guys of his here.

"What are you doing here??" asked Nine as he stood beside Michael.

"That was the exact same question we asked" said Charlie as he laughed and he turned to look at Dom.

"Ooh maybe be decided to skip work today, so we can all hang out right??" said Charlie as he laughed and he looked at Dom and he winked.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but no Charlie, I did not skip work" said Dom as he shook his head at Charlie and he laughed.

"Aww, gosh, bubble buster" said Charlie as he shook his head.

"Then why are you here??" asked Michael.

"Alright, guys, let me explain" said Dom as he laughed.

"Alright go ahead" said Nine.

"You see the thing is that I forgot an important contract document that I need to use today in a meeting, and so I came back home to pick It up, and then I will head back to the office" said Dom as he explained himself.

"Ooh" said Michael and Charlie at the same time, that made more sense, Dom was not one to skip a single day of work at all.

"Yes, now I really need to get that document" said Dom as he turned around and he walked through the front door, if he stayed there any longer, he would end up staying longer and chatting longer than he had expected.

"Oh alright" said Charlie as he followed after Dom, and Michael followed after him, and then Nine followed since he was the only one left standing outside.

"You know, It's weird for three grown men to be following me like this" said Dom as he laughed as he made his way to his home office.

"Well correction, we are not just three men, we are your brothers" said Charlie as he laughed.

"Yes, and also, we have nothing better to do" said Michael as he laughed.

"Just don't let Grandfather hear that, because I am sure he would gladly create more work for you" said Dom as he laughed and he opened the door to his office and he switched on the lights.

"Oh don't you dare tell him Dom" said Charlie as he followed Dom into his office.

"Oh Charlie, what are you saying, of course I will not tell him at all, he is too much for me to deal with right now" said Dom as he laughed and he sat down at his desk to look for the document he needed, while Charlie, Michael and Nine sat on the couch in his office.

Dom's office was modern and simple, it had a book shelf filled with many different books, there were three main windows in his office for light to pass through, the main colours in his office black and grey, and that was for a particular reason to keep a certain someone away from his personal space.

He had a black wooden desk, his bookshelf was grey, the couch in his office was also Black, and the curtains were grey, there were many other paintings hung on the wall, and a few pictures that were set on his desk.

"Aha, I found it" said Dom as he pulled out the drawer In his desk and he found the pink folder that he needed today.

"Well that was fast" said Charlie.

"Mhmm" said Michael as Dom sighed.

"What's wrong Dom?" asked Michael as he noticed that Dom sighed.

"Well Nothing much Michael, nothing at all" said Dom as he sighed once again.

"We know you Dom, when you say it's nothing, it's actually something, so what's bothering you??" asked Charlie.

"Your sigh was not a sigh of tiredness, but of bother, so what is it?"" asked Charlie.

"Wow you guys know me well" said Dom as he laughed.

"Of course we do" said Charlie as he laughed and Michael laughed.

"Well okay, the thing is…" said Dom.

"I am worried about Natasha" said Dom as he sighed.

"Ugh, again with that woman" said Charlie as he scoffed.

"Why?? What happened to Natasha?" asked Michael as he looked concerned.

"Well nothing… she is fine… I think" said Dom.

"The thing is… it bothers me… the way Natasha had just suddenly changed" said Dom.

"Why??" asked Nine.

"Well it seems that now she ignores me, because every time we are supposed to eat breakfast together with Joy she suddenly disappears with one excuse or the other, she goes out to who knows where, and today, I even had to ask her if she wanted a ride, and she refused??" asked Dom as this was turning his head.

"Now that is serious" said Michael as he knew Natasha, and yes, she was avoiding Dom, she loved Dom, she just adored him, and now she was so cold to him, and all of them, he could see it in her eyes the last time they met.

"I don't get why you care so much Dom, because we all don't like her, good riddance if she's cold or whatever" said Charlie as Nine remained quiet.

"It's not that at all, I am worried about her, how can someone just wake up one morning and decide to make a 360 degree change, it is alarming and suspicious" said Dom.

"And besides she is the mother of my child, and Joy adores her, I do not want her to do anything stupid, I am just concerned" said Dom as he sighed.

"Gosh, fine" said Charlie as he sighed.

"Even though I do not like that woman at all, and you know that" said Charlie as he looked at Dom.

"But there is this man Benjamin who she had turned into her personal trainer" said Charlie as he scoffed.

"I am sure that if anyone should sense something strange with her, it should be him" said Charlie.

"Oh Thank you Charlie, I never thought about that at all" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, you are welcome, but you owe me" said Charlie as he shook his head.

"I will get you the plantain chips you like so much" said Dom as he laughed.

"Better" said Charlie as he laughed.

"Charlie food will not be the death of you" said Michael as he laughed and he shook his head.

"Whatever" said Charlie

"We will still die either way" said Charlie.

"Mhmm" said Nine as he shook his head.

"So when do you want to meet him?" asked Charlie.

"Well is right now possible?" asked Dom.

"I still have some time before I have to go to the office" said Dom as he looked down at his watch and the time was 9:30am.

"Alright, I will get him for you" said Charlie as he stood up.

"Guys let's go" said Charlie.

"Alright Dom see you later" said Michael.

"See you Michael, and see you Nine" said Dom as he smiled as they all left.

A few minutes later.

"Sir you called for me??" came Benjamin's voice as he walked into Dom's office, this was the first time he had been here, and that he had also met the boss, he was suspicious of what he was called here for.

"Yes, Benjamin is it??" asked Dom.

"Yes Sir" said Benjamin as he nodded his head.

"Please have a seat" said Dom as he gestured that Benjamin sit down across him.

"Alright Sir, Thank you" said Benjamin as he sat down.

"Benjamin I hear that you are the one training my wife" said Dom.

"Yes Sir, I am" said Benjamin as he replied with short quick answers, he did not yet know the reason he was here.

"And, have you by any chance noticed anything strange about her??" asked Dom.

"Like in her behaviour, the way she interacts, and the way she talks?" asked Dom as he elaborated.

"Well no Sir… none that I know of, the Madam has been a very professional woman, and she is very driven" said Benjamin as he said that out of honesty.

"I see" said Dom.

"Yes… well except for…" said Benjamin as he hesitated.

"Except for what??" asked Dom.

"I need all the information that you know Benjamin" said Dom as he looked very serious.

"Alright Sir" said Benjamin as he sighed.

"Thank you now go on" said Dom as he knew that Benjamin was hiding something.

"There was one time when after we have trained together, me and the Madam, he suddenly started crying" said Benjamin.

"Crying??" asked Dom.

"Yes Sir, crying, and not only crying, she was sobbing very bitterly, and It took me by surprise, because she was fine a second ago, and then she began to cry" said Benjamin as that was the only time he remembered that Natasha behaved strangely.

"And where did this happen??" asked Dom as he was suspicious of this all.

"Well at the track behind the bodyguard's quarters" said Benjamin.

"I see" said Dom as he seemed to be thinking.

"Well Benjamin, thank you, you may go now" said Dom as he now knew something more.

"Thank you Sir" sad Benjamin as he stood up.

"Umm Sir, is anything the matter?" asked Benjamin carefully as he wondered why Dom would ask him about Natasha.

"No…nothing is the matter" said Dom as he smiled.

"Alright Sir" said Benjamin as he left Dom's office, while Dom was lost in thought.

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