
Course of your life

"Good Morning Madam" said Benjamin as he walked to where Natasha was standing and she was stretching and warming up.

"Ahh Good Morning Benjamin" said Natasha as she turned to look at Benjamin and she smiled.

It was a wonderful summer morning and Natasha felt very good today, she was smiling and she was happy, her ginger hair was tied up and a ponytail, and she was wearing black sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

Natasha had woken up very early today, the time was 6m sharp and the sun was already out as if it was 9am.

"How are you doing today?" asked Benjamin carefully.

"I am doing well, and how are you?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I am well too Madam" said Benjamin.

"Ahhh Madam... are you alright?? I mean are you okay today??" asked Benjamin as he observed Natasha carefully, he was worried for her after the last time they had met and she started crying... and by crying he meant sobbing.

"I am wonderful" said Natasha as she smiled, she found Benjamin's worry for her cute.

"I am just checking Madam" said Benjamin as he smiled awkwardly.

"I know... and I appreciate that, I appreciate your concern for me, but I am fine now" said Natasha as she smiled at him, she had noticed that Benjamin was a very quiet guy, he did not like trouble, and he kept to himself, but apart for that, he was someone who genuinely worried for others.

"I am glad Madam" said Benjamin as he smiled.

"Yes... last time, I just felt a bit bad, but I promise you that won't happen again" said Natasha as she smiled, she felt like Benjamin at least deserved an explanation.

"I understand Madam" said Benjamin.

"You know... you do not always have to call me Madam" said Natasha.

"You can just call me Natasha" she said as she smiled.

"Oh alright then Madam Natasha" said Benjamin.

"No, not Madam, just Natasha would be fine" said Natasha.

"Oh alright then Madam Natasha.... Ahh Oh I mean Natasha" said Benjamin as he felt like he was tongue tied and Natasha laughed.

She found Benjamin cute, like the little brother she never had, well of course she had Pete, who was the overprotective, strict and grouchy older brother, but she had always wanted a younger brother, someone she could have to take care of and look after.

"That's better" said Natasha as she smiled.

"So Natasha, what would you like for us to work on today?" asked Benjamin as he looked at Natasha and he looked up at the sky, it was bright, and the trees surrounding them were very tall and the area they were in was very quiet.

"I do not know actually" said Natasha as she was thinking, lately she had been working on getting stronger, she was exercising more and she was learning how to punch and she was also working on getting faster, and Pete was helping her with her plans to learn how to use a gun, and so far she was doing very well.

"What do you think?" asked Natasha as she looked at Benjamin, he was her trainer after all.

"I was thinking that maybe we spar today" said Benjamin as he looked at Natasha.

"That sounds like a good idea" said Natasha, Benjamin did know his stuff well.

"Alright so, I will spar with you, so I can get an idea of the areas in which you are lacking in combat" said Benjamin.

"Alright then" said Natasha.

"I don't think that sparring here would be good" said Benjamin as he looked at the ground, if Natasha took a blow to the ground it would hurt, she was just still a beginner after all.

"Why don't we go to the training gym, and then we can spar there" said Benjamin, there was a boxing ring and even some padding on the ground in the training gym.

"Okay, I agree" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alright the let's go" said Benjamin as he smiled and he walked to the gym from where they were and Natasha followed behind him.

"So Benjamin how old are you??" asked Natasha as she walked behind Benjamin.

"Well I am twenty three years old" said Benjamin as he kept on walking.

"Oh, and do you have any siblings, and how are your parents??" asked Natasha.

"Well I am an only child, I do not have any siblings, and my parents died a long time ago, back when I was very young" said Benjamin.

"Oh, I am so sorry" said Natasha as she scolded herself internally, she forgot that Grandfather only recruited orphans to be bodyguards, that way they would not have any reason to betray them.

Natasha found that philosophy of his very bizarre, but then again, Grandfather was naturally a very weird and strict man, which was why she had blamed herself for forgetting that important fact.

"Don't be, it's not your fault, I don't even remember them at all" said Benjamin as he tried to make Natasha feel better for asking him such a personal question, but it just made Natasha feel even worse.

"So who took care of you when you were young?" asked Natasha.

"Well I lived in an orphanage till I was about eight, when a man claiming to be my Uncle showed up and he adopted me" said Benjamin.

"It turned out that he was a martial artist, and he owned a martial arts school, which I attended, and that's why I practice martial arts, you could say that for half my life I have been dedicated to them" said Benjamin.

"It sounds like you really love marital arts" said Natasha as she stopped walking as Benjamin brought out a key from his pocket and he opened the gym's door.

"I do, it's a way to cope with life, and protect yourself too, and apart from that it got me this job" said Benjamin as he smiled and he looked at Natasha and she smiled at him.

"So where is your uncle now?" asked Natasha as Benjamin removed the key from the padlock.

"Well he passed away early this year" said Benjamin.

"Oh I am so sorry" said Natasha as she felt really bad for Benjamin, the boy had been through a lot, and yet he still always look content.

"Don't be" said Benjamin as he smiled.

"You don't really get to choose the course of your life do you" said Benjamin as he smiled.

"True" said Natasha as she felt sad, but she got to, she was back here five years before her death, Life really was not fair, everyone never had a fair chance.

"Well when my Uncle died, his martial arts school closed down, and that was about the time I got this job, and it really helped, I get to live here in this very nice place" said Benjamin as he smiled and Natasha smiled.

"And I get to do what I know best" said Benjamin.

"Life is not that bad, it works out... sometimes" said Natasha as she smiled.

"That is true" said Benjamin.

"Well Natasha, thank you for this nice chat" said Benjamin as he smiled, it felt good to talk to someone sometimes.

Benjamin usually kept to himself, and he never said anything that did not need to be said to anyone, he would rather just stay alone himself, but now with Natasha he could see clear concern in her eyes, as if she truly cared for him.

"It's no problem, anytime" said Natasha as she smiled and Benjamin smiled too.

"So lets get you geared up, so you don't get hurt" said Benjamin as he went to the supply closet.

"Okay" said Natasha as she smiled, she was sure that she was making good choices this time and she was also making new friends, good friends that would trust her.


"Madam, with all due respect, I am telling you this out of concern for you, I truly think that you are taking this all too seriously, I mean things cannot change just like that overnight" said Mandy as her voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Mhmm" replied Natasha coldly as she and Mandy were in a call.

"Well Mandy, you should know how to keep your mouth shut, I never asked for your opinion, I only asked you to do what I needed you to do, and that is to buy more materials that we require" said Natasha coldly as she did not raise her voice.

"So if you cannot do that, then I will find someone else who is capable and willing to listen" said Natasha as Mandy went quiet.

"No Madam... I will do as I am told" said Mandy.

"Good, now go do it" said Natasha as ended the call angrily and she sighed.

"Madam" said Alfred as he walked into Natasha's office.

"Yes, what is it Alfred?" asked Natasha as she looked at Alfred.

"Mrs. Thompson is here, should I tell her that you are in?" asked Alfred.

"Ahhh well sure, you can" said Natasha.

"Alright Madam" said Alfred as he walked away.

Thank you to jungkook29 for the power stone haha

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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