
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Art of Scheming


It wasn't every day that Arcturus summoned the young witch to his office, but just like every other time, even if she promised herself she wouldn't, Cordelia found herself racing towards the large oak doors at a speed that had her tripping over her feet and long brown strands of hair just to get to her father quickly.

Her father who over the eight years of her existence had preferred to ignore more than love her.

"Yes, father?"

"I need to show you something."

Arcturus pushed his chair away from the desk, allowing the shorter girl to climb into his lap. The gesture was always one that brought hope into Cordelia's heart, one that made her think her father loved her more than he let on.

It didn't matter that in reality Arcturus just couldn't find it in himself to hate a child so much, especially not when he was the one who really raised her and acted as her father, even if he wasn't more deserving of the title than the Frenchman Melania slept with.

It didn't matter that after ten minutes or an hour, or however long it took Arcturus to remember that the girl in his lap wasn't his and really just the result of his wife's affair, Cordelia would once again be ignored by him.

For now, the young girl found solace in her father's lap as she curiously stared at the book on his desk.

"Do you know what this is?"

Cordelia nodded several times, only speaking once the man behind her let out a chuckle at her excitement.

"A diary. And not just any diary, a Black diary."

"That is correct, my dear."

Arcturus reached forward to take the book in one of his palms, with the other still resting on his daughter's knee to ensure she didn't slip and fall, yet another gesture that showed his true emotions even if he chose to constantly conceal them.

"But this diary is more special than the rest because it is yours."


Cordelia turned to face her father with an excited grin on her face, one that had him reciprocating the action.

"One day, Cordelia, you will grow to do great things. I can only hope that this diary helps you accomplish them, just as it did the other members of our family."

That day hadn't been a special one. It wasn't her birthday and was far too early to be considered the day she got her letter. But as Cordelia once again raced out of her father's office, this time with a skip in her step that led her straight to her brother and mother to show off the new gift, one thing was for certain.

That day was just as important as any of those other special ones, for it marked the day she was given her first gift from her father. A gift that wasn't just bought with his money but chosen by Melania, a gift that wasn't a public way to show their family's unity or supposedly strengthen their bond.

It was a gift from the heart, one that Cordelia would treasure for the rest of her life.

Or at least, she thought she would.

The Black diaries were but a small part of their family's legacy, of things that were considered tradition for the age-old Blacks, but it was an important factor. The diaries were neither special nor unique, they were simple ones with the owner's name engraved on the inside of the cover, but it was the trust and connection of one's parents, the faith of having them believe in your capabilities, that was what really mattered.

To Tom, it had probably just been a diary. Just another way to mess with Cordelia and show her who was really in charge, but as the brunette stared out of her window in a dazed stupor of sorts, she couldn't help but mourn the loss of her gift.

She didn't need the diary to remember everything important she had written, but the thing that was really important was the fact that she would never use it again. That one of the few gifts Cordelia had been given by her father was tainted with Tom Riddle's games and she refused to so much as flip the cover open again.

Instead, she chose to focus on bigger problems, problems that had been eating away at her mind ever since she returned to her room last night.

The Horcrux.

Cordelia was certain Tom had created one, after all, he had been planning to make it ever since the start of their sixth year. She should have known that while the Triwizard Tournament delayed his plans, it could have never stopped them.

Tom displayed all of the symptoms of creating a Horcrux: he seemed a little unhinged and confused, his eyes were red, he and he seemed detached from reality, as if whatever happened in the present didn't concern him. It made sense that he would use Slytherin's monster to do his bidding and that someone like Myrtle would be his first victim, but what Cordelia couldn't understand was what was the object he had sealed part of his soul into.

The object had to be something close to his heart. Something that Tom considered important but was also subtle enough to not have anyone suspect it.

"For Merlin's sake!"

Cordelia's irritated groan made the cat on Slughorn's desk yowl in annoyance, a feat that had her carding her fingers through Nix's fur until the cat was purring and ready to fall asleep again.

It was then that Cordelia thought back to her problems.

Slytherin's golden boy was a lot of things, but sentimental wasn't one of them. Unlike her, Tom held no regard for things given by his family and was rumoured to harbour a deep dislike for his father due to reasons that were never revealed. Thus finding something he truly cared for enough to keep around his entire life was almost impossible.

Which left only one option: finding out from the source itself.

Tom Riddle was no fool. Getting information from the Dark Lord was harder than stealing gold from a Niffler, but it wasn't impossible.

All she needed to do was make him let his guard down.

And what better way to do that than to play at his weaknesses?

"Miss Black! Oh, it's good to see you! And my is that Nix?"

Slughorn's sudden presence had Cordelia gravitating from the desk to the chair placed before it. The man before her sounded far too happy to interact with someone who was suspected of the murder of a student. His joy, however, wasn't as peculiar as the sudden lack of disdain from the Hogwarts students.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

It had been two days since Myrtle's death, and within that time everyone had gone from hating Cordelia to avoiding with what could only be seen as silent guilt, the new development was one that had her wondering whether Tom's decision to not attend classes that day had anything to do with the change. And if there was anyone who would know what was going on, it was Slughorn.

"Well professor, I was wondering whether you knew anything about the new developments in Myrtle's case."

Slughorn seemed taken aback at Cordelia's words, even going as far as to drop into his seat on the other end of the desk in shock before replying.

"You don't know? Why I thought Tom would have told you before leaving!"


The pudgy professor nodded at the question, leaning forward to place his elbows on the desk and build the moment just like he loved to do during lessons.

"If I'm being frank, Miss Black, the matter really is one of highest confidentiality. Only Dippet's most trusted know of it, so I, of course, was informed before their departure."

"You see-"

It was then that Slughorn met Cordelia's gaze again, this time with his eyes holding the pride of someone who knew too much.

"-Tom caught him!"

"Caught who exactly?"

If Slughorn wasn't her only source of information the faculty chose to conceal Cordelia was certain she would have cursed him for taking such long pauses between his words, however, the short wizard was, unfortunately, the only way for her to know what she needed, which was why Cordelia had to stand still and pretend not to be annoyed as he took his time.

"The culprit! Apparently, it was this Gryffindor boy who's more trouble than he's worth. They left for the ministry with him this morning."

Cordelia couldn't help but remain silent for a moment, once again playing with Nix's fur as she contemplated how exactly Tom had found the perfect person to frame for his actions.

"Well, that's good."

If Slughorn noticed her confused tone he chose to ignore it as he went on, this time approaching the conversation with a different angle.

"Of course, it is! Tom was really passionate about it too. He explicitly stated how he wanted to do everything he could to help clear the name of those he cares for."

It shouldn't have come as a surprise that Tom chose to exploit their public image as much as possible, but Cordelia couldn't help but feel annoyed at his actions. Of course, Tom of all people would take pleasure in changing their relationship status as he pleased and making Cordelia wordlessly act the part.

However, this time would be different. This time it would be Cordelia who would use his lies to her advantage.

"You must have your hands full with Tom not around to help with the Slug club's first ball."

Slughorn seemed to visibly light up at her words, even going as far as to once again lean forward and grin like a child being told they would be attending Hogwarts early.

"Are you planning to help, Miss Black?"

"What kind of head girl would I be if I didn't?"

Initially, the announcement during breakfast of the Slug Club's debut ball of the year taking place in two days was one that Cordelia considered distasteful and rude, but after being told the entire story the brunette witch couldn't help but think that the ball was strategically placed and perfect to help Hogwarts get back to its usual self.

A ball of such importance would usually be managed by Tom himself due to his affinity for perfection, but since he had his hands full it was only fitting that Cordelia stepped in and used the occasion to her advantage, just like Tom no doubt would.

"I think it's important to have a perfect ball to bring back Hogwarts' spirits, which is why I will personally oversee the preparations."

Cordelia didn't give Slughorn a moment to put in his opinion, leaving her seat with Nix in her arms even before she finished speaking.

"And you can expect Tom and I to attend together, as always."

Slughorn was quick to take the bait, leaping to his feet to bid Cordelia goodbye and possibly steal a good piece of gossip.

"Is it safe to say the two of you have finally found each other?"


The single word paired with a perfectly executed dreamy smile was enough to have Slughorn practically vibrate on the spot. His reaction was enough to make Cordelia take her leave, bidding the professor goodbye even as he tried to weasel more information out of her.

"It was good talking to you, professor."

Her smile quickly fell the second Cordelia exited Slughorn's office, however, she couldn't help but feel excited for what was to come.

If there was one thing Cordelia had learned about Tom it was that his public image mattered more than anything else, which was he would do anything in his power to maintain it at the ball.

Even if it meant possibly giving in to Cordelia.

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