The mother and daughter happily rode the carriage to the Gao's. Upon their arrival, Mrs. Gao warmly greeted them. Seeing Xin Yi, she held her hand tightly and smiled, "Such a true child, you greatly resemble your father. Come in! Your grandparents have been waiting for you."
Su Xinyi called out, "Aunt."
Now, Mrs. Gao was energetic, with a head full of black hair. But in a few years, due to domestic affairs, her hair turned greying and her spirit flagged significantly. Even in such a state, when the family was about to return to their hometown, she told Su Xinyi to live well with Shang Jun Yan and write to her if there were any difficulties.
Seeing Mrs. Gao like this, Su Xinyi was so happy her eyes reddened slightly.
Mrs. Gao took one look, was taken aback, then her heart softened. She found Xin Yi at once pitiful and endearing.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: