

James Danvers

The only plans I have for today are to spend time with my sister. I talked to her and planned to make lunch and just spend time with her. I have been avoiding Z since everything that happened 4 weeks ago. As I get things set up and ready for my day Kiki I hear my phone buzz across the room. I go over to look at it and it's Kiki texting me.

Kiki-Hey what are you doing rn

James-Nothing much, just getting ready for our day together

Why what's up

Kiki- Nothing. I am heading back over now

I was at Z's house

James- Sound good

That was weird. Kiki never texts me like that. I already knew that she had plans to go to Z's house before we spent time together but why did she feel the need to tell me that she was there?

About 10 minutes go by. Kiki should have been home by now. Crap, I forgot my phone upstairs. I quickly get up from the couch and go upstairs to get my phone. While I am looking for it I suddenly hear the front door open and Kiki yelling upstairs.

"Hey, I'm home! Where are you?"

"Just a minute, I left my phone upstairs."

I find my phone on the floor and quickly go back downstairs. As I pass through the doorway I see Kiki talking to Z.

"Hey, I thought today was a me and you day."

"Well it was but I think Z should also spend some time with us. Right Z?"

Kiki elbows Z and she nods her head. I have no clue what is going on here but it's very odd.

"Ok… Well then let me get some more stuff from the kitchen."

I walk away and go into the kitchen to get some more drinks. I begin to hear footsteps behind me and when I turn around Z is standing right there.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

I watch as she looks down and begins to fumble with her fingers trying to figure out what to say.

"Well you remember what happened 4 weeks ago right?"

"I thought that we had agreed not to talk about that."

"Well yeah but.."

"Then this conversation isn't happening."

I walk away from the fridge and begin to walk back into the other room. I feel a pull at my shirt and I turn my head to see Z grabbing my sleeve.

"What is wrong with you right now," I pull my sleeve away from her and look her dead in the face as she brings her face up to mine, "We agreed not to tell anyone and to stop talking about what happened. We are just friends alright? Nothing more can ever come between us because I care about Cass."

Her face starts to turn red. Which says a lot because her skin is such a deep chocolate brown that it is not always easy to tell when that happens.

"For just one minute could you not mention Cass," her voice starts out low and deep and begins to build, "For just one minute can you listen to me and not cut me off?! I am trying to tell you something but you won't let me finish!"

"And WHAT could you have to tell me that involves what happened between us huh?!"


Her face drops and mine does too. The color seems to wash out of her face and she throws her hand up over her mouth in shock. I feel dizzy and feel like I'm going to pass out. This can't be happening. It was one time, this can't happen after only one time unless…

"Are you sure it's mine?"

Anger and pain begins to fill her face.

"No, I'm telling you just for fun," she says sarcastically.

"Well how am I supposed to believe that after one time you're pregnant with my kid?"

"Because before you I was a virgin!"

Her face goes flush again as she throws her hand up over her mouth realizing what she just said. A virgin? Is that even possible for someone so good? I pull out one of the bar seats and sit down.

"I told Kiki."


"I had to," she says as her voice begins to break and tears fill her eyes, "I'm scared. This has never happened to me before. I'm a senior, this year was supposed to be easy, this was not supposed to happen! I had to tell someone. What did you want me to do?"

Tears welled in her eyes. What am I going to do? If Cass finds out, I'm dead. I look down at my hands, trying to figure out what to do or even say. I listen carefully as I hear Z begin to quietly sob. I've never heard her cry before. For years she held back tears. I could always see them forming but they never came. She kept up this strong persona of nothing being able to bother her. I pick my head up and look directly at her. I grab her shoulders firmly which causes her to look up at me. Trying my hardest to not let my voice break I begin to speak to her…

"I'm sorry, okay? I… I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just trying to figure everything out. We can figure this out together, okay?"

She nods her head as I bring her into a tight hug. Her arms wrap around me and squeeze me tighter than I am her. What am I going to do? Part of me wants this all to be some stupid dream that I will wake up from any second now. The other part wants this to be real but why that is, I have no clue.

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