

Zarah Fable

James has been here for two days already and we really haven't been able to talk lately. Anytime that I'm not in school I'm over at Kiki's house. Anytime James isn't spending with his family he is spending inside Cassidy's mouth. The two of them kissed a lot. And it didn't matter who was around or when it was, they just kissed. I shouldn't be focused on them anyway. Today is our last day of school and we are out for spring break for a month. I know that seems like a lot of time. We were supposed to be out for two week but after an inspector came in and found some issues with the building they have some things to fix. The bell rings shaking me out of my thoughts and just like that spring break has officially started. I met up with Kiki in the main lobby of the school. We decided this morning that we would walk around for a little bit before we head home. As we walk out of the school the sound of a car horn catches my attention. I put my arm out to stop Kiara from walking any farther. It was James! He was standing against his truck wearing a pair and seemingly brand new sneakers, beat up jeans, and a faded marvel universe t-shirt.

"Hey ladies, how was your day today?"

I opened my mouth to respond but Kiara did before I had the chance to.

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you trying to embarrass me?

"Woah, is that anyway to say hi to your big brother," He says as he lifts his hand up and ruffles Kiki's hair. He laughs as she swats his hand away and quickly fixes her hair before anyone sees.

"Ok ok you two calm down. Seriously though, what are you doing here?"

I never expected James to show up outside of the school.

"Well, I talked to our mom and your dad Z, and got their permission to take to, drum roll please."

James began to pat his hands like crazy on his legs while Kiki and I just looked at him like he was crazy.

"Damn, tough crowd. Anyway, I told them that I was taking you both to a town fair that just came in. I thought it would be a great way to start your spring break. Unless you don't want to go, then in that case I can just go by myself," James said as he slowly walked to the other side of his truck.

"Now, we never said that J," Kiki said as she went to grab the handle door to the front seat. About to reach for the back seat door handle James cried out.

"Wait," he was now standing in front of Kiki, "I never said for you to get up front sis," he said with a sly smile

"Well I am your sister which means I get the front because I'm not the one who offered so I'm not driving," Kiki tries to open the door but James leans on it which forces it to close.

"I never said that you had to drive."

James signals me to come forward towards him.

"I meant that I want Z to sit up front."

My face was shocked. Why did he want me up front? The two stare at each other for a few minutes before Kiki finally gives up, scoffs and switches to open the door to the backseat. James steps to the side and bows while putting his arm out like a gentleman. I give a small laugh and curtsy before James gets up and grabs the door handle to open it. I stepped up and sat down inside the car. After pulling my other leg inside the car, James closed it behind me and jogged to the other side to get into the driver's seat. I grabbed my seatbelt, pulled it across and buckled it in. James gets in and does the same before pulling off.

We seem to be driving for about an hour when James finally pulls into a parking lot and puts the truck in park.

"I thought you said that you were taking us to a town fair," Kiki asked as she leaned forward between James and I.

"Wow, would you look at that you actually have the ability to listen to me."

Kiki lifted her arm and hit James in the arm as hard as she possibly could. I couldn't help but laugh hard and loud. James turned his head and looked at me with a smile on his face. I didn't have anything to look at my face with at the time but I was sure that I was blushing. Because of this I strongly believe I became a bumbling mess.

"Well, um, how about you just tell us what is going on."

James smiled and gave a small laugh.

"The fair is a walk though. In other words, we have to park here and then we walk in and through the fair."

"I thought this fair was going to be not a lot of walking. Looks like you tricked us."

"Now what the hell kind of fair have you been to that is not a lot of walking."

At first I had no clue what Kiki was talking about. All the fairs and carnivals I had been to always had a lot of walking. Wait a minute…

"Kiki, are you talking about the one we first went to with James," I questioned.

"Yes, at least someone remembers."

Yeah I did but probably not for the reason that she thinks.

"Oh that one, I almost forgot about that one."

"Look we aren't going to accomplish anything by just sitting here so can we go in now," I asked with a bit of both excitement and annoyance. James and Kiki nodded their heads and we went inside the fair.

We have been at the fair for about 2 hours now and it was so much fun! They had so many rides and food. So far my favorite was the deep fried oreos! James was right, this is a great way to start our spring break! Kiki was running up ahead when she screamed and came to a sudden stop. She was running a lot for someone who didn't want to do a lot of walking.


I stopped just short of Kiki standing close to the near empty line for the coaster.

"Hell no."

Kiki ran over to me and grabbed me by the hands slowly attempting to drag me closer to the line.

"Come one pleaseeeee! You know this is my favorite ride and I don't want to do it without my best friend!"

Kiki gave me the big sad puppy dog eyes. She should know by now that I don't do roller coasters.

"I said no! You know that I don't do heights that are not enclosed!"

Kiki pouted as got ready to move on to the next thing as she realized that I put my foot down on this.

"Wait," James interrupted, "What if we just do the same thing we did the first time you rode a roller coaster. Kiara you ride in a separate car by yourself and then Z and I will ride in one behind you together that way you get to ride and Z will have me there if she needs me."

I tried hard to hide my smile at his suggestion. Being in the small coaster cars again with James was like a dream. Well an even better dream if he didn't have that idiot girlfriend Cassidy. But there is nothing that I can do about that. I might as well just enjoy the time left that I have with him before he goes back to college and then graduates, gets married and has kids.

"That plan sounds great! Well, how about it? Please Z?"

I was already going to say yes but I wanted to let Kiki suffer just a tad bit more. I gave a dramatic groan and then finally gave in.

"Ok, ok fine. I will ride the coaster with James for you."

Kiki squealed and jumped for joy with both of my hands in hers. She pulled me over to the line and without thinking I also grabbed James' hand but then quickly let go as soon as I realized what I did. After waiting in line for about 2 minutes the ride had finally opened up and we were getting on. I stepped in first and then James after me in our own little coaster car. I tried to hide my happiness as best as I could. Before the worker could help Kiki get in, she had already jumped in her coaster car and buckled herself in. One of the attendants came over to check her buckle, our buckle, and all of the other riders as well. After checking everything we are about to get sent off.

"Ok everyone, welcome to the ride of doom. This ride has a lot of twists and turns and even goes upside down a few times. If anyone would like to back out and not ride, this is your last chance to do so before the ride starts."

The attendant waits for a few seconds to make sure that no one wants to get off.

"Alright then. Everyone please keep your hands and legs inside the coaster car at all times. If you attempt to use your phone and drop it or lose any personal items such as your phone, wallet, keys, ect, ect, ect , we as a ride and a town fair are not responsible for what happens to them. Now please enjoy the ride."

This attendant was the worst one that I have ever seen for this ride. Before I knew it we were off and slowly climbing up the track. It was a short hill for the first few so I would be fine. The coaster went up and down over 4 short humps of the track. After we got past those and a huge one with an upside down turn was coming up. I began to feel scared. My breathing began to quicken and my heart began to race. Shocking out of this world, I feel James' hand on mine. I look up at his face and he gives me a smile and mouths the words…

"Just breathe and hold on tight to my hand ok?"

I nodded my head and held on. Not like I was going to object to the offer. I closed my eyes and screamed my ass off as the coaster raced down the track and turned upside down. Before I knew it, the ride was over and I was still holding James' hand!

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