
Things Going Right

[GV: 1100] [FV: 3501]

My games been well received. As you can tell. I earn fan value whenever someone is really satisfied with my game, you can get real satisfied more than just once. Meaning I can accumulate fan value with ease. I don't have any buy value though. But, I can purchase stuff with my Fan Value. Which explains why the high level abilities such as super speed is locked behind millions of fan values. Because it isn't impossible to reach that number.

So why is my game doing so well? After a few days of waiting and more people commenting on my post, it got pinned to the top of the forum board. [Guardian's Lure Studios] would likely be a popular name among indie games for a bit. Especially since it is better in design than most popular games currently. Still would take a while for me to fully edge into the market. With my new GV I can build on what I got. First thing? Unrealistic Compression. I want to get EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC COMPRESSION! But that is expensive, at a price of three thousand GV it's unrealistic to be able to buy that. Next was Networking 1, which allowed me to set up a system for peer to peer connection. I immediately updated the Death Match in Half Life with that, fixed so many bugs.

That was 800 of my GV in itself. Leaving me with only 300. Let's purchase RTS. I love real time strategy games, and that was never touched in this universe, meaning I have none to play. So I'm making my own. I could make Red Alert or Command and Conquer, but I'm not going to. This worlds history makes me doubt on how good those would be since I wouldn't use the Captain. I got a hundred and fifty points now. I could save these, but that would make me lose more GV and than earn it. So I used to to buy some 50 point supplementary options. Statistic Programming [50 GV] Website Programming [50 GV] Card Game Programming [50] GV. Card Games are remarkably cheap. Thus I started to work on my next game. Once Half Life reaches 10000 game value I will purchase the Time Capsule ability that allows me to triple my speed in programming. I think the agent that monitors me is getting tired of my… disappearances.

Now to start making some money. I pull up the fan value shop. Huh, I haven't really gotten a good look at this. Ok let's sort it then. Lower the value and then boom, we got some things I can afford. So things that are ordinary are pretty cheap, huh I can buy an uncut diamond for only 10 FV? Yep that is a fully uncut diamond. Unfortunately I can purchase that. Would attract too many eyes. I have no idea where to sell that sort of thing. I can purchase an sell food though! No, that won't work. I need a license if I'm not doing it at home. hah… You know what, it will be fine. I can at least buy me some good food with this. I mean, I'm not completely broke either, I found 17 dollars rummaging around the city.

Hmm, maybe Miss May can help me? Let's go talk to her. I left my system space. I had logged off in a random alley after dodging a few cameras. I'm only a few blocks from the Soup Kitchen. I started to walk back… to see my agent at the entrance looking extremely bored.


"Ah, Eric. Your finally here. I was going to leave soon."

"Sorry, I was asleep. Are the papers done!?"

"No, sorry. But I got good news. I talked to some people and managed to get you an apartment, the costs will be covered till you get your papers, at that point you will have to get a job. But it should work pretty well."

My eyes were practically glowing. "Really? You aren't joking right?"

"Yeah, really. Sorry about how slow this is all going. Situations like this aren't exactly common you know."

"It's fine. At least things aren't going horrible for me. Oh, can I have some money? I'll pay it back later."

"Sure how much?"

"A hundred bucks."

He blinked at me. "What do you need a hundred bucks for?"

"Starting up a website so I can start making money. I need some cash to start it up. It takes around a hundred dollars to get started. From there I can advert on forum websites and news sites to attract viewers and start to make more cash. I'll pay you back as soon I can. Even if it doesn't get popular."

"Well… Here."

I give him a small smile. "Sorry for asking for so much, it's just, I don't really have a lot of people to ask that aren't heavily struggling on their own."

"No I understand. Don't worry too much. I'm just happy you actually contacted the government instead of just hiding away as some others in your type of situation would."

"Yeah, I suppose. Well, you wanna show me that apartment?"

"Yeah, lets go."

I hop into his car and we drive off. Heh, finally I have a place to disguise my space hopping in.

— The Forum Site

[CaptainForever: I was wrong @Guardian'sLureStudio! Please bless me with a sequel!]

[TerritoryOne: Wait, are pigs flying? Because I think CaptainForever actually finally gave a positive review on a game.]

[DraconicEvol: The negative one has changed his opinion. It's a miracle.]

[CaptainForever: Oh shut it, if you played it you would know what I mean. It's game only intellectuals will understand.]

[ForeverCaptain: Screw you @Guardian'sLureStudio releasing yet another generic captain game.]

[CaptainForever: Oh shut it faker. Even you would change your opinion if you played the game.]

[RatedForEveryone: It's actually a pretty good game. There are tons of things hidden here. Has anyone else found the counter yet?] [Screenshot]

[WizardsAreME: What's that?]

[Guardian'sLureStudio: @RatedForEveryone congrats on being one of the first peops to discover the release date on the next game. It's one of the easter eggs I included in the game.]

[RatedForEveryone: Wait what do you mean?]

[Guardian'sLureStudio: I left a few easter eggs in the game alluding to future games. You found the first one. It's the easiest one to find. It will probably be years before all of them are found.]

[CaptainForever: Wait, so we will get a sequel? Next week?]

[Guardian'sLureStudio: Well, unfortunately no, the second game uses a stronger engine than the first and a bit more physics based puzzles and a longer story. I'd likely have to actually pay VA's and gather Beta Testers for that one. This games voice lines were made using synthesis voice program.]

[CaptionAmerica: I was wondering why the voice-lines were almost robotic at times.]

[Guardian'sLureStudio: Yeah. I'll probably have to make a remastered version of the game when I get more cash. I'm planning on opening up a new Virtual Store for it with less restricting terms than the official storefronts currently available.]

[CaptainForever: Is it this website? Guardian'sLureStudio.com?]

[Guardian'sLureStudio: No that is a fake website made an hour after this game was released. I'll let you all know the official website when it's done.]

[(Administrator) OriginOfEternity: @OriginOfEternity when the website is done, and I'll pin it for you. Loved the game btw.]

[Guardian'sLureStudio: Thanks I'll take you up on that offer soon. I gtg for now. Need to do some things IRL.]

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