
"Date forgery?"

"Do you remember when we watched the surveillance footage, and Li Zhiyong mentioned that Sui Xin had found Li Wenguang to get a signature on a checkup form?"

"Yes, I remember."

"In hospitals, the dates on such supplementary signatures are often inaccurate," Lin Yi explained.

"In other words, if Li Wenguang signed the document on the 10th, the date might have been filled in as a different time. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I get it. So you're saying that the date on the inheritance transfer document can't be taken as solid evidence—it might have been signed at a different time," Zhang Zixin said.

"But even if the date is off, that doesn't explain why Li Wenguang would sign it in the first place. That's the real mystery here."

"Exactly, why would he sign it...,"

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