
She Was Lost

Aisha was completely entranced by Pandora’s magic. She followed the Harbinger around as she led her left and right inside the labyrinth-like garden. The hedges kept on towards the distance, growing as Pandora waved a graceful hand over them.

Her prey was utterly oblivious, as Aisha was distracted by the colorful flowers that bloomed when they passed by. As a flower bloomed one after another, a tiny creature would fly out of it, leaving trails of glittering dust behind. Aisha’s eyes twinkled with delight and awe, and Pandora could only smile cunningly.

“Aisha Yang, right?” Pandora began to converse with her.

“Yes?” she replied, still distracted by the flying tiny creatures, “Pardon me, but are these little… eensy weensy things... fairies?”

Like tiny bells tinkling all around, Pandora’s laughter echoed in the maze with Aisha’s question. She raised a curious brow at the Harbinger. Was her question supposed to be funny?

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