
Accepting the Bond - I

The huge man trailed behind her silently and sat beside her in the car before the driver pulled onto the street and away from the houses.

It was then that Jade finally released a sigh of relief. Her chest felt heavy; like someone had placed kilos of stone on her.

"Is that it?" He asked again and stared at the file and the box in her hands, "Do you want nothing more?"

When Jade did not reply he continued, "There must be something you feel attached to. A memory, another heirloom or something that would remind you or someone. Why take just a file and a box?"

She shrugged and looked out of the window. Yet somehow she felt the obligation to reply. "When you start losing people, you lose the urge to hold on." Whether they were people or just things.

Malfrid did not continue the conversation and she was more than grateful for that. Just as he started to look outside the window, she discreetly opened the file only to slam it back shut loudly.

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