
Chapter 26 Defeat the Army Invaders!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the military army brought their weapons to a place not far from the refuge confidently.

This time, the army had sent ten special heavy combat tanks, two large-scale bombers, and five new fighter planes.

Jack woke up at five o'clock that day. He waited for two hours to seven when the military army arrived. Then he fell asleep again.

When the army arrived, Jack fell into a deep sleep.

Tom and Jera were also busy with their things in their room, paying no attention to what was happening on the ground.

An hour later, the army approached the refuge when they saw no response from the refuge.

The four special arms of the metal barrack instantly stood out. Even if they didn't have Jack's order, they would automatically detect the enemy's approaching.

Four destructive light rays burst out in an instant.

All of a sudden, the four tanks melted into molten iron, and the soldiers who were controlling the tanks evaporated directly.

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