
A New Life

Streams of light shot past the transparent curtains of the room and rested directly on its eyes of Maria. Slowly she opened her eyes and gently sat up. She looked around and instantly recognized the room as one of many in Roy's house. She tried to stretch but everywhere hurt. 

Her bones were weak. She tried to search for her phone but remembered Roy had snatched it, so she laid right back down and shut her eyes tightly. Her head throbbed. Her heart was even heavier. She wondered what they had done to Andrew. 

If anything happened to him, she wasn't quite sure she would ever be able to forgive herself. She also wondered what the situation at home would be like now. It would be obvious she was missing already. 

Where are they taking measures to locate her? Did Vincenzo still come to the house last night? She realized she couldn't even cry. The tears wouldn't come even if she tried, so she just lay there, resigned to fate.

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